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Damion Strife

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Everything posted by Damion Strife

  1. What's better than having a bedroom that is the size of a living room?

    1. Oniaku


      Having s couch in said room.

    2. wayfinder823


      Having a bedroom the size of a mansion?

    3. Damion Strife

      Damion Strife

      Lolz...actually I'm gonna have a freezer, a chair, a couch, and a lot of other cool stuff in it. xD

  2. (Edited Version) James was now back where he was originally training. He'd decided not to go after his new opponent immediatly, so instead he'd train a bit more, and this next time he'd definatly get his kill. All of the inhabiter's Cloud had connections to would perish, and this was his only goal now.
  3. Finally Felix was on his block. He was completly out of breath, but he'd made it. It was time to move towards the house so he walked slowly, and allowed his breath to catch up with him. He reached the door, and rang the bell. Then hopped back to wait for his appology. Victor looked at her puzzled. "You want me to die?" ,he asked sadly. Then he laughed and boomed, "Come, come. No sense in getting yourself killed. Those little pocket knives won't hurt old Victor. You have lot of life to live, you are what? Fourteen? Please...allow me to just save you the trouble, and leave." Scott sat back in his chair and contemplated his next move. Going back and fighting Felix's group would be foolish, hell fighting in his current state would be foolish, but he had something planned. Something a little rash, but it'd work. He'd wait for Rebekah to be alone...assuming she wasn't the one who'd died, and then he'd take her out. Perfect, but now all he needed was a way to do it...without tipping of Alexis. He'd send her out to train, then leave, and she'd never miss him anyway. Infact as far as he knew...she was making out with the Jolly Green Giant he'd just ran from...
  4. New House in the middle of the woods! xD

  5. Dalton held up his sheild to defend the kick, and kicked at the clone. Felix was half way there, he could feel every muscle in his body aching, and he was just about ready to give up. But then he shook it from his mind. He had to do this! This was his one chance at showing himself he was still strong....even without Axel. So he forced his legs to move faster, it was a good thing the rest of the trip was downhill, or he would have passed out an hour ago.
  6. Felix was walking at a faster pace. He felt like he really needed a ride, but he didn't want the others to hear him pull up so they could confront him outside. It would be best to do it inside. So he ran down the road, really trucked it, but he had thirty miles to go. This pace of a constant sixteen miles per hour wasn't going to cut it. It'd take him freaking two hours to get there, and he didn't have Axel's indurance anymore. This was going to suck, but he figured it was worth it. He had to man up and tell his friends how he felt, and ask if he could still be around.
  7. Happy birthday! 2 more years and you can get a license, 4 years until it's unrestricted, and 7 years until you're 21. Avoid drinking and driving.
  8. New post in Damion's Poems, located in the Writing section.

  9. My legs are moving at a faster pace, Sprinting away from my strife, I'm in an all too familiar race, It's a race for my life. Nobody is there beside me, There's a thousand beasts at my back, Just when I think it's the finish line I see, It just moves and moves until I crack. I want to give in please God let me win! But the path just goes further down, The beasts move on in, All my friends turn their backs with a frown. But then I go faster, Fear and anger drive me, I will not let them be my master, I'll win and they'll let me be. So I pound down on the path, Moving faster than they ever dreamed, You don't have to do the math, Those beasts are going to get creamed. I cross the finish and throw my hands in the air, But then I wake up alone in bed, It was all a dream, I was never there, And now I'm here with the beasts instead. I never escaped the ghouls, I'll never be free, Everyone who thinks I can are fools, Because the beasts are inside me....
  10. "Hey....that's not nice," Dalton whined. He did a back handspring to avoid the thrust, his shield bounced off the wall, and landed in his hands. He then attempted to smack Reilly with it. Felix finally saw the docks. He made the captain rip his page neatly from the log books, then he had the captain move all of the bodies into the ship's brig, and shot the captain in the head. Finally he covered the ship in gasoline, oil, terpintine, and any other flamable liquids he could find. He also knocked out all of the corpse's teeth to insure there would be no form of identification. He also made a trail of gas to the main fuel tank, and then on the top of the ship he struck a match. He then quickly ran off of the ship and swam to shore. The whole ship was ingulfed in flames, and once Felix was half way there the ship exploded and began to sink. He finally made it to the docks, and he shivered because the water was freezing cold. He noticed that his jacket was ruined, so he gave it to a homeless man, and then he tucked the gun into the back of his pants. He had six shots left, so he'd need more soon, but this freaking beretta wasn't going to have enough stopping power for some of his opponents. So on he walked in his white t-shirt, black jeans, and combat boots. He was hoping he could just get there and appologize...he thought it should all be ok by the time he gets there...maybe...
  11. "Woah...didn't see that coming..." ,Dalton said spinning around, "I take it you're bad?" He ran up to his room and grabbed a shield out of a bag, and then ran back. "No, I'm not Captain America, but I do have a sweet-ass shield!" ,he yelled. He threw the shield at Reilly, and then ran up to punch him...
  12. "Yeah...Fritz is on the fritz.Hahahaha," Dalton said smiling. He grabbed his belongings and plopped them down in Felix's old room. "Wow, I love red sooo much!!" ,he said laughing to himself. He then walked downstairs, hugged Callum, and then walked over to Rebekah and gave her a wink. Felix was getting tired of this. He'd already had to break up two fights, and had three people try to kill him. They died trying ofcourse. This wasn't the life he needed, and he knew what he had to do. He had to go back, and own up to what happened. So he went to the Captain. "Sir, I need the ship to dock at South Carolina. I need to leave sir," he said. "Nope, the only way you'll leave this ship is over my dead body," the Captain growled. "Well...if that's the way you want it..." ,Felix snapped. The captain pulled a gun on him, but Felix disarmed him and spun the gun around. "Take us to South Carolina...now. Or you'll die," Felix demanded. "Not on your life. You think you scare me?" ,the captain asked. Felix shook his head, and then shot the captain in the left leg. "You think I've got something to lose? You crazy bastard do you want to die?!" ,Felix yelled, "You turn this damn ship towards South Carolina or I'll shoot three inches up and right!" The captain gulped, and turned the wheel. The other crew members tried to stop Felix, but Felix took them out too. He didn't want to be a goody goody anymore...that shit had gotten Axel killed. Now it was war, life, and death. If anyone was his enemy, they'd die, and that was that.
  13. "I bet your excited to see them again..." ,Dalton said smiling. He sped up and parked infront of the house, and honked his horn. "Reception time!" ,he said smiling.
  14. "Alex...you're forgetting they think Fritz came to get you. They probably don't even know that he's not himself, and to be honest they're probably certain he's coming back with you," Dalton said. Suddenly he could actually feel their presance...he was shocked at this, and he stopped. "Well isn't that something?" ,he asked, "They're close!"
  15. So many nice people!!! I love my friends!

  16. "Alrighty then...I hope you enjoy the ride...wow wasn't that nice? Welcome to SC!" ,Dalton said. He'd found another exit, and spun the car in a U turn on the interstate causing six people to wreck. "Weird...people need to learn how to drive.." ,Dalton said laughing.
  17. "You know what's nuts? A bottle of Planters," Dalton said loudly. He passed the exit for South Carolina. "Crap...um...care to detor through Tennesee? I...uhh...took the wrong exit..." ,he said rubbing his head.
  18. (Sounds good!) "Come on....it's not that bad..." Dalton said speeding up, "I'm having fun!"
  19. "You think so? Hmmm....maybe you're right...hey Roxas....it's ok. You'll see Axel again. Maybe if you guys die in this world you wake back up in your own world huh?" ,Dalton asked smiling. They passed the sign that read 'North Carolina' "Hey we're getting close!!" ,Dalton yelled. Felix boarded his boat, it slowly pulled out to sea. His boss, a fat fellow with a huge beard walked over to him and said, "Alright...here's the rules for our voyage across the Ocean. If you kill anyone you have to take up their work, pay is $12.50 an hour. You work 4, then you eat. After twelve hours of work you sleep for five. That's all. Your duty is quarter master. Make sure the beds are tidy, and that nobody goes to their bunk without a pass given to them by me. If they do, you kill them and throw them over. You got that?" ,he asked. "Aye, aye sir..." ,Felix said. "Thata boy...ok. Why the hell are you still here? To your postition!" ,his boss yelled. Felix ran to the bunks, kicked everyone out, and started working. Scott arived at his mansion. The burnt half of his head was wrapped in bandages, and half of a mask was put over his face. "Great...I'm the freaking phantom of the freaking opera..." ,he said frowning, "I used to look good...damn that Felix he's scarred me and Alexis permanently!! I'll make him pay.." 'It was rediculous to begin with doofus,' Marluxia said laughing. "Shut the Hell up!! Don't forget who owns you!!" ,Scott said yelling.
  20. (This one is for a special somebody. Anyone can use it if they feel it is good enough.) I saw you sitting alone today, I felt like it was my time to try, I felt this poem was the way, But I'm so nervous I could die... Remember last night we we talked, You said you loved someone, And away I walked? I wanted to be the only one... I've wanted to be yours for a while, I just haven't been able to say it, I just can't help but shut up and smile, But not today I quit... I love you with all my heart and soul, Forget everything wrong with my life, You're my one and only goal, You take away my pain and strife... I just want a yes or no, I don't have enough time for a game, So tell me to stay or go, But either way our friendship stays the same... If you get tired of hearing me blab about love, It's ok I understand, But remember that you're my angel above, And I'm nothing but sand... So with all my love and good intentions, With all my strength and soul, I ask for your love as this poem mentions, And help my half heart become whole.
  21. It's a good day!!! I get two days off from work!! xD

  22. I almost told you that I loved you...hmmm...song title or true story? You decide.

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