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Everything posted by Damion Strife
I hate math too, it's just irritating.
Frieza came out of the solar flare quickly and then frowned. "Cassidy! What is the meaning of this???" ,Frieza yelled. He then death beamed the two scouters, and smirked. "You know, you just gave me the advantage right?" ,he asked her. Then he flew at Valcon, who had just snapped out of it, and punched him hard in the gut. "Cheap shot!" ,Valcon yelled. Then he kicked Frieza in the jaw, and punched him in the face as hard as he could. Frieza was knocked back a couple of steps, and then Valcon flew as fast as he could into Frieza's gut. Frieza was taken off guard and Valcon hit Frieza with a barrage of heavy punches and kicks. Takku then looked at Cassidy and said, "Hey, it'd be better for you to just help Valcon. Why not ditch Frieza? I mean even it Frieza get's Valcon to the point of near death, I'm just going to bring him back." Takku then slouched up a bit and started to relax.. "Besides, Frieza's a loser" ,he said smirking.
(Gotcha, sorry...get a bit carried away with my writing. Imagery and all...) Ethan stepped throught the pumpkin door at the top of the hill and found himself in the woods. "Well I guess those trolls weren't lying after all!" ,Ethan said. He was then attacked by a lot of heartless, he dispatched them quickly, and continued on his path. Useless weak little things, why do they have to be so persistant? ,Ethan wondered. He then found himself in a gloomy grave yard. He became immensely excited, and yelled, "Oh wow!!! This place is soo perfect! Why on earth would master want to get rid of this place??" He sighed, orders were orders, and he just had to do it. So, he pulled out his two swords, and walked into town. He was then greeted by vampires, zombies, ghosts, lycans, a decrepid handicaped scientist, a two-faced politician, witches, satan, and a rather peculiar band. "Well, your not Jack, but you sure do dress nicely!" A female voice said. Ethan bowed and asked, "Who are you?" "I'm Jack's wife, Sally" ,she said. "Beautiful name. You will die last" ,Ethan said playfully. The group around him began to laugh, but then Ethan looked at them with his glowing green eyes. "What, did I say something funny?" ,he asked. "My boy, we are already dead" ,the vampires said. Ethan groaned, "Then I'll just have to destroy you painfully slow. Won't I? But as I said, the woman Sally dies last. Also, where is the pumpkin king?" "Jack, is out on buisness...he went to meet with Sandy Claws" ,the mayor said. Ethan's head began to twinge. "I was just freaking there!!! Augh!! I can't believe I missed him..oh well no harm done. I still have a job to do, and Jack can wait" ,Ethan said. He then looked at the band and said, "Can you guys play something dark and upbeat?" They winced and nodded, then they began to play a very metal, but creepy version of one winged angel. Ethan's eyes lit up, and he sprinted towards the villagers.
Charts and graphs who here hates math??
Frieza began a torrent of punches and kicks at Valcon, who blocked or dodged them, and then Frieza said, "Wow, I must say I'm impressed. Few can actually keep up with me. But be warned from here on out I won't hold back!" Then Frieza began beating the heck out of Valcon, punch after punch landed in Valcon's abdomine. "Well Frieza, you aren't as weak as you look. You know, if I was an outside force looking at you for the first time, I'd have to say you look much like a weak cross dresser to be completly honest" ,Valcon said laughing. "What?? Are you toying with me?? You...you're dead!" ,Frieza yelled. He then powered up to 900,000 and punched Valcon up into the air, and then with a sweeping kick blew him away. Valcon had every single bone broken, once again his life hung in the balance, but this time he would need no healing chamber. "TAAKKUUU!" ,Valcon screamed. Takku looked up. His hands were straight through Recoome and Burter. Well, that guy went and got himself in a bad situation didn't he? ,Takku thought. He flew over to Valcon, and looked him over. "Well, I give you about thirty minutes to live" ,Takku said coldly. "O..k...gee...thanks...umm...heal...me?" ,Valcon asked. Blood flowed all over the ground, his internal injuries were apparent to Takku, but Takku knew that with his power level he could heal Valcon in three seconds. "How about we wait? I kinda over heard a conversation that Zarbon guy was having, and he said that if you are on deaths door your power level would multiply ten fold. So, why don't we do that? Then you'll be at well over a million" Takku said. Valcon looked at him, the next twenty-nine minutes went by slowly, and then Takku got ready. Nearing the last five seconds of Valcon's life Takku revived him. Valcon surged with energy and said, "Alright Takku, lets go get him!" The two flew off towards Frieza's location. Kathagarus landed at his father's ship and said, "I need to go see grandfather, let me have a pod." Frieza looked at him, thought about it for a moment, and nodded. Kathagarus got on board, stared at Cassidy who was just sitting there looking puzzled and said, "Good luck to you." Then he got in the only escape pod Frieza had, and he took off. He went to sleep full of regret about losing to a Namekian. I'll go train at the furthest point in the galaxy until I can raise my power up to his. Then, I'll be worthy to succeed my family as supreme ruler of the universe ,he thought. The pod's coordinates were set and he was off to planet Frieza. Just as soon as he entered the atmosphere Takku and Valcon landed infront of Frieza. "Hmph, back for more? Oh and I see you brought a friend!" ,Frieza said. Valcon nodded, and Takku said, "I'm not here to fight. Just think of me as moral support and a medic." Frieza frowned and said, "No, you're the one who was fighting my son, and for that you will fight me!" Then Frieza transformed into his second state and said, "My power level is now one million! You can't defeat me!" Valcon sighed and powered up to his fullest. Frieza gagged a bit, and said, "Wow, you actually matched my power. But can you match my supurb strength??" Then he flew at Valcon and the two began to fight, Takku sat down on a nice rock and counted the birds in the sky.
Damion quickly responded, "That's Celeste, she's cool, we should really catch up later. This stupid things about to kill me!" Then he got smacked by the beast's tail, and he landed beside the two of them. The beast then began to charge some sort of blast in it's mouth and Damion noticed that it was actually draining some of it's strength. The monster was shrinking, but that would also mean that this blast would be a big one. "We can't let it fire that!" ,Damion yelled. He hobbled over to the beast and struck it tiredly with his sword. He wasn't doing a lot of damage, but it was making the beast take longer to charge the blast. Ethan looked up. "Well, well, well...it seems you have an unenvited guest master. I'll be on my way to do the deed and purge that world for you" ,Ethan said calmly. Then he vanished in a swirl of chaos. He found himself in a snow covered land, it was beautiful, and so positively cheerful. He hated it. "Time to liven up the place" ,Ethan said. He then walked around, he found a building full of pointy headed beasts, each one was particularly beautiful, but then one caught his eye. "Why the ruddy hell do you have a red nose?? All the other freaking ones have black noses, are you trying to stand out?? Are you that vain??? You pretensious jerk! You will pay for your vainity!" ,Ethan yelled. He then skewered the red nosed beast and made his way further into town. He finally got to the workshop, and found the elves hard at work. "YOU LOT! TELL ME HOW TO GET TO HALLOWEEN TOWN!" ,Ethan yelled. The elves looked up at him and giggled. "Wow mister! You're breaking all of the rules of Labor Day Town! I mean come on you're wearing all white! You really should look into a new fashion" ,one of the elves remarked. Ethan's soul burned. Ok, master said to leave this place, but that little troll is one troll too many ,he thought. He then smirked and appeared right beside the elf, and said, "Oh, and you trolls have a better dress huh? All red and green, with your heighth issues and your pointy ears. Yeah, I'm sure everyone loves you!" He then picked up the elf and stuck it into a chaotic gate. "Your friend is being devoured by a billion nightmares, so if you want him back before he is gone you'll tell me the way to Halloween Town right this second" ,Ethan said. "You just go up the hill and through the door! Up the Hill and through the door, then take a walk through the forest, and that'll take you directly to Halloween town!" ,the elves sobbed. Ethan smirked then reopened the gate and let out a one eared, one armed elf. "The next time you think about crossing me....don't. K?" ,Ethan said smiling. He continued on his way laughing to himself. This was going to be absolutly perfect.
Foolish mortal don't you know? No living man can kill me.
Happy Panda's dancing in a bamboo grove. (The above post was posted.) The Pandas are on fire and the bamboo turned into seven foot long spears.
Finals week is here! Batton down the hatches, prepare for a torrent of endless troubles, and remember to smile!
Damion then looked at Celeste while he had the best in a strangle hold and said, "Hey, what about your key blade? I mean...if you wanna help and all...the key blade would be your best option!" He then swung under the beast and drove his sword home in its under belly. His red eyes began to fade back to blue, and his movements were slowing once again. His arm that had been bitten was bleeding once again, and then he howled in pain. Ethan looked at Vallen and said, "My lord...there's a certain world that has been bothering me. A world that is sort of a central hub to other worlds. It's inhabitants are way off the charts on the weird-o-meter. You know of the one I speak, that ghastly Halloween Town. If you'd like my lord...I could lead a few of the top ranked organization members and 'take care' of it for you." Ethan then bowed low and stayed that way waiting for an answer.
James walked with Zach to his car, and got in the driver's seat. Once Zach got in, they buckled up, and James started the engine. "You missed daddy didn't you?" ,James said in baby talk to the car. Then he smirked, cranked up the music, and put it in high gear towards the wall. "Alright Zach, there are four rules we must follow. 1.) The Safe Zone requires that everyone we see that is still able to communicate, is free of bites. I'll do that since I'm an adult, but if it comes to a situation where I'm not around you'll have to. If they don't comply orders are to shoot them, but I suggest warning them about that first. 2.) Don't leave any buildings unchecked. Especially armories and residential areas. 3.) Once uninfected are found, get them transportation in an RV, recheck them for bites, and then have them park behind the car. 4.) This is my least favorite rule. Pack down a third car with all the ammunition, clothes, and food that you can. Then burn the city to the ground using local gas stations. It's not exactly fair...but it is necessary" ,James said calmly. He then looked at Zach and said, "If you see any familiar zombies and you can't bare to look at them, just ask me, and I'll take them out for you ok?" They had pulled up to the wall and the next thing they knew, they were out on a cleared off interstate and were headed for Texas.
(Did more of my research and yeah, you're right. The actual estimated SS2 power level is 11,000,000. But a power level over 1,000,000 would cause the scouters to burst. So, after super sayain is achieved the power level thing is pretty much useless. But, Takku, as I said. Would only power up to 5,000,000 just to play fair. Kathagarus however is pushing to his transformation state with his 3,000,000. He's about to go half-super sayain half-transformation.) Valcon's power level shot up, and hit 190,000, and he burst out of the healing pod. Frieza stood infront of him. "My my my, sayain. You know, I'm really impressed you gathered such a rag tag team on such short notice. I guess you didn't expect me to have spies everywhere did you?" ,Frieza asked. "To be quite honest, no. I didn't see a spy coming, and to be perfectly clear with you it honestly doesn't matter. My scouter indicates that my team is currently destroying your men, and to be quite frank you should probably duck out with your tail between your legs" ,Valcon said. He looked at his cracked up armor, the hole in his armor that missed his heart by centimeters, and then to his bare arms. "I've waited my whole life for this one moment Frieza, I know Dexel has too, and before we start this I want to ask you a question" ,Valcon began. Frieza laughed and said, "Ok, sayain. What do you want to know?" "Did you know a pair of sayains named Bardock and Fasha?" ,Valcon asked. "Oh yes, the low class runts, actually I ordered the hit on them before I ordered the hit on the planet. The girl died at the hands of Dodoria, and the one called Bardock...well he brought the fight straight to me, infront of the entire planet. Well, I couldn't have that.....so I destroied him and the planet. Now, only about twenty of you exist, most of your ranks are female. It's actually quite hilarious, because you have the right number to rebuild...it's just that you are scattered throughout the universe!!" ,Frieza said laughing, "Honestly though I have considered letting you rebuild, that way I can kill a sayain a day, or make the lot of you fight in huge arenas and kill eachother off one day at a time!!!" Valcon was shocked. Other...sayains??? All along? There's more? Well I know that Prince Vegeta, Nappa, Kakarot, Raditz, Dexel, and me survived. But there are more??? Plus mostly female, and that means...we could totally rebuild our race in a matter of decades! This is great! ,Valcon thought. "Frieza, if there are other sayains out there, I will find them, bring them together, and we will crush your entire organization! I will obliterate you, your brother, your mother, your father, and your son. Just as you did to my people. I won't rest until every barer or the Friezan crest is oblilterated and written out of history!" ,Valcon said angrily, "and whats worse...you...just openly admitted to killing my father and ordering my mother killed! I-I loved them so much!!" "That's weak sayain talk, come now, how did you ever become an elite? Please, you loved your mommy and daddy? Big deal, they are dead, DEAD! I will destroy you just as I destroied them," Frieza said laughing. Valcon's eyes ran with tears of anger, he knew his power level was too low to kill Frieza, and he knew he'd need a miracle to beat him. But then he thought up a plan. "Frieza, my power level has risen quite a bit. Send out Zarbon so I can warm up" ,Valcon said calmly, "Then, if I lose, I'll tell you where the Namekians are, and I'll tell you the Namekian for immortality." Frieza's eyes widened and he smiled, "Zarbon, this sayain runt needs to warm up. Come give him a lesson in pain." Zarbon stepped out, and Valcon smirked. Zarbon transformed and flew at him with everything he had. Valcon let Zarbon hit him with punch after punch, and blast after blast. "Die stupid monkey!!" ,Zarbon yelled. He swung at Valcon, who dodged, and then returned by slipping his arm straight through Zarbon's chest. "Aww, looks like I touched your heart Zarbon!" ,Valcon said. Zarbon's eyes bled out and he fell over. "Ok, nice. Now Frieza...let's just get this over all ready, I'm kinda bored" ,Valcon said smirking. Frieza laughed and jumped down infront of him and said, "Pitiful monkies dont know when to stop!"
Trying to take the game by storm Time to rap in an all new form, Bustin' rhymes through the roof, Makin' ya'lls health bars go poof! I don't make the rules I just play the game, Keep on playin like that it'll be the same, I don't mind takin' ya'll down, Draggin' ya'lls corpses through the town, Or tie ya to a tree, let erebody see, That the victory, belongs to me!
Freiza saw Zarbon walking out. "Ummm, Zarbon. Get your blue butt back in there!" ,Frieza yelled. Zarbon quickly came back. "I'm sorry Cassidy, but Lord Frieza wants me to watch the man as well" ,Zarbon said sitting beside her. He turned on his scouter. "Wahhh?!? This...this can't be right! His power level can't be up to 95,000! It just can't! Why is he so powerful?? His power should have been multiplied by five! Wait...it is multiplied by five, but he's not fully healed.... Wait!!!! He must have been right at deaths door when he got hooked up. That would make his power multiplied by 10!!!! Oh no...that puts his power level at 190,000. He's....still...no...Lord Frieza...but that's way beyond all of us..." ,Zarbon said quietly. Valcon's tail wiggled in the water, he would awaken soon, but not yet. He was thinking only one thing Destroy this ship. Takku sensed strong power levels approaching. "Well now, it seems you have back up!" ,Takku said lightly. Then Recoome, Burter, and the thirty-five men landed behind Kathagarus. "Hello General. Need a hand?" ,Recoome asked. Burter chuckled. Kathagarus glared at them and said, "Oh? So it's easy to beat him just because he's Namekian huh? Well you guys try it!" So Recoome and Burter nodded and rushed Takku. Takku sighed and quickly punched them both in the face, did a side sweeping kick to knock them away, and then blasted them with a Masanko wave. "That...ought to have done the job" ,Takku said. Then a brutally injured Recoome and a semi-injured Burter got up and ran beside Kathagarus. "Ok, we see what we're dealing with General. Let's take him together!" ,Burter shouted. Recoome then charged a pink energy in his mouth, Burter charged a blue blast, and Kathagarus powered up to 3,000,000 which is his highest power level and charged the death beam. Then Takku began to power up, and as he did his power level soared to 5,000,000 (the estimated power level of an SS2) and charged a special beam cannon. "We're all going to die!!!" ,the foot soldiers yelled then they began firing at Takku with everything they had. "Eraser gun!" ,Recoome yelled. "Full Power Energy Wave!" ,Burter screamed. "Death Beam!" ,Kathagarus shouted. Then Takku yelled, "Special Beam Cannon!!!!!" The massive sbc flew at their waves and hit full force. Then the SBC slowly destroied their techniques as it pushed faster towards them. Kathagarus's patience was almost at an end. He then charged his other finger and fired a second Death beam. This caused the SBC to slow up to a stop, and then Kathagarus shouted, "Ok men, power up to your max and shoot that Namekian!" So they did, and the SBC ceased. "Alright! Good call sir, we got him good with that one!" Recoome said. "Yeah..err...maybe...uh...hey! Why don't you guys stand here and collect the body? I'm gonna go report our outstanding victory to my father!" ,Kathagarus said. The two nodded and Kathagarus took off and thought, Those idiots! That guy is way too powerful to have been beaten like that! As he finally got out of their scouter rangest Burter and Recoome went over to check out Takku's body. But then he appeared behind them with not more than a bloodied lip and a missing arm. His arm quickly grew back and he said, "Good day isn't it?" The two of them were petrified, they knew this was the end.
(Oh, and if you are about to be attacked by an NPC. Just control it. NPC's are there for everyone to use. Just remeber their moves, and try to remember their ranks in power levels. For instance Dexel is about to fight Ginyu whose highest power level was 108,000. Dexel's is 120,000. Giving him a clear advantage. Ginyu is the strongest in the group that was sent. The strongest in the group that is going after JP is Guldo, who is stronger than Zarbon, Dodoria, and Cui. He uses the time stuff. And then there is Dodoria who is going after Rixku. Looking forward to seeing how these fights turn out )
Valcon knew he had a head start. His plan was to get towards Frieza's ship, after that...he just didn't know. He flew faster and faster, until finally he found the ship. Crawling with the Ginyu Force, Frieza's men, and even Frieza himself. "Good day pond scum!" ,Guldo said. "Heh, what's funny is that you're the one who looks like pond scum" ,Valcon said. He landed infront of the ship. "My, my, my, what do we have here? A sayain who needs to die!" ,Frieza said. He quickly fired a death beam at Valcon, and it pierced his gut. Valcon smirked and said, "Well...now you won't know where the Namekians went." Frieza became furious and yelled, "Zarbon! Put him in the healing chamber and don't let anyone near him! He get's healed up all the way so we can find out everything he knows!" "But...Lord Frieza. What about the power level thingy?" ,Zarbon asked. "Do I look like I want to hear your excuses??? If he dies, you're next Zarbon! As for the rest of you you'll split up into four teams. Ginyu, Jeice, and thirty-five of my other men. Take out the reported second sayain who is fighting Klayla. Recoome, Burter, and twenty-five of my other men. Go fight the Namekian who is fighting my son. Guldo, Dodoria, take thirty men, and go take out the male who is standing by their ship. That leaves you Kiwi, go take fourteen of my men and take out the Rixku girl who was traveling with Cassidy" ,Frieza shouted. "Lord...Frieza...my name is Cui" ,Cui said cautiously. Frieza fires a death beam into Cui's face, and says, "Dodoria, you take the fourteen men and kill Rixku." They all bowed and took off. Frieza then kicked Cui's body into the water and said, "I don't like it when my pawns do anything but go forward Kiwi. I know you're name was Cui, I just don't give a flying crap." Meanwhile Zarbon plugged Valcon up in the machine and began the healing process. I really don't agree with Lord Frieza on this one. Sayains have their strength multipled by two after every fight, but after a near death experiance....especially the one he had....multiply it by five. I really don't want to know what Lord Frieza was thinking, Zarbon thought.
Pssh, is time you suckas learned who ya deal'n with... You call that a rhyme? Mo' like a crime, You be losin' I be a bruisen, Don't mess with the best, Or get beat like da rest, I show 'em how it goes, and everybody knows, I got the flow, You gots ta go, You won't win, Let the games begin, One two three or whatever, I dont lose, no not ever, But let the next guy try to, I'll go down and what he did I'll undo, You can't win so just give in, I'm the baddest firetrucker there's ever been! (Yes I meant to say firetrucker.) -What's funny is...I don't rap! I don't even like rap. But I'm winning.
OMG I Started a new page guys!
Valcon smirked. "Ah, so I see, but...As it's creator I know how to stop it." ,Valcon said coolly. He then took his hand and hit Cassidy as hard as he could in the neck. The punch caused the attack to die. "Nobody uses my moves against me. This technique simply amplifies the electricity coming from your nervous system, then combines it with your energy to make a devestating attack. However, if I hit you in the neck, arm, shoulder, rib, or even jaw...the attack is rendered useless." ,Valcon said again. He then shook his finger at her and smiled. "You aren't going to make someone smarter than you your slave" ,he said jokingly. Then he stuck his tongue out at her and put his tail over his upper lip. "Naynya! Can't catch me!" ,he shouted and took off. If I'm going down, I might as well have as much fun as possibe before that happens! ,Valcon thought.
He was crazed, he looked at her and then scoffed, "Those are the words of the weak." He flitted out of her arms and took the appearance of a flying black cloak. Then he landed on top of the beast and beat it until every Unbound was gone. The beast was now gigantic, but Damion was doing a considerable amount of damage to it. Especially with his gun. "I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET EVER COMING OUT OF THE HOLE YOU CALLED HOME!!" ,Damion yelled. He shot and slashed it, but then was smacked hard by the tail. He flew halfway across the city and landed infront of August, but then he got up. Then looked at them, and then took off in his black cloak form. He landed back infront of the monster and said, "You're pretty tough. Jerk." Then he pulled his sword and was back to slashing it at full power.
Lol! Sounds fun!!!
(OOC: Just thought of something that needs to be clarified, Posts in which you introduce you're characters power level, may introduce it through an enemy. The dodging of unavoidable attacks is like saying you moved an immovable oblject unless you have the after image technique. Which can only be used three to four times. Otherwise it'd be cool if people coud use a big blast to counter act the blast that has been fired. That would give you enough time to escape with your life. Also no minion creating unless it can be overcome through force of will, but this may only be done with consent of the other character. However, they still maintain control of their character, but their actions are predetermined. However their thoughts will be intact and they will have constant internal conflicts,until their ultimate mental freedom. That's pretty much all, just remember to have fun and read if you need to catch up! Thanks!)
Valcon coffed up some blood. Ok, so she dodged an undodgable attack...wait...that could only mean one thing... ,Valcon thought. "Cassidy...can you use the after-image technique? The one that drains your power in order to create a clone???" ,Valcon asked. He had become impressed, that technique could have easily destroied the planet had he given it all of his power...no body...not even Frieza or Kathagarus could have survived and their powers excelled everyone but a few. Then Valcon looked up at Dexel and said, "You will beat Frieza. I have the utmost confidence that you can defeat that monster." Then he looked at Cassidy and said, "But as for you...I hope you know I have no intention on being your slave. I'd rather have every limb broken, every cell burned, and every atom split. I will be no man's dog." Valcon got up on his feet, then looked her in the eye. "Come at me. I'm...not....going down....without a fight...just like my...father...," Valcon said. Then a bright purple and yellow light appeared in the sky behind Dexel. Oh Vegeta's glorious gotee!!! I gotta stop that! ,Valcon thought. He flew up and pulled Dexel out of the way as a high powered Special Beam Cannon shot right infront of both of them. It's direction...straight for Cassidy now. "That's probably not going to hit her. So be ready. I'm pretty weak as it is...so I don't think I'll be much help to you right now, but I'll do my best" ,Valcon said regretably. Takku looked at Kathagarus. "Well I'd hate to say it, but you're one fast guy. Dodged my special beam cannon in seconds, and that pretty much sucks" ,Takku said with a sigh. Kathagarus smirked and said, "Well I hope you know my father will be coming in a matter of minutes. I just recieved word that his ship is almost at landing speed." Then a big crash reverberated from a mile away. "Oh, and the Ginyu Force will be joining him too...ha! Fun stuff!" ,Kathagarus said with a smirk. Takku just folded his arms. "Oh yes, quite powerful. I think if you, everyone on that ship, and the Ginyu Force...plus your men and that team you were with all took me on...you might just do it. But...seeing as how I killed your men in our fight...I don't think you stand a chance" ,Takku said looking at the hundreds of bodies surrounding their battle ground.
James smiled. "Ok, you'll be coming to the armory with me at five o'clock sharp. We'll get you some combat gear and decent weapons" ,James said smiling. He knew the boy would be fine. Especially since he'd be with him. "But you gotta promise to stay close, otherwise you could end up in a tight spot. Ok?" ,James asked. Though he felt that Zach wouldn't wonder off too far with those infected creeps around, and he was confident that there were other people out there. People who needed their help desperatly.