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Damion Strife

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Everything posted by Damion Strife

  1. Stabalization. The Future I will return to America. There is no place for it here.
  2. "Good man! We're headed east. The police radio frequency says that they've killed all the infected on the east coast. So...have you ever been to Savanah Georgia?" ,James asked. He knew the kid had probably seen some pretty bad things back there so he decided to loosen the atmosphere...by playing some Brad Paisley. "Hope you're a country fan dude....it's a thirteen hour trip!" ,James said smiling. Three o'clock, they passed into a small town that was filled to the brim with infected, luckily though they were busy trying to break into a McDonalds to eat the workers. However it seemed that they were extremly unsuccessful. They continued driving and by 10pm, they parked in another dark parking garage. "Don't worry kid. Those doors are bullet proof, and nothing can get in here. So just relax. Try to sleep it'll help." ,James said, "By the way, I know you've probably seen some pretty bad stuff. I have too, my whole family was masacred and I had to kill the remains. It's bad stuff we've walked into, but as long as you stick with me, you'll be fine. I promise." James turned on the police radio, 'Breaking news, New York is lost! That brings the states lost count up to thirty-five. Military personell have been pushed to the boarders and are currently constructing concrete walls, meanwhile troops in the trenches infront of these walls are holding back the vast hordes of infected. Stay tuned for the next update in just twelve hours.' ,the radio said. As the silence entered James fell asleep. With the doors locked, the keys in his front pocket, and the blast armor down on the car he felt safe. He also felt good for saving someone.
  3. Triple Agreed cuz I'm winning again.
  4. "Well...Kakarot will take care of them...you can't change fate. It'll be another year before they get to Namek, and once they do, Frieza will send them away. Plus I know my friend will be able to stop them. He is Nail's big brother, and he has illegally synced with thirteen of Nameks fighters...but...looks like Dexel wins after all. We have to go after Frieza now...as much as I hate to admit I was wrong...there is no way we can let that scum coat my friends' planet with his evil. So Dexel...looks like you get to have your revenge after all." ,Valcon said sighing. It also looks like Cooler wins control...I freaking hate this situation... ,Valcon thought. He changed the coordinates to Namek. Then the ship blasted off.
  5. James saw a civilian being attacked on the side of the road. "Well shoot fire!" ,he yelled. He then blasted some loud ACDC 'Highway to Hell' and rammed one of the zombies, he then took the opprotunity to shoot the other with his Garand. He rolled down the window and said, "Hey kid, you been bitten? The name's Lt. James Patton. I'm probably the closest thing to safty right now."
  6. Valcon tackled her to the ground. His power spiked, he then shoved Cassidy in the airlock toilet and shot her into space. "FIIIINNE!!! You wanna be a bad guy! BE A BAD GUY!!!! TELL FRIEZA HELLO IN HELL FOR ME!" WHAT YOU FAIL TO REALIZE IS...KAKAROT HAS ALREADY DEFEATED RADITZ, YOU'VE BEEN IN THIS POD FOR A MONTH AND YOU DIDN'T NOTICE IT!!!" ,Valcon yelled. The pod blasted far far away from Cassidy, she was alone in space. Valcon cracked his knucles, then looked around. "I really didn't want to do that...but....rules...are rules. We have a journey, and anyone who is insubbordonate will meet an unfortunate fate." ,Valcon said huffing. No doubt Frieza's men will surely pick her up, but of course she will have the unfortunate displeasure of finding that he'll be on Namek by the time she get's to his home world, he thought. He then looked at Rixku. "I know she was your friend...but she was our enemy. If you want...you can go with her. Just take the escape pod...I also accidently emptied a week's worth of our stool with her...hoopsidasiy" ,Valcon said giggling.
  7. James stopped his car at the state line. "Hmmm...Arkansas....no I need to go east...not North..." ,he said calmly. He then drove east. He drove all night. 1am to 5 am, and then he stopped at a storage facility. He parked his car in a storage garage, turned it off, and closed the gate on himself. He went to sleep in his car, and woke up at 1pm. He then opened the garage and continued driving... He then noticed a blockade of cars on the interstate, so he drove off road....past a burning town, and on the sign it said 'Jackson Mississippi, Population XXXXXXX0' "So not even Jackson got a break...I wonder how it got caught on fire..." ,he said. He continued to head east...driving off the interstate and taking the back roads.
  8. Valcon grew irritated... "Frieza can't go to Namek...not yet..he won't be able to do a dang thing with Vegeta acting the way he is. Plus, I do believe you are forgetting that we are on a time based schedule here. Everything we do needs to be perfectly timed, otherwise we'll never take the Universe out of King Cold's grasp. That egotistical a-hole Frieza is going to meet his end on Namek. At the hands of the one you called Goku. Oh and Cooler will too, though Frieza will be defeated once we arrive at the third planet, and I don't need to worry about Frieza's henchmen. I'm just as strong as they are" ,he said. He was beginning to lose his cool. He'd kept it up till now, but it was slowly dying off. His eyes were growing red around the lids from being filled with so much rage...
  9. Ethan stood in his spot...restless... "My time has come..." ,Ethan said. A chaotic portal opened behind him, and he walked through. He ended up in the plaza infront of an ignored Damion and a put down Celeste. "Good day. Ah, I see your friend here has a key blade...well...that's beautiful...maybe you should follow me to the clock tower. I have something you and your friends may want to know" ,Ethan said calmly. Damion and Celeste saw no harm in following the man so they agreed, and so the group began to walk towards the train station beneath the clock tower. Master, the plan is in fruition. Soon, the heroes will be forced to split, this world will be locked, and all in it will learn to obey you, Ethan transmitted mentally. Ethan had made up his mind. In order to bring about the plan, he would have to expose his ability to release unbound, but it would be a good thing. Because the heroes would believe since he is number 1 there would be none higher, and their focus would be on him...not the master pulling his strings. "Glorious day we are having is it not?" ,Ethan said...
  10. Valcon then turned his back to the others, punched some digets into the computer and the gravity increased to ten times normal gravity. "Oh, and after doing a little research...I discovered that until you get used to this ten times gravity it'll feel like your bones are trying to rip out of your muscular system...that's because...they are" ,Valcon said laughing, "But don't worry. They won't pop out at ten times gravity, but if I kicked it up higher...well...we'd be cleaning...a lot..." Valcon then stored the control pannel away, and got into a fighting position. "The sparring teams will be JP+Dexel vs Me, and Cassidy will fight Rixku. I think this works best considering the fact that it'll take the two of them to get me working, that and the fact that Rixku and Cassidy know eachother's moves better than we do. They wouldn't get the proper workout otherwise" ,Valcon said calmly, "Alright...whenever you are ready."
  11. Damion saw Gray heading out, and picked up Celeste. With their conversation over, Celeste forced Damion to swear to help her meet his master Squall, and so he did. Damion hopped on his bike, Celeste joined him, and the two begna riding after Gray towards the plaza. When they got there, the two of them stopped right infront of Gray. "What's up? Saw ya at the mansion and wondered if you'd like to accompany us to see a friend of ours. His name is August and I think he'd be glad to meet a fellow...umm well...good guy" ,Damion said extending his hand. Celeste then corrected Damion's behavior by saying, "Excuse him, his name is Damion, and I'm Celeste. What's your name?" *Ethan sighed deeply...depression hit him. No fun.... He sighed though. It wasn't easy making the boss happy, but it was a Hell of a lot better than making him mad. He didn't enjoy the reprocussions that came from that. Especially being banished to nowhere.... "Yes sir..." ,Ethan said calmly. Then he decided to focus on some strong good people, and wait for them all to meet up. At which point he would give away the location of the world's heart, and then attack the group.
  12. Valcon began to laugh. "Oh silly silly girl. The reason you believe it to be a weak spot is because grabbing a low class sayains tail does drive them nuts.. However...I am an elite, born with a higher power, and so there are many things I can do that others cannot. I can speak in Ape Form, I can think in ape form, and grabbing my tail..just ticks me off..." ,Valcon said. But seriously. It's time to go guys. If anyone needs the bathroom it is complete with every accomodation, there is a changing room, and then there is the fully stocked fridge. But for now it's time to blast off! To planet Kurakas. Home to the Kuration people...this would be easy, but it's also home to Cooler's Version of the Ginyu Force...." ,Valcon said. But before any objections could be made the door shut, locked and the ship took off at full speed. "If anyone wants to ask questions about the members of the Kartarkus Force feel free to ask..." ,Valcon said laughing. It was going to be a short enough trip...
  13. He pushed his mom to the back seat. "For God''s sake, what's gotten into you?!" ,she yelled. He then reved up the engine and slammed into the horde, he was going atleast 80 so the bodies began breaking around the car. His mom shrieked in horror as the body of her best friend Jill skid across her window without a waist. "Jesus Lt! What's all this about?!" she yelled. "Mom! Shut Up!!!!" ,he yelled, "These people are infected, if they bite you, you will turn into one of them, and it's worse than dying mom!" His mom shut up for a while but then said, "Thats some Resident Evil stuff son!!!" "Shut up mom. Just shut up, maybe dad'll be at the house..." ,he said hoping to be right. At three o'clock they got to their house that was located a bit outside the main city. It was looking kinda deserted so he pulled up to the curve and cut the engine, but left the key in the ignition. "Mom, stay right here, don't let anyone in unless they are completly unharmed and can form a proper sentence. Those are just to keep you alive, I'm going in to get my garand and sword, and to see if the kids and dad are ok. Stay here." ,he said. He jumped out of the car and ran to the door. He knew better than to just knock it down, so he opened it, ran in, and shut it behind him... He wished he hadn't gone, because inside was his neighbor Mrs. Carmicle eating his little brother and sister. Meanwhile, his father was lying on the ground with a deep bite wound in his neck reaching for his gun. "Ru...run...Lieutenant..." ,then his dad passed out after his sentence. "Sum batch!!!" ,he yelled as he kicked Mrs. Carmicle in the face. Suprisingly her hed flew right off her shoulders. He then ran up the stairs, got to his room, and quickly put his gun on his back, and unsheathed his sword. He then ran downstairs and cut off the heads of his father and siblings. After looking out the window he motioned his mother to the house, and she ran in. But then she started crying and going crazy. She picked up his father's gun and pointed it at him. "You've always hated us! You've been planning this!!! You're evil!! EVILL!!!" , she yelled. Then from outside Mr. Carmicle entered and bit his mother deep in the arm making her drop the gun. Lt. Patton then took the opprotunity to cut off their heads, grab the keys to the mustang, and take off. He wanted nothing more than to just forget what had happened and try to find other survivors...but in this city there were none to be found. So at 10pm, he gave up his search, filled up his gas tank, and drove away.....
  14. Lt. Patton got out of bed, it was kinda funny because he had also started to call himself Lt., but only as a personal joke. It was six, so he performed his normal morning routine, and when he got home he watched the news. It was CNN, "Breaking news from Ukraine! A serious virus we have named 'Vandaran Syndrome' has plagued most of the Ukrainian people. The virus started around three o'clock this morning in Eastern standard time, and it has already taken up 97% of the population. Doctors are baffled, the infected slowly fall over, their eyes glaze green, and then they stand back up. Only when they get up...*cough*...they aren't like they once were....*cough*...but instead... They try to bite or eat...*coughcoughcough*....other people. I've been bitten by my own camera man....and I know I don't have long...*cough*...Ukraine has been cut off from the rest of the world...but the infected seem to be massing at the boarders...and hunting down..." the man fell over, at this point the Lt. was scared, but then he got back up and growled loudly at the camera. It shut off and they immideatly cut to commercials. It was nine oclock before the Lt. could think straight. He immediatly got up, packed his things, and decided to look for a very easily defendable location. So he and his mother pilled into her tiny minivan and drove to the Highland Point Apartments. It was there that he bought room 144, in apt building 5. He was pleased, and he and his mom went out to celebrate at Chilies, but as soon as they drove back into the heart of the city, they noticed the population was fleeing, and there were masses of people in the street, and all had those bright green eyes. It was 12pm....
  15. Victory thy name is Damion Strife.
  16. Ethan smiled, the streets were crowded with on lookers. A sobbing young boy with a white red dotted shirt, a broken red brick, and look how the chaos flows. Ethan began to plan out how this was going to happen...whether he'd attack the innocent onlookers with a devestating attack, or simply unleash an army of Unbound. The last would be positivly...BORING...he began to sigh....standing around was pointless. He needed more fun. He saw thirty people, six loose bricks on the roof, and an annoying child who wouldn't stop crying... Lord Vallen, may I request a little fun? I mean...it'll only be six people, and that'll get some heroes to come running when the screaming starts... Ethan relayed. He knew his master would most likely say no...he remembered the time he killed the old samurai, put down the stupid dragon, and killed that stupid scottish bag pipe player. His master was so ticked off that he sent him out of his sight for atleast a month. Even the purple dog and those two elderly people felt his wrath while he was in exile, though master forgave him because they would have been useless in combat. So, he decided to play this one safe. He didn't want to be exiled again, because this time it would mean he would lose his rank...
  17. (OOC: Any character who wants to join will have to look for the sign-up sheet. It has the title in Parenthesis) He didn't know why, but he had a feeling it was going to be a bad week. Lt. Patton, his title had taken place of the name even his parents had forgotten. All he heard ever since he went home, Lt. Patton this, Lt. Patton that, and he was tired of it. Shoot, even on his dates, 'Lt. Patton are you feeling ok?' Made him feel like a dang joke. He began to wonder why he even bothered coming home, maybe he should have remained a SEAL for the rest of his life, and after he had killed every terrorist, blood thirsty lobbiest, and evil anarchic hippie that crossed his path hed have some respect. Maybe people would remember his name.... At 5am he woke up, jogged four miles and then went to I hop to get some free pancakes. At 7am he finally got back home and helped his dad work on the 1969 Mustang that had taken his heart and soul to reconstruct. At 9am he went job hunting. He came home at 3pm with nothing. At 5pm he ate dinner and then went to bed. Tomorrow he'd go searching for an apartment, he hated living at home.
  18. Alright, we'll be starting. Just remember that this is the sign up sheet, anyone who wants to join should leave their posts below. Once accepted you may venture to the RP, it'll be called Dawn of the Undead (A Zombie RP) Good luck out there guys!
  19. FALCON PUUUNNNNCCCHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Oh yeah, I went there.)
  20. Damion felt something cold dropping onto his shoulder, he looked up, and then he saw a leak in the pipes of the mansion. "This place is freaking ancient! Why would someone build another world down there in a crazy piece of crap place like this?!" ,Damion said with disgust as he fixed the pipe. He had learned so much from his masters. Cid taught him basic mechanical skills, his dad taught him how to fight effectively, Squall taught him how to use the gunblade to its full potential, and his mother taught him how to fight with effective hand to hand combat. He really appreciated them, he knew he did the right thing by leaving them, but he was kinda home sick. Celeste could tell, so she tried to start conversation by asking, "Damion what's your full name?" Damion answered, "Damion Leon Strife. Why?" "Well, pleased to finally meet you officially. My name is Celeste Leonheart" ,she said. Damion laughed. "Ya know, my master Squall has the same exact last name!" ,he said. She got curious, "Really? Is that so? Well, I never knew my father..." The two of them sat in the computer room and talked about Leon for a while, she got anxious, and wanted to meet him. "We can, as soon as we set the worlds right I'll take you back to Radient Garden and we can go talk to him. Sound good?" She nodded. Finally some answers. (Celeste allowed me to use her character, she is working really hard on her Japanese II finals.)
  21. Hunger Games Movie. Woody Harrelson is Haymitch. I...Need...To....See...That...Premiere!!!!

    1. SummerRain


      lol im going opening day

    2. Damion Strife

      Damion Strife

      Yeah, I will be too!

  22. Psssh, I never lose. All I ever do is win. Win big or go home.
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