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Damion Strife

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Everything posted by Damion Strife

  1. Felix looked up suprised. "Umm well. The military training made me really strong, and I can do a lot of acrobatics. I could fight on my own, but Axel helps a lot. I'm glad I got him too, it woulda sucked if I'd only gotten someone who fought only with acrobatic skill, but now I can deal some heavy fire damage and lay down the law with the chakrams. I'm also a good cook...I lived on my own for a while, and I'm a super neat freak even though I've been kind of a slob. It's just...weird doing this kind of stuff you know? I don't really like the whole run around never settle down thing, I've never had time to settle down my whole life, and now looking back I never wanted to...until I met you," Felix said....he kept the until I met you part completly to himself in a very quiet whisper. Then when the waiter came by he ordered a Tour of Italy which got him all the pasta dishes they served, as well as endless breadsticks. Scott ran faster up the stairs and saw Alexis flying towards Troy. He then turned and leaned against the wall by the stairs, he sensed the other man coming up, and he knew it would be a good idea to take him out on the spot. They couldn't risk two inhabiters showing up.
  2. Scott was pissed, that kid came out of nowhere, and would ruin their whole freaking plan if he beat Alexis. He had to get up to her, so he got out of the car and slowly walked up the stairs.
  3. Ok..so yesterday was Harrison Ford's birthday too! xD

  4. Felix smiled at Rebekah and said, "Completly necessary. You deserve to be treated like a princess, and I'm the guy to do it!" He followed the waiter to their table, and pulled out Rebekah's seat for her. He then took his own and looked casually at the menu. Scott nodded and headed down the stairs, went out the door, and got back into the taxi he'd had. He saw a man on the side of the road looking at the gallery and decided to have a bit of fun. "Sir, would you mind walking over to the police station? Some gangsters just busted into my gallery, threw out the Mona Lisa, and robbed all of my guests. Nobody was injured, but they took off down south avenue," he said in his most regal voice. He almost sounded brittish, and his disguise was full proof. 'Jeeze I hope Alexis notices this guy is an inhabiter...if he goes upstairs and see's her...we'll have to eliminate him...' Scott thought.
  5. Felix quickly put on his shirt and grinned. "Alrighty, now lets go have us a date!!" he said. He picked her up, and ran across the street and into the restaurant. "Table for two please!" he said with a smile. "Sir...you do realize that menu items here range $35 and up right?" the waiter asked. "Oh...is that the case? Well...we'd better go to a more expensive and high end restaurant. Sir, what made you think I haven't got a lot of money? Just look at this," Felix said opening his wallet. The waiter saw three hundred dollars in cash, and immediatly pointed to a seat... Scott nodded. "No. I'll never stop, I'm the kind of man who sees that everything he wants is taken, and everything he needs he already has. I just want you to know the rules my master passed down to me. Rule number one: everyone weaker than you is pray, rule number two: you must be able to adapt to any situation, and rule number three: rest is best just before a mission. The rest we'll get to later, but right now...I'm thinking we need to go get some sleep. What do you say?" he asked. He turned, his shoe slid a bit on the bloody floor, and he accidently grabbed her hip. He immediatly removed his hand, but still couldn't kill the emotional blush reflex. He was totally red...
  6. Felix finally caught up to Rebekah. He came up behind her and hugged her close. "Baby you scared the crap out of me!!" Felix said sadly, "I was all worried! It's late, and there are about a million bad things out here and....do you wanna go get some pasta? There's a restaurant right across the street!" He smiled and pointed to the tiny restaurant. "I mean...we've never really gotten to go on a date before..." he said with a blush. Scott finished with a dip, and then looked at her. "Was that fun or what? Plus that's not even half of it girl! With our combined strength, power, and minds we could slaughter everyone in this city, state, country, and world!! I'd kill anything for you, with you, and let me tell ya it's gonna be more fun than tonight. I was thinking our next big trial before we start on the inhabiters is a hit on another government organization....what do you think about the FBI?" Scott asked.
  7. Felix finally broke out of his cast and hopped over to his clothes...well everything minus a shirt, and he got dressed quickly. He ran down the hall, down the stairs, and out the front door. He went straight down to the store and he couldn't find her. He saw some guys dealing stolen material in the men's bathroom, he beat them sensless, but got nothing out of them. Then he was told a lot of women were headed down to that ball at the art gallery, but it was on the worst side of town. His eyes bugged open, and he started running down the sidewalk shirtless and all. Scott ran up and sliced the other three's heads off with his scythe. He was seriously impressed, especially since she killed the three best guns out of his relatives, and he then grabbed her in his arms. "Good job, sorry about the guns. It just so happened that my family visited, and I well you've totally earned your keep," he said as he twirled her towards a radio, and he pressed play, "So wanna dance around the corpses?" He grabbed her at the waist and her right hand.
  8. Felix began to worry, so immediatly he called down to the front desk asking if she left with a man, but the nurse said no. His eyes bugged out, this wasn't what he wanted to hear, and he needed to make sure she was safe. He felt bad about her being alone in Chicago of all places. For all he knew there'd be about thirteen murders in just the first hour.... He tried moving his hand, but nothing, and so he rolled. He fell on the floor and fell down on his face....great. Scott liked what he saw, she looked magnificent killing off those losers easily, and he felt like she'd be fine on her own. Then he realized that his family-members had just drawn their guns and were heading towards Alexis. He busted out a window, and chunked the Mona Lisa out. He wasn't much of a theif but he figured a piece like that could get quite a bit on a market in Columbia or Cuba, and he could easily have his boys bring it down there, but when it smashed on the cold concrete he remembered that they were four floors up on a building in old Chicago. "Shit, blew that one...." he muttered to himself. He looked back at his family, and they were getting close to Alexis...
  9. Felix smiled until she left to cover his concern. He was worried about her going out along...especially when they'd been ambushed almost every time they'd had a tender moment. He hoped that wouldn't happen...he had to get better and that meant now. Scott spotted Alexis right away, and he saw her drag that man in. He was excited, and she looked like she was having fun. He smiled, but then knew that Alexis had completly ignored the idea that there might be another woman that had to use the restroom....it'd be bad but he didn't worry, she'd be quick.
  10. It's 12 am central time! July 13th, my 19th Birthday! xD

    1. Damion Strife

      Damion Strife

      Lolz I was thinking about using Roxas when I leave for basic. xD

    2. Always



    3. Damion Strife

      Damion Strife

      Thank you very much!!!! xD

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  11. Felix looked at her and shook his head. "I've got nothing, but could you take someone with you? Ask Jayson, he's my friend and I trust him....but just on the safe side be on your guard," Felix said calmly. Then he thought about the shirt and said, "Could you get something white with no sleeves? I'm a Large....and my wallet's on that night table." Scott got out of the doctor's uniform, and walked into the ballroom casually. He noticed his relatives were there, it didn't suprise him they were all big into art, but he did know that would pose a few problems. They'd be armed, all six of his last living relatives, and Alexis would be in danger. Well...if she survived this she'd more than exceed his expectations.
  12. "Yeah...I lead my team a lot. Graduation from the military school was hard, and well....it's ingrained in my mind. Much like the feeling of our first kiss," Felix said smiling. Scott sat close beside her. "Lance, pull in here," he said to the driver. The doors opened, and they were infront of an art museum. "Tonight, they are having a ball in there because the museum has been loaned the Mona Lisa. Here's your suprise, my initiation test for you, and this is a lot easier than the one Cain gave me. Fifty unarmed civillians, and six guards armed only with pagers. Your goal is to kill them all before a single guard can call in a distress signal, otherwise I'll have to take on the entire Chicago Police Department. Can you do it?" Scott asked. He put a smoke grenade on her lap and smirked. "If you can, go in there with this concealed, and throw it at the right moment," he said looking in her eyes.
  13. "Unfortunatly its actually time for buisness...we need to be organized for the next attack. I've got a plan, there will be four leaders, four lieutenants, and then people join the group they want to be with. We split, but stay in touch. Those of us who have dark portal jumping abilities have to perfect them, and that'll help us have an effective method of getting the jump on our enemies unlike last time when we were all out in the freaking open," Felix said he then looked at her and smiled, "I don't know...what do you think?" Scott looked at her and smiled. "Yes, but what woman is as powerful as you? I've always wanted someone as strong as me, and I don't plan on one of us living if we happen to 'break up.' I also feel like it would cause that boy James a hell of a lot of pain if he saw the two of us together whenever we decide to take him out, and Ethan will be pissed off too. If you answer now, I have a surprise, but if you say no I can let you back off with those kids and you can do whatever...after I kill a few of them and bolt," Scott said smiling at her.
  14. Felix looked at Rebekah. "Tons better Alex my man. Tons better. Rebekah...can you get the others to go check on Mariah and Joy? I have some things we need to discuss. Alex, ya'll can come back in an hour or so, and give me a status report on our friends please," Felix said sternly. Scott snarled, "Marluxia, answer her." "Hello Larxene. Fine, you can have Namine. But I'd also like to give you Axel, as well as his female companion, and the one with Roxas," he said. Scott then reassumed command and said, "The rest are mine. As for what is in it for me...I'd just like your partnership. Think about this, if we suceed I'll give you second postition in my family. You'll have access to your own private army, and we can bring this world to its knees. I'll make you the most powerful woman in the world. I know you aren't much for the word love, that boy tried to win you with it, but I'm offering something better undescribable power. What do you say?"
  15. Felix leaned his head up and kissed her on the lips. "Thank you for being here for me Rebekah. I hope I don't smell bad...I really need a shower," he said smiling. Scott smiled. "A few because I really want to see them suffer. My first attempt at killing them didn't go well, and if we take just a few at a time we suceed in narrowing their numbers. Plus the confusion of losing a teamate causes confusion, and plenty of pain. Furthermore, if any of them happen to be the hero/leader type that person will be taken way off their game, and we can easily screw with that person's head more. My predecesor taught me that much," he said smiling at her.
  16. "Closer Rebekah, I gotta whisper it..." he said weakly again. "Well, I'd like to have you help me takeout about three or four of those other guys. After your training ofcourse, and I'm no idiot. We'll plan the attack for weeks before we actually attempt anything, and we can even use your Paige personality for our advantage until the attack," he said smiling.
  17. "No, I'm not hungry. I'd really like you to come over here though, there's something I gotta tell you," Felix said weakly. Scott smirked and said, "You don't sound happy. Whatever did I do to make you hate me so much? Yes, I'll make you strong, strong enough to takeout everyone you've ever met, and I only ask one thing in return. Help me. How does that sound?"
  18. "Actually, I feel a bit better...I'm using feel lightly. These casts are tight!!" he said laughing. Scott pulled off the hat and the mask as soon as the car slipped out of sight of the hospital. "Really, you forgot me already Alexis?" he asked glumly. ",I gotta say I'm suprised, because I sure haven't forgotten you, or my promise to make you stronger."
  19. Felix woke up on some kind of table, in a full body cast, and Rebekah was holding his hand. "Hey darlin, how'd I end up like this?" he asked. Scott smiled and turned around. "Follow me...Paige," he said stepping into the back of a Taxi.
  20. Felix's eyes closed. He was comfortable, and he was being watched over well. Scott chuckled. "Yeah, Paige it's been a long while. Would you mind going to dinner with me? I just got off work," he asked happily.
  21. "None taken. I feel better than I look though," Felix lied. He needed to keep morale up, he needed to make sure that everyone kept their confidence, and that was why he'd push himself hard. He looked at the others, first at Joy and Mariah they'd been through a lot previously and he wondered how they were feeling now, and if going through so much was taking its toll. Then to Troy, Keilani, Tudi, and Ellie young and going through so much how were they feeling? Jayson was next, he'd just walked into this mess, and Felix knew that this would be a lot for his old friend to bare. Next were Victoria's group, well they had eachother, and that made Felix feel awkward he didn't really know much of them they kept coming and going. I mean even the new Paige girl had family she'd just found so surely things would get better. Finally he looked at Rebekah, his angel, she'd given him so much hope and was changing him into a better man, and he knew deep down he needed to return the favor. He smiled at all of them and said, "Let's all get some well deserved rest and attention. Keep our severely injured friends in mind, and let's try to stick together. Because if we're together, there's nothing that can overcome us," Felix said as loud as he could, it wasn't very loud though. Infact it sounded like he did when he normally talked, and he was slowly losing the feeling in his legs again. So he turned and walked, he made it to the doors, and fell through them landing on the cold hard tile. His bloody body made a sick plopping noise as it hit, and all he could do was look back at Rebekah with huge frightned eyes. Not for himself, but for all of the people he felt like he'd just left down.
  22. "Nah I got it, I'm gonna be headed for the front desk to check in. That was one nasty car crash huh?" Felix said smirking. He hobbled towards the front door of the hospital, next time he wouldn't be hurt, and he would make sure that he'd put their next enemy in the ground.
  23. Dear God yes!!! Everyone watch from the three minute mark. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LD7NQSie6Y
  24. Sooooo who.....knows the muffin man?
  25. Alright. The game is twenty questions. Is it a bird? Yes. Does it participate in aquatic events? Yes! Is it Surfin Bird? Oh dear God not again!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fruHQhNe-UM
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