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Kenny Tanzer

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Everything posted by Kenny Tanzer

  1. sense the first day i saw the original commercial for it on tv. and i agree with Flaming Lea all you have to do it catch up.
  2. 1.5 came out in march i think also i think 2.5 will come out in september next year for outside japan release. :-)
  3. very nice. what was the song anyway it sounds familiar?
  4. i really really hope that 1 that birth by sleep final mix will be playable and 2 will have online play. it would be so great.
  5. i would guess so unless there is somehow something missing in the ceremony.
  6. yes anyone that has a keyblade can pass it on though the ceremony which is just simply touching a keyblade which is why kairi can weild one cause she touched aquas keyblade. also so far the only thing said about being titled master is you that your are entitled to certain info.
  7. getting kingdom hearts 2 final mix in hd is just enough for me but yeah i think everyone here cant wait for it. but i am going to say that i think that we will get kingdom hearts 2.5 i would say maybe next march.
  8. i keep on watching that video i have not seen anything supporting that it is bbs(fm) dont get me wrong i hope it is and will more then likely will be but i have not any different colored unversed.
  9. i dont think there is any news about 2.5 yet i think we will here something soon though. also i am just going to make a prediction right now if they really do make 2.5 which i think they will i think it will come out in march of next year reason why i think this because north america did not get 2 originally until March 28, 2006 sorry i could not give you a real update.
  10. i really like Christopher Lee and is one of my favorite actors but Corey Burton does have the habit on being audio double for Lee so i think all in all its ok but i do hope he returns as well :-)
  11. i had that very same feeling lol. oh god you are right. see its those kinds of things i somehow over look and forget about. dear god i cant wait for this game to come out and to also get a ps4 .
  12. i dont mind this cause i expected it and i dont mind cause i will be able to get money for it with out any problems. i am just happy that we are finally going to get it and a date has been confirmed
  13. i hope somebody picks up that phone cause i called it. :-) muhahahahahahahahahttp://kh13.com/forum/topic/47917-official-hd-15-remix-international-release-date-speculation-topic/
  14. so kingdom hearts hd might come out in march in which is the same month as the original kingdom hearts came out in japan. So i am guessing if that's how are they doing it then we should get it in September that's just what i think anyway. anyway what do you guys think?
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