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Damion Strife

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Everything posted by Damion Strife

  1. "Yeah, remember, even when situations seem to be at their worst...there's always a light at the end of the tunnel," Felix said, "For example...when all of this is over where do you wanna be Callum? When there are no more bad guys to fight and there's peace, where do you wanna be?" They finally drove out of Virginia. Felix could almost taste it...they were getting really really close.
  2. Felix shook his head. "It wasn't you, it was Vanitas. You're perfectly fine Callum, and as long as you stay strong it'll all e alright," he said calmly.
  3. "I'm sorry Callum..." Felix said low, "It'll get better with time..."
  4. "Yeah...well congradulations all! We're in Virginia," Felix said laughing.
  5. "Really? Huh...well I've got a lot of classic rock, country, and newish rock...and gospel..." Felix said, he coughed the last part out.
  6. "You talking about the same Warrant who sang the 'cherry pie' song?" Felix asked, "Yep, heard of 'em, love 'em!" He popped in a cd and it began to play.
  7. Felix couldn't stay any longer. He put Rebekah in the car quickly, and then started it up. "Sorry no time to talk...gotta go now!!" he yelled as he hit the gas. He sped down the road at 120mph, dodged cars, out ran cops, and got onto the interstate once again. "So...anyone got any music they wanna play? It's gonna be a long ride..." Felix said calmly.
  8. "You got this buddy?" he asked Callum, "if so then grab Alex and jump in the back. We gotta get away lickity split or we're screwed!" He ran over to the passenger door, opened it, and lowered the seat for the guys. He looked at the burning gas station and sighed. Maybe he was becoming a drag...maybe he was the reason everyone would be coming for them...so what if he died? 'Don't you dare think like that! Do you know how selfish you're being?' Axel asked in thought, 'What about Rebekah? What about me? We don't want you to die!!' 'Yeah...got it...' Felix replied.
  9. "Damn, damn, damn!! Don't I ever get a firetrucking break?!" Felix yelled. He got out of the car, and whipped out the chakrams. "Alright Vanitas, I'm pissed off, tired, and really wanna get back on the road. Make this easy for yourself and back off!" he roared as he charged. James shrugged and went downstairs. "Neither of them wanted to fight," he said coldly.
  10. Felix cocked his head. "Yeah...I know...I just like to drive," Felix said. He smiled and took the keys from Rebekah. "Don't worry Callum. After we get to South Carolina you'll be able to drive you're own nice car," he said. He hopped in the driver's seat and yelled, "Let's get this show on the road!" James pointed the keyblade at Reilly. "I came here to become stronger...looks like you're practice," he said coldly.
  11. Axel jumped back into another portal, but caused it to disappear immediatly. He ended up in Rebekah's lap. "Hey, so...forget Wal~mart...let's just get outta here..." Axel said casually. James got to the room and saw Reilly standing there with his etheral blades pointing out. "What the Hell? What are you doing here?" he asked summoning up his keyblade.
  12. Axel took a hit in the face. He now had one choice...he'd get away as fast as he could. He opened a dark portal to the old abandoned governor's mansion...the place he'd been before he'd met any of them. He was back in his cousin Marcus's room, and held it open so that Xemnas would hopefully follow. "Ethan, do you sense that?" James asked. He felt further...it was that guy...Felix. He'd have his revenge early. So he quietly stalked up the stairs...
  13. Good afternoon!!! xD

  14. Axel's arms were grazed as the blades flew by, he knew he had only one choice, and so he threw his chakrams at Xemnas. As soon as they passed, he summoned them back, and then charged at Xemnas again.
  15. Tonight we are young...

    1. Rob


      Next week......we dine in Kingdom Hearts.

    2. wayfinder823


      Does that mean I'll be old in the morning?

    3. Damion Strife

      Damion Strife

      Speak up sonny I can't here you...did you say cold in the morning?

  16. (OOC: If you could have someone meet up with Joy and them, you could squeeze someone in with them. You could have a character meet up with them at the park since they have a SUV) Seichi went over to Jayson and said, "Wow...I can't believe you made me lieutenant, but I won't let you down!" Scott smiled. "See the only difference between Cain and I is that he had no escape plan, but I did!" ,Scott said smiling wide. Behind him was a small plane in a hanger...underneath his house. "I live on a man-made plateau....by the way...I know you haven't been able to see out, but it is what it is..." he said laughing.
  17. Axel quickly pulled up his left chakram and blocked, but the force threw him into the eisles behind him. He ended up in the frozen foods with peas all over him. He shook it off and stood up. "Now that's cold..." he said, "let's turn up the heat a bit..." He set the floor and walls on fire, and ran at Reilly.
  18. Axel dodged the stab, but got grabbed by the clone. He then put his left leg firmly between the clone's legs and kicked up.
  19. Axel smirked and disappeared within a portal of darkness, he reappeared by the counter, and hurled more fire balls. "I'm not that stupid Xemnas!" he yelled.
  20. Felix let Axel take over, and he summoned up his chakrams. "Well I'd say the feelings mutual," Axel said smirking. He then decided to have a tactical advantage, and immediatly started hurling fireballs at Reilly.
  21. "Well who do we have here? Pee Wee Herman?" Felix asked jokingly. He smirked and then looked at Callum. "Just go tell Rebekah, and Alex to go to Walmart with you. It's down the road. Give Rebekah the keys." He walked inbetween Callum and Reilly, handed Callum the keys, and nodded. 'Felix be careful...this guy's got Xemnas...' Axel thought. 'Oh what a freaking joy...don't worry...I've got a plan Axel,' Felix thought. "Why don't you and me fight, I've fought pretty much every bad guy this group has met except you...it'll be a good change of pace," Felix said with a smile.
  22. Scott smiled and said, "Yeah...each door has a trap only triggered if more than three people walk through, but seeing as how it's just you and me...don't worry about it. Your goal is just to get through it quick fast and in a hurry. If you get to the end, you'll find a beautiful suprise." He opened one of the doors and rushed through the entire labyrinth. He ended in the middle, and went through a trap door at the bottom. Then turned on the lights.... Felix enjoyed the kiss. He smiled at her and then said, "I got breakfast! Well you wanna help out Alex while I get Callum?" He turned and looked at the car...no Callum. He looked around the store, and he was by the water. "Yo Callum...I've got the drinks and breakfast, we're good to go!" he said smiling.
  23. "Yeah....I was thinking of walking in with my shirt off...no I'm just kidding. That's wrong! No I've actually got a ton of coupons that are supposed to work anywhere," Felix said with a slight laugh. Boy..Rebekah would be pissed if he did that. Finally the tank was full, so he put the pump up, and closed the cap on the car. "Watch the car until Callum gets back. Felix got to the counter holding his coupons, four cups of coffee (his was black with two cups of sugar), and four bacon, egg, and cheese biscuts. He got the gas for $50.00, and the food for $16. He only had enough money for one more tank of gas. So he started walking out, but then he stopped. He looked over to Rebekah and blew her a kiss, and waited for a response.
  24. Staying up late has its benefits.

  25. James landed and looked around. The mansion would be a perfect training ground, because now it was a crumbling death trap that no normal man would want to be in. "We're here," he said casually. Felix was almost done pumping gas, the Camaro had a huge gas tank, and that made him extra happy. "You know what? After this I'm gonna go see if I can get us some cheap as Hell breakfast in the gas station," he said smiling.
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