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About Oblivion25

  • Birthday 12/05/1996

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  1. What do you guys want to see in the collector's edition of Kingdom Hearts 3?
  2. Both are fantastic but something about Simple and Clean always resonated with me
  3. Is anyone gunna get gta5 and wanna play online for ps3? Just curious.
  4. About to enjoy my childhood in glorious HD :,)

    1. Sora
    2. EternalReckoning


      Congrats on your regaining of childhood. I get to enjoy my childhood again starting from friday xD all these revisits to the past sort of rock. gotta love dem remixes.

  5. Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue (Acoustic)
  6. I really only post my excitement before a new game comes out...
  7. Mine is JCBartlett25. I just remade it so I have no friends... feel free to add me
  8. It'll be my first one... But with kingdom hearts it'll definitely be worth a shot!
  9. Well, it's definitely...... different. But I guess I could get used to it
  10. I already posted about this... yea the song is terrible but it is nice to see the KH reference in the beat!
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