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Damion Strife

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Everything posted by Damion Strife

  1. Oh yeah...there will be another one by 10 or 10:30...Idk what the subject will be though...
  2. "Nope! They were hot!!" ,Felix said sadly as he walked to his room. "Roxas...ok...yeah...the fact that she could fry people in an instant was very hot...and not just cuz I'm the fire guy but because she could do it!" Axel said smiling. "Easy killer...let's go to bed before you say to much and put me in the dog house ok?" Felix asked. He then shut his door, but didn't lock it. Then got out of his swimsuit, and put on some pj pants and hopped in bed. It was warm, and the street light coming in through his window cast little tiny lines of light all over his room. Yet another reason why Rebekah ended up on the other side. He lay in bed trying to sleep...allowing himself to wish against his judgement that she'd come in wanting some kisses. He blushed, and covered his face.
  3. Yeah...it comes from personal experiance...along with about 99% of my poetry.
  4. You are completly right. It was a hard poem to right, but a necessary one.
  5. "It's not my fault little buddy...she was just so...so...so...." Axel began. "Flaming hot doritos! FREAKING SWEET!!" Felix yelled from inside the kitchen. "I was trying to speak through you!! Why are you eating? Why? We aren't hungry!!!" Axel yelled. "Shit you ain't, I am. Keep talking to Roxas while I stuff our face," Felix grumbled as he grabbed the chips. "Well...she was hot to me...but after Felix showed me what Aqua looked like...I had a change of..." Axel started. "Melon Farmer!! My mouth is on fire!!!" Felix yelled. He ran to the bathroom and started brushing his teeth.
  6. New post to Damion's Poems.

  7. This time I'm not playing a game, There isn't any time for those foolish things, Nothing will remain the same, This is what my heart sings. I don't trust you anymore, You slapped my face, Then slammed my door, With me you have no place. I'm not yours and never will be, I'm leaving now so say goodbye, Don't you make that sad face at me, Everything we were was a lie. You never loved me you never could, So I'm going to leave you now, I'm going away for good, I won't take you back no way no how. Get away from me and don't speak a word, You've spoken your poison before, Not another lie will be heard, Especially not through this door. Now that you're shut out I can be at rest, I tried what I could with you, And I did my best, You struck me though and I'm now through.
  8. Felix sized Matthew up and nodded. "Alright, he stays on the couch, and please don't eat all of the food. Feel free to help yourself to the TV...and bathroom," Felix said shrugging. He then looked around. "Alright...well I'm gonna shower and head off to bed guys...too much excitment for one night," he said getting out of the pool. He then turned and waved at everyone. Then he looked back at Rebekah and said, "Night babe! If you have any problems just come see me. My door will be unlocked ok? Night Callum, night Alex, and Matt...try not to stay up too late...big day tomorrow." Scott got onboard the airplane, and sat down. "Oh I can imagine...let's see...Piolet, once Alexis gets on board fly us to Georgia. I think Felix is from around that part of the country," he ordered. He buckled in, and waited with his suitcase in his lap.
  9. "Woah! Easy there man. We don't wanna go killing our guests if they're good!" Felix shouted. 'We both know what you're thinking..."Kill him kill him!!" Right?' Axel thought. 'No...I'm over it,' Felix thought. 'B.S,' Axel thought. 'Damn..thought you'd believe me...' Felix thought. He started laughing and then remembered the serious nature at hand. "Alright...so what's your beef Vanitas? Why are you so pissy?" Felix asked, "I mean crap, you've got people who can help you figure out why the Hell you're trapped in another person, and you're always lashing out like a child. Jeeze...I mean...Axel didn't lash out when I was torturing his crush, but come on dude. Seriously." 'DID YOU FREAKING HAVE TO MENTION THAT INFRONT OF ROXAS?! I'LL NEVER HEAR THE END OF IT!!!' ,Axel thought. 'Yep, kinda did,' Felix replied laughing.
  10. Ok...so today was completly awesome. Good church service, good lunch, and I fixed my airconditioner with a screwdriver and some hard work! xD

    1. Roxas_Wagner


      You're so lucky!My sunday was sooo boring =/...

  11. 'Freaking great...he's a good guy,' Felix thought, 'Well neglect will off him just as easily as me.' 'Dude really? You're gonna play jealous and cause this guy to die?' Axel thought. 'No...I'm beginning to wish you couldn't hear my thoughts...' ,Felix thought, 'Better give him a welcome before Rebekah gets mad...' "Yeah! I've got Axel, my girlfriend Rebekah there has Aqua, Alex has Roxas, and Callum there has Vanitas," Felix said swimming close to Rebekah. He put an arm around her and smiled brightly at him. But deep down...fire was rising in his heart. "Well...we could just keep the girl alive, and make him watch as we torture her. Then the only way for him to die would be if he walked over and killed himself infront of her. Then we tell her that he never cheated...and you can take your time torturing her...and yadda yadda," Scott said grabbing the suitcase, "Alright. Time to go to the plane." He headed towards the door...
  12. "Hell...what've we got to lose huh? Let's trust him, and see what happens. He tries any funny buisness, we off him, tie him up in some garbage bags, and float him out to sea," Felix said sourly. He didn't like the way he'd touched Rebekah...and deep down he hoped this guy was bad news. "Well my dear, that's why we'll strike when they're all asleep. When I'm upclose to a group of inhabiters I can sense them individually, and trust me this will help you exact all the vengence you need. We'll slip into Felix's room, I'll hold him down, and you booze him up. Then once he's out, we stage a scene that'll make his little girlfriend think he's cheated on her. She'll never trust him, and he'll always blame Axel. He'll leave the group, and then we strike them when he's gone. After they're dead, we bring proof to Felix, and he'll pretty much beg us to kill him," Scott said smiling at her. He shut his suitcase, and turned to face her. "Would that be enough to satisfy you on him?" he asked.
  13. Felix spun around and shot more water at Alex and Callum. He kept laughing as he lunged at Rebekah again. "Snacks for the flight over the southern states...and well the vodka is for Felix," Scott said smiling, "We're...well you're gonna get him drunk."
  14. What is love? Baby don't hurt me... Don't hurt me... No more. (Now bob your heads from side to side like off SNL with this in your head, then you'll know how my day has been.) xD

    1. VanitasisKirby


      Ahahah, I was listening to this song while reading this xD Best song ever x)

    2. Kirie
    3. Damion Strife

      Damion Strife

      Yup!!! xD

      That movie is super funny by the way!

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  15. "This means....SPLASH WARR!!!" Felix yelled. "KEEP IT DOWN!! IT'S 7:30!" ,the neighbor yelled. Felix's patience was wearing thin. "THE QUIET LAWS START AT 8!" ,he yelled. Then he started flinging water around first in Callum's direction, then Alex, and for Rebekah...he swam up close and launched himself laughing. "Well I didn't expect a kiss. She must feel quite good," Scott said rubbing his cheek. He headed upstairs, but stopped infront of her room. "Oh, by the way...that was your wedding present to me...that was pretty good, but this upcoming event...is my present to you," he said smiling. He continued on down the hall, and went into his room. It was dark, and there was an unreasonably large bed in the center of the room. The walls were dark brown, and there were three suits laid out on the bed. He then grabbed a suitcase from his closet, and put the suits in. He also put in six packs of goldfish, three cans of Dr. Pepper, and one bottle off Smirnov Vodka. He had a plan...a very perfect, very evil plan...and he thought Alexis would love it too. Use team insecurity, and then strike when voulnerable.
  16. Felix swam over to Rebekah and nodded. "Yeah..I'm just a bit lucky I guess. I've never really thought about it though," Felix said looking at the house, "Rebekah do you know what this means?" He swam close to her and smiled wide. Scott nodded. "A bit...but that's not important. What is important is that you and I have some kids to kill. As soon as you want to get cleaned up, changed, and ready for travel," he said grinning wider.
  17. "Yeah!! That's what I was thinking!" ,Felix said smiling. He saw Alex dive and hold his breath for a minute. Instantly his competetive drive was activated and he dove under, and came out after two minutes. "YUH!!" he yelled loudly. Then a neighbor shouted, "HEY YOU KEEP IT DOWN!!" "Sorry sir! I'll try!!" ,Felix shouted.
  18. "Dude!! I've got it! Once the craziness is over we all should have a big ass cook out! Everyone brings food, drinks, and whatever! Then we just have a pool party like this, and chill. Sound good?" ,Felix asked grinning.
  19. "Man...alright..." Axel said with a huff. "Thanks man!!" Felix said smiling. He swam over to the 4 ft side and said, "Dude...Callum maybe we could go to the beach some time this week and see how far we can swim!"
  20. "Holy crap guys!! I got an idea.....BURRN THE WATER!!" Felix said maniacly. He then heated the pool with his hands until it was a warm enough temperature. "Why didn't I think of that sooner??" ,he asked himself. 'Cuz your an idiot,' Axel said bluntly. 'Shut it,' Felix grumbled. 'Make me,' Axel dared.
  21. "Sweet man!! Don't worry, after this time here you'll have a beach body that'll make Van's fangirls squeel," Felix said holding a thumb's up. He then slid down the rail and walked around the dinner table. "Callum and me are gonna go for a swim. If ya'll go change you're completly welcome to join in!" ,he said smiling. He ran out the back door like a mad man and jumped into the pool's 6ft side, and holy crap was it cold!
  22. Update on my poems.

  23. My free will was murdered last night, It was bashed brutally in the street, Didn't put up much of a fight, Just got trampled by angry feet. My free will was murdered last night, Some one shot it in the heart, Didn't get to put up a fight, Just got ripped a part. My free will was murdered last night, She stomped out it's eyes, It'll never see the light, It's said it's goodbyes. I feel like a lifeless vagabond, That just got tied up and beat, Thrown into a pond, and left for fresh meat. No more time for me to rest, I've got nothing to call my own, I'm not anywhere near my best, My true colors of failure have shown.
  24. "Thanks man! But...It was Felix who cooked. I just kinda co-pioleted," Axel said laughing. "Now, I'm gonna get some of this stuff!" Felix said. He scooped up a good portion of everything, and ate his fill. The food was great, the company was fantastic, but something was up. Callum left a little early...and Felix thought he knew why. So he ate faster, went to his room, and changed. He was wearing some red and white swimming trunks he'd got for the trip. He didn't care about showing his scars, he didn't think anyone would care to see them out in the sunlight, but then he walked into Callum's room. "Hey man, wanna go swim with us? I know we don't really know eachother well, but I'd like to know ya a bit more," he said casually, "If you don't want to, I'll understand, and I can leave ya up here for a bit. I mean...we're kind of a big familly now. We need to get to know eachother." Scott watched and laughed. Every once in a while an inmate would run up to him, and he'd put him down with a few punches. But watching Alexis kill them was the highlight of his day, and it got him thinking. If she was good enough to do all this to these guys...what could she do to a group of kids by his side? His mind was now made up. It was time she got her wish...as soon as she wanted to clean up, the two of them would go down south, and see where exactly those brats were hiding.
  25. "Alright let's dig in!!" Felix shouted. He looked at his plate and then at Rebekah's. "I'll go last, you guys fill your plates," he said casually. Scott nodded at her and then snapped. All of the doors were locked, and the inmates became furious. They started running at Scott and Alexis full speed with their fists raised.
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