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Damion Strife

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Everything posted by Damion Strife

  1. "We don't take credit here....but if you have munny we'll get you what you need." ,Damion told the stranger, " I'll talk to Cid about the parts." Damion, goes inside, and comes back within seconds, " Ok, good news and bad news, the laser you want is here, it is free of charge because nobody in Radient garden needs the part, but the bad news is that the hyperdrive is inside the top tower of the Castle on the outskirts of town, and only the chief of the RGSS is allowed in, but seeing as how that's me I can escort all of you into the Castle to get the part you need. I just have to warn you that it used to be the home of some bad heartless, and there are some rooms I don't quite like to stay too long in. Do you still want to go? Is everyone coming? I won't hold it against you if you don't want to go."
  2. Yay! You've been on! We're gonna have lot's of fun on this site the people are excellent!!!
  3. "Sure stranger, it's right in here!" ,Damion answered pointing toward's Merlin's house. He opened the door and yelled, "Hey Cid! Ya got a customer!!!" After a few minutes Cid says, "You make the sale and give me the payment." "Ok, thanks Cid! So, what kind of parts do you need? We have a whole supply of parts inside." ,Damion says calmly....then he looks over at the Lycan holding the weird weapon, "So, exactly what kind of weapon is that if you don't mind my asking...dad told me something about a kid who used weapons like that, but I kinda forgot what those are called."
  4. So....I need to go to sleep because of Algebra tomorrow...but...I don't want to....

  5. Damion and the man put away their swords and look at the Lycan. "Thanks for taking care of those things. They were causing a terrible ruckus in the middle of town and that would not look good on my resume..." ,Damion says. (After a few seconds Damion finally learns August's name and he tells them about the Unbound.) "Oh...ok!, so those are Unbound!" Damion said scratching his head...then they heard a terrible crash echo in the distance.... "Great! The whole dang city is coming apart!!!" Damion yelled looking at the pillar of smoke rising in the distance...
  6. (Damion is a bit of a free spirit so he doesn't really introduce himself or ask August to. Just incase that needed to be cleared up. I kinda thought to put that into the post, but until you introduce yourself to Damion or ask his name he won't know and you won't know.)
  7. Damion was on his way out to the outskirts to hunt up some heartless the RGSS security system had picked up, when he notices a stranger fighting off some fierce looking heartless. " I don't know who you are stranger, but it's time to show you how heartless killing's done!" he shouts. Reving up Fenrir Damion launches the bike off the side of the crevace and dives down at the mysterious warrior and heartless. Without a moment's hesitation he quickly flips the bike, and launches a multi-shot blast with Hydra killing the weak heartless leaving only a largebody heartless. Then he dismounts the bike mid-air, letting it assume it's auto-park mode, quickly draws Nightshade, and impales the heartless on it. Damion dusts himself off, and looks at the bewildered stranger. "Need a ride?" Damion asked. "Yeah..." the man replied. Damion smirks and jumps onto Fenrir and yells, "Hop on man, I'll take ya to town." So the man hops on eager to get out of the canyon and they ride into town. Damion gives him the Radient Garden tour, from Town Square, to the Mayor's Office, to the Ice Cream Shop, to the RGSS building, and then the man after Damion's long spill asks, "What was that?! What were those weird creatures?" Damion lookes at him funny and says, "Well you must not be from around here at all...those are heartless...basicly any evil that consumes a person becomes one of those nasty things, and so...we kill them." So, just as soon as the word's 'And this is Merlin's place where we moniter...' came out of Damion's mouth, the ground began to shake, and the a dark aura appeared before them and six beastly figures appeared before them (Unbound) "Heartless!!! No...not heartless..what are they???" ,Damion asked...the man just stared bewildered..., "Well they aren't good so...time to dispose of them" The two hopped off Fenrir and drew their weapons......(Not with a whimper gave me permission to move his character this way.)
  8. Thanks! Yeah, KH3 is definatly going to be worth the wait. Actually it's the reason I bought my PS3. I just hope no new system comes out before the game does...
  9. Excellent! I see no problems in the story, I am anticipating the second chapter! Suprises are what stories are all about man! Great job on building up suspense, it really tied me in as a reader, and as a college student I must say I am impressed with your writing!
  10. It looks like real life, I am so ready for it to come out, but....after it...KH3! Anticipation has mounted for me ever since the end of KH2, but my question is...can they top it?
  11. Hey! Thanks everybody! I hope we can all be friends! So, is everyone drowning in anticipation over Final Fantasy Versus XIII as I am?
  12. Don't worry bout me, I've never been a fan of over powered characters. I concider him pretty well rounded. But that's as good as Damion gets.
  13. Character Name: Damion Leon Strife Age: 18 Home world: Radient Garden History: Damion is the son of Cloud and Tiffa. He was taught how to fight with a sword by his father and Squall Leonheart. Damion looked at Squall as a mentor and made his weapon "Nightshade" with him. Nightshade is basicly a remake of the buster sword mixed with Leon's gunblade, but instead of Leon's insignia on the blade it has a beautiful carving of the Radient Garden Castle aka Ansem the Wise's place. Damion, Squall, and Cloud took the former Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee and turned it into the Radient Garden Security Squad. Cloud and Squall had their age creep up on them and it came down to Damion to lead the front to clear out the remaining Heartless. Damion is never far without his dad's old Fenrir. On one of Damion's routes he was ambushed by a hooded figure and was injected with a vile of DNA. After the Radient Garden team analyzed Damion's blood they realized the DNA was that of Vincent Valentine, who had met up with them briefly but then fled to the realm of darkness to fight the scurge at it's source. Bio: After being injected with Vincent's DNA Damion gained most of his abilities, including the fact that he is immortal, but he can still die. Damion also has the ability to move very swiftly and has the combat skills of Cloud, Leon, and Vincent. Damion is calm headed, slow to judge, and has a strong sense of justice. Damion is unable to use magic, but has a powerful attack and defence. Personality: He is kind, serious, and has a way of communicating to people in a calming way. However, when he is pushed too far he becomes a totally different person. Angry, wrathful, murderous, and doesn't listen to anyone. When he is calm he takes orders, but as leader of the RGSS he rarely gets any, not even the mayor tells him no, and all of the citizens of Radient Garden hold him at a high reguard because of who his mentors are and what he has done. Appearance: This. Main Weapon: Night Shade Secondary Weapon: Hydra (Cerberus, but with five barrels instead of three.) Signature Ability: Has the ability to cause the blade to vibrate until it is covered with enough energy that makes it go from a six foot blade to a seven foot blade. It can cut through practically anything at this point. He can also reload Hydra in less than six seconds, but this also means he keeps bullets on almost every inch of his belt and fenrir is stockpiled with extra bullets. Alignment: Light Hobbies: Working out, reading, hanging out with friends, and riding Fenrir to the outskirts of town to fight Heartless.
  14. I'm just one of the many Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts fans in the world. I have followed most every Final Fantasy game, and have played through almost all of the Kingdom Hearts games. My favorite Final Fantasy Character to date is Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII, but my favorite Kingdom Hearts Character is definatly Axel. Vincent because he is a beast and totally owns anyone standing against him, and Axel because of the two flamming wheels he has. That's pretty much all I have to say, but I'm looking forward to all the cool stuff KH13 has to offer!
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