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Damion Strife

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Everything posted by Damion Strife

  1. Damion put his sword in its sheath and then took out Hydra. "Alright ya stupid Unbound piece of crap. Eat this!" ,Damion shouted. He fired several shots into the beast, and blew off it's legs, but then it ate more Unbound and regenerated. "Stupid! Stupid Stupid!!" ,Damion yelled as he dodged the beasts attacks. Then the beast clawed him down his back, and Damion screamed out in pain. So loud that people in the streets could hear him. Celeste then counted the Unbound in the area, and healed Damion. "Good news and bad news Damion. Good news is....there are only thirty Unbound left. Bad news is...you cant take another direct hit. I won't be able to heal it effectively." Damion wiped his mouth, and snarled. "NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!!" ,he yelled. Once again, his eyes went red, and he whipped out his sword and gun. Then waylayed on the beast....
  2. *Ouch* When did JP learn that?!? Valcon would be so impressed! He's currently getting killed tho.
  3. Valcon smirked. Ok, she wants to make me her puppet huh? Pssh, like I'll ever let that happen ,Valcon thought. He then drew his arms back. Yellow electricity covered his body, then corsed to his hands. "Cassidy. I'd run if I were you. Because I'm taking victory out of the equation for you!" ,Valcon yelled. His energy stayed at a constant 19,000. His armor began to crack because of the pressure, his gloves burned off, and his sleeves shred up to his shoulders. "FINAL EXPLODING BLAST!!!" ,Valcon yelled. Suddenly the yellow electricity flew at full speed towards Cassidy it covered every possible hope for escape, and then smashed into the ground, blowing up the tiny island she was on, turning it into a crater, but not a deep one. Valcon's hands were blistered and bloody from the blast, he hadn't perfected this technique, and it was still so hard to control. He had meant for it to just hit Cassidy, and not destroy a freaking island. "Darn...so much energy...I'm gonna need to rest..." ,Valcon said. He then landed on a near by island and sat down. His power level had dropped down to 10,000. If she get's out of that water...I'm screwed...totally freaking...screwed ,Valcon thought.
  4. James heard footsteps around the house. Then saw Zach wondering around. "Hey bud! How ya feeling?" ,James asked. He was wearing his new uniform, an all black combat uniform complete with a bullet proof vest, and his name and rank were printed on the front. His sword was still sheathed at his side, and his garand was in a rifle holster on his back. "I got some new clothes and I've been assigned to head out into the bad lands tomorrow. I know it probably seems bad for me to be leaving, but apparently all former military and police personel have to do it. All I'm going to be doing is taking the car out and searching city by city for survivors. I've been assigned Texas. I was wondering what you planned on doing...you know...cuz I don't want you to be upset. I'm allowed to take someone with me, but I don't know if you'd want to..." ,James said. He then grabbed a cold Coke off the table where he'd been polishing his boots before he heard the moving, and took a sip. Then he looked at Zach and said, "Oh, and since I'm doing service we don't have limits on how much energy or water we use. So feel free to do any laundry you need to in the machines. We don't have to hand wash anymore!" James smiled, he hated hand washing his clothes in that stupid pan in the backyard.
  5. NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well atleast nothing bad happened to Raditz...OMG why do you have a hole in your stomach?!?
  6. Valcon smirked. "Wow! You're amazingly untalanted aren't you? If you'd take a closer look than make automatic assumptions you would see that number one, my armor isn't even scratched...number two, I'm not about to be intimidated by a little girl and her toothpick of a sword, and number three....I'm just warming up!" ,Valcon yelled. He grabbed Cassidy's head, then he charged up his masanko attack, thus sending electricty coursing throughout her body. "MASSANKOOOOO-HAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!" ,Valcon yelled. He fired the blast, and then after it had passed he threw her on the ground. "Maybe evil isn't your thing? Eh?" ,Valcon asked smirking. Kathagarus became very angry and bolted towards Takku. Takku dodged easily and sent a punch into Kathagarus's stomach. "Come now. I expected more" ,Takku said mockingly. Then Kathagarus's eyes glowed red and he hit Takku with a cheap shot beam. "Psssh you idiot! You let your guard down!!" ,Kathagarus scoffed. Takku got up and dusted off his shirt. "Wow! You put two holes in my shirt! That's going to help you a lot..." ,Takku said, "Here, let me give you something to play with..." Takku charged up, and then was holding a huge golden blast in his hand. "Masankooo-HAAAAAA!!!!" ,Takku yelled. The blast was way bigger than any blast Valcon had ever fired and it hit Kathagarus off guard, and he flew back a mile. He coffed up a lot of blood, then looked up. "Not bad Namekian, this should be fun!" ,Kathagarus said laughing.
  7. Psssh...looks like it's a strange dialect of gibberish to me. If only Holmes were here....
  8. (Thats actually how I pictured this new world. Very strict, and very timed. But only because they have to be.) James heard the thud upstairs and ran up to check out what was up. He saw Zach lying on the ground, and immediatly knew what had happened. "Hey kid! Are you ok??? He picked the kid up and ran him to the kitchen, there were the medical supplies, and he immediatly gave the kid some sore throat medicine. "Trust me, my buddy tried the same thing on a return mission to Korea, it'll help" ,he said smiling.
  9. Valcon looked at Cassidy and smiled. "Alright. Let's see if you have the teeth to back up that bark. That annoying bark, last time we met, you're power level was almost 6000, but mine is more than double that. I'll take your hits and deal them back!" ,Valcon said. He then powered up to his full potential. "Bring it kid!" ,he screamed. He then charged up, his energy.. "HELLZONE GRENADE!!!" ,he yelled as he surrounded her with his gigantic blasts, then all of the blasts hit her repetatively, and he smirked as the smoke cleared. "Did that sting?" ,he asked mockingly. Kathagarus flies towards the area where Takku and the others were. "I don't know where Cassidy gets off telling superiors what to do...I might have to report her to gramps",he said. He landed infront of Takku and the group, then said, "You sure have caused me a big pain..I think it's time I killed you Namekian." Takku looked at him and laughed. "You think you intemidate me?? You worm of a fighter, leave now before I get pissed and blow you away!" ,Takku said smiling. Kathagarus scoffed at him, then Takku took a fighting position and said, "Come...give me a warm up."
  10. 0_0 nooo!!! Zack isn't following any of the ABC's of Creepy Castles! This is getting intense! Great Story!
  11. James looked at the kid. "I know...It'll be all good" ,he said. He smiled and said, "Well looks like we're here buddy!" They drove up to the big concrete walls, a red beam scanned the two of them, and then the gate opened and let them in. "Welcome to civilization, state your names" ,the guard said as the doors shut behind them. "Lieutenant James Patton, U.S. Navy Seal." ,James said, but then he looked at the kid, "He's in a state of shock. So he won't give you much information on who he is so I'd just leave it and not try to make him talk." The guards saluted him and led them to a nice house. "You two will stay here with other survivors. After your third day here the Leiutenant will be assigned to the military to go out to the bad lands and find survivors and materials. The kid can do whatever he wants" ,the guard said. Then he left.
  12. We coulda had it allllll...rollin in the deeeeeep...lol. Adele. Maan that's weird....speaking of singers has anyone here head of The Science Of Sleep? The band is made up of people from my school. My favorite song is Rain. It's pretty cool. If you like Rock it's up on You Tube...it's sad that the band is currently in a slump half breakup phase....
  13. Takku made it to Guru. The dragon balls had been gathered, and the dragon was summoned. Takku then knew exactly what to wish for, he made Valcon's first wish, and then the second. However, his third wish was a bit odd. He wished that the those traveling with Valcon would have their power levels tripled. The dragon granted his wishes, and just like that, all of Takku's fellow Namekians were sent off to Earth. Well, Valcon, I hope you know what you are doing... ,Takku thought. So he flew back to the others. "Do you feel more powerful my friends? That is because you are both at a state of higher power given to you by the great Porunga." ,Takku said. Valcon looked at his friends and checked out their power levels. "Well, that's higher than mine, so I guess you guys know what we do now. It's time to go get into a fight!" ,Valcon said laughing. Then he left Takku with the other two and took off to find the high power levels on his own. With my new power level of 19,000 You'd think I'd be fine going against these guys...but I know for a fact that Frieza's second highest power level is 1,000,000...I know that Dexel and JP will be able to take him easily, but I doubt I'm going to get anywhere close to it...I...I'm probably done for.... ,Valcon began to think. General Kathagarus noticed that the dragon balls had been used upon their arrival. "My father's landing party will arrive in a day! We are so going to get chewed out for letting this happen!!!" ,he yelled. Then once the last of his men exited the ship, he blew it up. "Nobody leaves! I want the heads of those freaking a-holes who did this! This Namekian water will run red with their blood!" ,he yelled again. Then he blew up team twelve's pods. "Cassidy, I want you to head the front. You will find those responsible, and you will kill every last one of them! Let's just hope they didn't wish for immortality or something cheap like that!" ,he said politely, "and just to make sure it happens...I'm going with you." Then he looked at his men and said, "Fan out! I want them found now!!!" They all took off faster than they would fly normally. The general was pissed.
  14. "Well guys, this is Takku. He is the Namek of centuries, well that's what they call him. His power level is insane, plus, he's the only guy who has kicked my butt on a daily basis since I was a kid. Plus, he taught me most of my techniques and how to fight. But right now, Takku is having the village elders bring the dragon balls to Guru. We'll be heading that way, and as soon as we get there...well we're going to make three wishes. The first wish is to teleport every Namekian except Takku to Earth after the third wish, the second is to make the ship indestructable and only accessable by someone of good will, and the third...well I havent decided on the third just yet, but maybe reviving all of those good souls that the sayains ruthlessly massacred wouldn't be such a bad idea." Takku nodded, then he took off for Guru's place. "Well guys, I hope you're in for the fight of your life, because my scouter is picking up signals from one of Frieza's ships" ,Valcon said calmly. *Meanwhile, Kathagarus followed Cassidy. "I have a message from my Father, apparently we are to kill all but one Namekian, because the dragon can only understand their language. Otherwise my Father will not get the immortality he seeks...but Cassidy....can you keep a secret? I know something, that father doesn't know...", he said. He then went into a dark meeting room with her and her team.
  15. Celeste fired several fira attacks at the surrounding Unbound, she killed a few, but the remaining had decided to ignore her and help the big Unbound monster fight Damion. "Shoot!" ,Damion screamed. The beast bit down hard on his shoulder, blood oozed out of his wound quickly, and then the monster retracted. Damion switched the sword and held it in his left hand while his right bled a lot. "Celeste....we may have our trip to another world postponed for a little while....if this keeps up...I doubt I'll last another freaking bite like that one!" ,Damion said. He then sliced at the beasts head, and once it was removed the head grew back...angrier.
  16. Damion and Celeste began hacking away at the monster, but it didn't do so much. With every strike the beast became even more aggressive. "Celeste, get back. Try to throw some magic at it while I strike!" ,Damion said. He then immediatly rushed the monster and stabbed it in the rib cage.The wound showed for a while, but then the beast absorbed more Unbound and regenerated itself. "Ok, so we can't get rid of this stupid thing until the Unbound are gone....great..." ,Celeste said. However, Damion paid no attention and continued slashing as more Unbound were gobbled up by the beast and absorbed, not only healing it....but making it larger.
  17. Winning again. Plus...the burglar is KARMA!!!
  18. (Yup, if you want more than one character just put the other one or two if you'd like. I'll most likely accept them. Then you just continue.) Valcon opened the doors to his pod, he hadn't been on Namek for a while, but he still remembered every smell and sound. Soon he saw a huge power level headed towards them. A muscled up Namekian landed infront of the ship. "Hey Takku! How are you doing?" ,Valcon asked then said, "Hey guys it's ok, this dude is the coolest guy on Namek! Plus he's wayyy stronger than anyone I've ever met!" "Well, I don't like to brag...but yeah I guess that's about right!" ,Takku said. Valcon then informed Takku of what was about to happen. Immediatly all of the elders of Namek were telepathicly informed and the warriors of Namek began watching the skies. "By the way Valcon, now that you have a bigger ship...do you think you'll be able to take me on an adventure too?" ,Takku asked. "Sure thing. We just gotta hold off for a bit. Soon, Namek is going to be pretty much screwed." ,Valcon said, "but don't worry. It's as the legend predicts, and also an unforseen force has decided to emerge to destroy the savior. We'll have to take her out." "No problem, this might be a great chance to go full power against someone!" ,Takku said. (Also, since we had to make a detour...I'd like everyone to think of a power level they would like to have achieved through a month's worth of flying in space. Though, the sayain characters are about to reach the level of super sayain. So if you are good try your best to make it 9000 or more. If you arent. Then try to come up with a reason why your power level spiked, maybe you were holding back to seem weak...) Meanwhile...General Kathagarus's ship swallowed up the Cassidy team's pods.The team was then transported to the throne room. Kathagarus sat infront of them and smirked. "Suprised huh? Well, father thought you would need some back up. So he put me in charge of the mission. Seeing as how your team is only rivaled by the Ginyu force I thought you would need no help. However father has decided that you do. Your pods were also wayyy to slow. Now with my ship and our current speed, we will arrive at the planet a day before scheduled. (Also as another result in the break of plot line, I have decided that this Universe will most likely result as an alternate reality. Kinda like the one future Trunks was in. In this reality. Goku successfully killed Raditz, Piccolo became good but died. When the other Sayains came Nappa destroied Capsule Corp, and managed to kill Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, Master Roshi, and Chaiotzu. However, Goku and Gohan managed to defeat Nappa, and Vegeta is beaten by getting his tail removed. However, Goku doesn't show him pitty and kills him. Now he and his family live on the Earth in Peace until the Androids attack.)
  19. James woke up at five, he noticed that the kid was still awake...even threw the night the kid didn't sleep. He popped in a different cd. But the kid had no emotion. Their drive continued in silence until James said, "Lieutenant James Patton, of the U.S Navy Seals. That's who I am. I know you probably don't want to tell me yours. But that's expected. I do however know how you feel. You don't want to be anything big, or want anything right now right? You know I felt the same way the other day...but after a while I got to thinking that all I want...is to wipe every one of these brainless jerks off the face of the planet...ya' know?"
  20. Ethan got chilled...he remembered the time he and the boss fought once. That's how he got the big x shaped scar on his back. It was brutal. He didn't even remember the fight...all he could remember is screaming in pain and blood flowing out his back. Then came exile...then his return. He didn't know why, but he knew that it was a mad man's idea to go against the master.
  21. Ethan arrived beside his master. "I think I did well...what do you think?",Ethan asked. He was smiling at Vallen, he didn't know how he felt exactly...he wanted to go have more fun...but in another since...he wanted to stay there and watch the others...he hoped they weren't doing better than him...stupid people stealing his spotlight.
  22. Within seconds the ship landed on Namek. The real Namek. Valcon's scouter indicated that the only people on the planet were infact the Namekians. "Well, I'm afraid to burst the Freaky Alien Genotype's bubble, but it turns out he landed on the fake Namek. He'll be pissed to know that infact...he can neither destroy that planet, or convert it's nonexistant populace. Oh well." ,Valcon said shrugging. (This now brings up two Characters that I was going to bring in waayyyyy later on. But I guess I'll pull them into the story now...which has changed up quite a bit.) Name: Takku Age:35( Namekian Years=10) Race: Namekian Appearance: Picture Nail, with mucsles as big as Broley's. Bio: Nail's big brother who has synced with thirty Namekians. He has the strength of a SS2. Though he never powers up as high as he needs to. Takku got his name from Valcon out of friendship. Takku has a huge hate against people with horns. It has long since been prophesized that a horned man will destroy Namek, and a blonde hero from another world will come to destroy the monster and revive the planet's people. Takku is reveared as the Namekian 'Demon of the South' and he is never visited out of fear that he will force strong men to sync with him. However, those that synced did so because they had no other reason. He is a great man, but he has no friends other than Valcon. Abilities: Special Beam Cannon, Light Grenade, Masanko, Hellzone Grenade, and Double Cannon Blast (Fires two SBC's except they can be controlled.) Allignment: Good Name: General Kathagarus Age:19 Race:Half Sayain Appearance: Black hair that reaches his shoulders, Pale white skin, a single horn that grows from the right side of his head, normal sayain body, and his tail is like frieza's. Bio: Kathatgarus is the off spring of Frieza and a sayain woman. Kathagarus is the most handsome man in Frieza's Empire. His power surpassed his father's a long long time ago. Kathagarus has the strength of a super sayain, but hasn't yet discovered how to become one. He cannot transform like his father but he has most of the techniques his father has. He is the one thing Frieza actually loves. Frieza wants Kathagarus to grow up and take the entire universe. Abilities: Death Beam, Death Ball, Milky Cannon, and Death Drive Redeemer (This allows him to go into a mod of super speed.) Alignment: Pure Evil
  23. The group hit the clock tower. Then Ethan looked at them. "Here...here is the world's heart. Just one thing though. Do you think I'm good?" ,Ethan asked. Damion looked startled, "Yes I....did." He then turned his attention to Celeste who nodded. Ethan laughed. "Wow! I'm a really good actor!!!! No...I'm...the top guy in the Order of Chaos, you'll meet more of us. But...just FYI...this is the part...where your friends...squeal unless you lock off this world!" ,Ethan said laughing. Throw them off master's tracks and call it a day. That was Ethan's plan. Then he relentlessly flooded the world with countless Unbound. "Don't worry...they'll disappear...all you gotta do is close this world off!" ,Ethan said. He was then immediatly eaten up by a chaos portal. Damion laughed at the situation. "Well who'd have guessed this would happen eh?" So, the two did just like last time...only...the monster that was created absorbed half of the Unbound that appeared, and what came up infront of the two was a gigantic monster that had the head of a lion, teeth like a shark, and was built like a wolf. The sky became eternally dark from it's evil, and the moon showed in full. The two pulled their weapons...'Crap...' ,was all Damion could think. (Edited version of a previous post.)
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