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Damion Strife

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Everything posted by Damion Strife

  1. Well...its your funeral I guess...
  2. Oh shit you know she means buisness when da shotgun comes out!
  3. (OOC: I think what he's telling you is that meeting other characters is fine. It's just destroying cities, and other characters without first bringing it up isn't.)
  4. I'm doing Insanity and P90X xD

    1. Damion Strife

      Damion Strife

      Oh it's awesome! I like it a lot more than P90X because all you do is pay the $135 they ask for, which is spaced out between three month intervals, and then you have everything you need! But with P90X you have to buy so much extra stuff...lucky that its my parents' stuff. I get to use it because I need to be fit and strong to go into the Marines. xD

    2. TheApprenticeofKingMickey


      Of course. You need money. What am I thinking? Saving up for a 3DS and KH3D so oops.

    3. Damion Strife
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  5. Marluxia allowed the fireball to hit him in his chest and it blew him back through a concrete wall. He then summoned up his own scythe and flew at Ethan. His shirt had burned off, his face was a bit bruised from the concrete that he hit, and his back and arms were bruised. However, the fight had just begun, and to make it look completly real Marluxia had to get beat even worse. Felix's eyes finally opened everything he heard was a little off. When Rebekah asked if he was ok all he heard was 'You pay?' So he smirked and started picking himself up and said, "Yeah...I sure will pay. We'll just have to get through this fight won't we?" He slumped back down onto one knee and held the position. He couldn't stand, and he knew then that his leg was either broken or completely useless. "Rebekah...I think my leg is broken. I'd hate to be a worry to anyone here, and I'd die if anything happened to you....would you help me out of here?" he asked, then he blushed and finished, "Maybe to a hospital?"
  6. Whew...I'm feeling tired. I'm about to go to sleep.

    1. Kirie


      But you're online..

  7. Woah...did Mr. Mime and Mew have a baby?!?!
  8. A bad one...almost as bad as the episode Love Octagon on My Name Is Earl.
  9. Some countries use rulers. I use cars.
  10. It's simple... Add four to the other side then take the square root. The square root of 4 is 2. So wouldn't x=2?
  11. No we mrust bree sirent...day are onto us...
  12. Yes. I also learned Chinese. Me Chinese, Me play joke, Me put pee pee in your coke!
  13. I've been working out so long I'm beginning to forget what rest feels like...

    1. Damion Strife

      Damion Strife

      Oh I rest. It just doesn't feel like it's enough.

    2. Koko


      then rest more and make sure you're getting the proper nutrition

    3. Damion Strife

      Damion Strife

      Yeah...I'm eating properly. Portions as big as my fist. Mostly fruits, vegetables, skinless chicken, and fish. I'll try getting more rest.

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  14. Scott smiled. As soon as he looked into Ethan's eyes he saw the glint he was looking for. A man who'd killed as many people as Scott had knew the look, it was a look of complete satisfaction. Ethan would try to kill him. Now to put the icing on the cake. It was time for 'Marluxia' to make an appearance. So Scott fell on the ground and began shaking. He did the whole bit spewing foam from his mouth, biting his tounge until it bled, and then he flipped over and let out a low gargle. He stayed that way for minutes, then he stood back up and let Marluxia speak. "Hello. Sorry about that, I had to put Scott away...there was no need in hearing him talk any longer. Ethan, the time has come. Scott is no longer in the way, and the next time he comes out will be once I'm dead. It's time to force you to die or kill your friend," Marluxia said. Scott and Marluxia had long discussed the possibility of an inhabiter switching bodies. Scott made a deal, Marluxia get out of his head and stay with another, and in return Scott wouldn't kill the person Marluxia inhabited. Scott wanted to follow Cain's plan to end the inhabiting, but not if he had to die. So he would cause Ethan to hurt him so bad it would put him in a five day coma, but before he passed out from the pain he'd give up his inhabiter's abilities. Once upon a time a building he'd owned was used for an inhabiter fight, and his camera showed a man giving up his power to a group of people. Scott predicted that if he passed all of his abilities to a single person he'd be able to pass the entire inhabiter on to another. It was the perfect plan, and now was the time to test his theory. He'd get Ethan to put him down temporarily, but then the joke would be on Ethan because Marluxia would inform Scott's target about all of Scott's dealings. It was perfect....except he didn't know how it would work out. (How does this plan sound guys? I'd been thinking this would be a cool twist. Scott would lose his inhabiter, and pretty much be a mob boss who can fight like an assassin. He'd still be formidable, but he wouldn't have any teleporting power or a cool scythe. Instead he'd work with his own two hands and resources. But he'd pass Marluxia on to another person. If that's ok. If not I have a backup plan.)
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