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Damion Strife

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Everything posted by Damion Strife

  1. "Wow! Holy crap man that actually hurt!" ,Valcon said as blood trickled down his back. He turned around and looked at Dexel, who looked like he was pretty tired, and his power level had dropped to three thousand. "Ok, I'll make this easy." ,Valcon said as he powered down to two thousand nine hundred. Then he smirked and fired his Masanko attack at the already wore out Dexel. That's gonna hurt like heck, but he'll just be knocked out, Valcon thought. His attention then turned to Rixku who was actually trying to kill Cassidy. "Hey big one, eat this punk!" ,Valcon said holding up his left had. He then pushed his power up to five thousand and launched twenty powerful energy blasts at Rixku.
  2. (Back story...) Kenneth was dreaming, but it was a memory he was dreaming of...his elite four challange in Kanto, which was just last year. After winning in Hoenn, Johto, and beating all the gyms in Kanto he had come so very far.... But this time he was against Gary Oak... "Go! Absol!!" ,Kenneth Yelled. "Go! Arcanine!" ,Gary yelled. Within three moves Absol took Arcanine down, but then came something Kenneth didn't expect. A Blastoise that blew Absol away, then Eevee went down, and poor Sneasel didn't stand a chance. It was over, and his brothers looked at him and said, "What?! You couldn't beat Gary???" Kenneth held back tears that wanted to come out, so far...and all for nothing... Kenneth woke up in the chair. "Holy crap, that just keeps on coming back...." ,Kenneth said staring at his pokemon, "Don't worry guys. We'll never lose that way again..."
  3. "Well, JP, from my understanding anyone with basic energy control can do so. All you have to do is channel your energy down to your legs and push hard. Then presto, you are flying," ,Valcon said enthusiasticly, "As for what your proffessor said, we will go train with the others and tell them the good news. I just hope he doesn't forget the bathrooms." Then after flying up to the training ground Valcon and JP took cover behind a rock. "JP, I want you to take Rixku and Cassidy, I'm going to train the sayain. Ok?" ,Valcon whispered. Then, JP was alone and Valcon was behind Dexel. "Nice day isn't it?" ,Valcon asked. Then he grinned and punched Dexel hard in the chest.
  4. I can't believe she punched me before I left... ,Valcon thought, that was an ok punch, but she really needs to stop comparing a sayain with her species. We can take punches like that all day and not feel anything more than a tap. However, Dexel hasn't reached that point just yet. His power level needs to be atleast 6000 before the E-arthling's punch becomes a love tap. "My name is Valcon, I'm from another world, and I would like you to build me a ship. My pod's computer will be sufficeint to controll the ship, but all I actually need is a ship that can seat seven people, has a bathroom, a food storage room, and a gravity control that can multiply the current gravity by 500. Is that possible?" ,Valcon asked the proffessor.
  5. "Does that mean you would like to take this from here for me? I wouldn't mind if you took that young woman down a few notches, oh and I almost forgot to give everyone encouragement" ,Valcon said before yelling, "THE FIRST PERSON TO GET KNOCKED OUT GETS THE SHIP CLEANING DUTY!" Then Valcon turned to JP and said, "Do you mind taking me to see this proffessor? We really need him to start working on the ship immediatly."
  6. Damion awoke in a white room inside the mansion, Celeste had dragged him in there. He could tell because she was wiping the blood off her hands and was trying to clean the blood and dirt that had accumulated on the white floor. "What....just happened? I'm so weak.." ,Damion said slowly. He stood up, but then immediatly took a seat in a chair. Celeste had folded up his coat and gloves and then she put them infront of him. He looked up at her, smiled, and thanked her. Then he went back to sleep in the chair. (Celeste gave me permission to use her character.) Celeste healed Damion while he slept and wondered how someone could take such a beating and still be able to walk. All she could think was that this guy was reckless.
  7. As soon as the mysterious challanger left Kenneth let loose a huge sigh of relief. "Aunt Joy, Eevee and Sneasel fainted again," Kenneth said shamefully. "Oh, what are we gonna do with those two?" ,Nurse Joy replied laughing. She healed his pokemon, and after they were healed he decided to go sleep in the back room in a chair.
  8. "Actually I'm not a trainer....I'm a....visting my Aunt!" ,said Kenneth nervously, "Then he ran inside the Pokemon Center. Aunt Joy!!" Immediatly the Nurse Joy ran out and said, "Oh my gosh Kenneth!! How are you dear?" Then they began talking about his travels to Johto and Kanto, and remenissed about his Hoenn adventures and all the times he had to visit her.
  9. Kenneth spotted a trainer, and thought that he might be looking to score some points. "Absol, quick get into the pokeball!" ,Kenneth whispered. Absol complied, then Kenneth walked into the Pokemon Center holding a book called "Learning to be a Poke-Doc 101" and wasn't even taken as a trainer at all. It's a good thing I got that book from mom, otherwise I'd be in pretty bad shape. I only have three hundred points, and that was out of pure luck, Kenneth thought.
  10. Kenneth started walking to Maville City, his Absol walking beside him. "So, it sure has been quite a while hasn't it Absol?" ,Kenneth asked. To think he was back in Hoenn, where it had all began just eight years ago, and he smiled. He then pulled out a book entitled "Pokemon and their Trainers: Book VI-Putting Your Pokemon First. By: Proffessor Birch." He had already read through Prof. Oak and Prof. Elm's book of early pokemon development and nurturing, but these books taught the value of true partnership. "What do you say we see what's going on at the Pokemon Center Absol" ,Kenneth said. Absol happily walked beside him, and the two headed into the city.
  11. "No she isn't. She's too high to see you" ,Valcon said with a dark smirk. He then ran over, picked Rixku up, and threw her a mile into the sky. "I'll train her, but I see that she is hiding some power. So I'm going to draw it out, just like this" ,Valcon said as he powered up. Then with Rixku locked in his sights he fired thirteen energy blasts, and then sent a devestating energy ball the size of a full grown lion at the girl. This should be enough to make her angry, Valcon thought. "Oh and Dexel, just tell me how you got trained while I take care of this little matter. It really won't take me too long" ,Valcon said looking as his blasts neared their target.
  12. "ORO?! You want me to what???" ,Valcon stared at the two girls looking very concerned.
  13. I'm sick...not like sick of school or sick of my proffessors, sick of crazies living in my dorm or anything. But just achoo sick...

    1. animemylove


      wow .. they sound quite intelligent


    2. Damion Strife

      Damion Strife

      Oh very..they just got semi-sober and are now crying about their low grades and how they don't think they'll see their sophmore year...he just asked his friend why he couldn't get good grades. Lol.

    3. animemylove


      welcome to college lol

    4. Show next comments  174 more
  14. "Interesting, well, you must have exceeded your masters quite rapidly" ,said Valcon. He looked at Dexel, and waited for his story.
  15. (Ok, thanks ) Name: Kenneth Maple Age: 18 Region: Hoenn Trainer type: Dark Appearance: Short black hair, glasses, black t-shirt, gray jeans, very light complected, black converse, a black messenger bag, and blue-gray eyes. Pokemon: Absol, Eevee, and Sneasel. Bio: Kenneth just wants to proove to his family that he has what it takes to be a pokemon trainer. His dad is known throughout the world as the greatest pokemon breeder, his mom was a Nurse Joy, and his two younger brothers became trainers later than him but they have acceeded their big brother in everyway. Kenneth chose dark pokemon when his father asked him to help with a newborn pokemon that was hatching. Kenneth rushed to the egg, and when it hatched his best friend Absol was born. Kenneth was only eight, but he and Absol quickly became friends. When he became a trainer he later caught Eevee and Sneasel. Though Kenneth isn't the most confident person in the world he does have a strong bond with his pokemon, and Kenneth has a strong sense of what to do. He is just too timid to act. Goal: To show that he isn't a push over as a trainer and maybe some day become known as a master.
  16. (Is it too late for me to make a character?)
  17. "Wait, that was a bad move..." ,Valcon said. He instantly grabbed the fully healed JP and the two of them landed together. He then backed up again and checked their readings. Wow, both of them jumped up by 700. That's remarkable, I've never seen a power gain that high in such a short ammount of time, Valcon thought. "Alright you guys. Let's take a breather, we don't want to get too rilled up and start treating eachother like enemies" ,Valcon said. He sat down and stared at the two of them. "You both fight really well. I'm curious, where on this planet did you learn to fight?" ,Valcon asked.
  18. Wow...that's like really good....its very sad that the mother dies....
  19. Valcon caught JP, healed him up to full strength and then chunked him at Dexel.
  20. (I love Bleach! Ok. I get ya. Ok. Accepted, just try to let things even out.) (Oh, and there is going to be a boss battle as soon as we get to space. We'll be attacked by some of Cooler's henchmen.)
  21. Damion was so injured he couldn't see straight, his eyes went black to blue, and he landed on one knee. "Freaking tough guy...what happened?" ,Damion said. Then he choked up and spat out a glob of blood. "Someone get the license on that bus?" ,Damion said laughing. Then he fell on his face....out cold for the first time in his life.
  22. (I can agree with that. If the super sayain comes in a bit later, maybe as a last resort?)
  23. Damion sliced away most of the rockets, the ones that hit him exploded. He walked out of them with a tattered up cloak, ripped up jeans, and his gloves were scortched. Other than that, Damion had no real damage to his body and tossed the cloak and gloves aside. "You know, that coat weighed about ten pounds" ,Damion said calmly. His eyes went from blue to red, and he vanished. Within an instant Damion was behind the man who summoned the dragons and fired hydra at his back. Seconds after the bullets left the barrells, Damion was standing ten feet away from the man, and his sword was in the attack position. He was waiting for an opening.
  24. (Accepted, but do you have a specific race or any special moves?)
  25. Damion snapped out of his confused state and quickly pulled hydra and fired at the assailant. "Jerk! Cheap shot!" Then he pulled his sword and slashed at the attacker furiociously, and completly lost himself in a rage that took control of his actions. He took the assailants hits, but they didn't phase him. He had lost all feeling in his blind rage.
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