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Damion Strife

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Everything posted by Damion Strife

  1. I'm back!!! OORAH!!!

    1. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek

      'ello hows...ummmm boot camp?

  2. (OOC: Goood Morning KH13!! Back from Boot Camp, 7x's stronger, and ready to put up one heck of a post!) Felix buried his face in his hands and looked around at his comrades. "I...have something to say. It's mission sensitive...it's...some serious shit guys," Felix said covering his face, "I'm useless to you now. I'll never be at the level I was." He crossed his legs and sat like a child. He held his arms and a tear slowly slipped out of his eye. What was he doing? He had no reason to explain himself to these people. But here he was. "I've lost Axel. He's...he's gone," Felix said slowly, "He gave his life for us back there...I wasn't doing my job...and I killed him." Scott's mind was riddled with a new purpose. It was time for him to get back to the mission. He would hang back, and let all of the regulars kill eachother off. Then he'd strike right after an attack. It was perfect. His focus was on that gang he and Alexis had fought. That rag tag group of children with gifts would die, and he'd do it because he was the best. Victor slumped over, and sat down. "No...this is pointless. We kill all the inhabiters, and then what? Kill myself? Please. What is the point?" ,he asked. He shook it from his head. Got back up, and walked north. He'd bump into one eventually. They were all moths heading towards an inevitable flame.
  3. I'm off to Boot Camp on December 17th! I'll be gone for three months!! See ya'll when I get back! I'm gonna be a Marine!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AROD666


      good luck i want to join the national guard one day take care bro

    3. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek

      keepin are waters safe

    4. Damion Strife
  4. Hey ya'll bad time but I gotta go. I give my characters to Always and Whimper buddy. I'm off to Camp Pendleton on December 17th! I'm gonna be gone for three months. Boot Camp ya'll!!! See ya when I get back!
  5. (Ok this one is probably the best I've got. I've had some things come up these past months and I gotta say this sums it up.) Getting ready to go just not quite so easy, I thought it would be faster than this, All calm cool and breezey, But here's the thing I've got a lot to miss. My family is here and my friends are here, All of my things and everything I need, I won't leave without sheding a tear, But all of these things my doubts feed. Did I make the right choice? Yes without a doubt I did. Once I'm there will I be able to silence my voice? For nineteen years I have kept it hid. It's not that easy I keep telling myself, I just want to know I'll have someone, But I gotta put all my emotions on the shelf, When I get on that plane I am the only one. I am the only one there who cares, I am the only one there who sees, I am the only one there who breaks, I am the only one there who cries out in pain, and all these things I leave behind... No more tears, No more sorrow, I must forget my fears, Read my letters and from them strength borrow. I am not going to go down, I will push until my body breaks, I will move over this like a storm over a town, Even if my whole world quakes. I am not going to fall, I'm going to rise, At the end I'll stand tall, Touch the skies. This is how it will be, All that I ask of you, Is to put your trust in me, You'll see what I can do. Then when I'm out, I'll make damn sure to come see you. That way I can shout, How greatful I was for doing what you do.
  6. I'm back!!! It's been a while since I've been on so I've got a lot of things to talk about and I'm sure ya'll do too! I'm sorry I've been away for a while but having no internet will do that to ya. I hope everyone enjoyed thanksgiving!

  7. (OOC: Well shoot...I just got internet back...)
  8. I'm the oldest of four...so I really feel their pain.
  9. Dalton noticed Callum falling down, so he picked him up and carried him out. Felix noticed that Dalton didn't go back for Rebekah, after letting go of her hand so he went back. "I'm sorry I'm late...come on, let's get out of here..." ,he said gently grabbing her hand.
  10. Dalton quickly held up his shield and grabbed Rebekah's hand and then grabbed Callum, he held them close, and attempted to flee the house. Felix grabbed the gun out of the pool, and casually walked to the back door and grabbed Reilly's head. He then strolled to the front yard, and punted it across the street. "You stupid bastard..." he said laughing.
  11. My likes=Electabuzz's number! xD

  12. Lolz...I used to have to deal with it a lot...still do with my five year old sister...boy I wish she didn't grow up so fast...
  13. Felix dodged the blades, and picked up shattered pieces of lightbulb. He threw them at Reilly, then charged at him with anohter punch, and afterwards he ran outside.
  14. "Fine by me. I've been looking forward to this," he said darkly. He ran at Reilly and went for a right hook towards his jaw.
  15. But...telling them what they are isn't good enough. You have to tell them they are the best. Why? Because every girl is beautiful, but they all want to know that the guy they are with thinks they look the best. This, is the truth of life.
  16. Felix blocked the kick with his leg and jumped backwards. "Fine. You can use your toys...I'll use mine," Felix said smiling. He ran to the kitchen counter and grabbed the cooking oil, threw the opened container at Reilly, and then pulled a match from his pocket and struck it.
  17. Yep...all of the awkward questions I get...
  18. Felix frowned. He popped his neck and kicked to his left, then he punched to his right, and spun around to head butt the clone behind him. Then he turned back and faced Reilly. "Really? You NEED to use your inhabiter to fight me? I guess I am a better HUMAN than you. I guess I just...have more natural STRENGTH than you. Is that how it is, because it really looks that way," Felix said with a smirk.
  19. Felix rolled and ended up infront of Reilly. "Pssh...so?" ,he scoffed. He threw three punches at Reilly's face, and then a kick to his chest. Dalton quickly ran over to Callum. "Hey my man...you should really get in my Ferrari and take Alex. I'll get the girl and we'll get the hell out of here," he said sassily. He then put his sheild on his back and reached his hand out to help Callum up.
  20. "Why don't you back off the little guy and fight me huh?" ,Felix asked, "Look, I'll throw the gun away, and you can just fight me with your fists like a man." "You sure you wanna do that?? What would keep him from teleporting, grabbing the gun, and shooting your ass?" ,Dalton asked. "Cuz this," Felix said. He unloaded the gun, shoved the clip in his pocket, and tossed the gun out the window and into the pool. He then took a boxing stance.
  21. Three questions I'll never want again, Three questions that will make anyone blush, Where these questions begin, Faces always flush. First the simplest of these, Do you think this makes me look fat? The answer is one of ease, But there is no good way of answering that. Next is one that comes out every week or so, Do you think she looks better than me? The answer is always supposed to be no, I just don't see why you can't put it to memory. The third comes from my sister, Where do babies come from? Would you please answer for me mister?? My heart always pounds like a two ton drum. Well my sister you came from a goat, Well it was obvious she thought it was a sham, When the words 'how's that' came from her throat, So I always get stuck and then BAM!!! The answer to my prayers come for each, A distraction that never fails me to this day, I just look around and for mirrors in reach, And say 'you're the most beautiful girl wouldn't you say?' They always giggle and smile at me, While I silently sigh in relief, These questions should let me be, That my bros is a statement of belief. That you can use this line anytime, It'll save your butt like no tomorrow, The rest of the day will be sublime, And if not you need some time to borrow... Because that question will just keep on coming, Till you have a more than excellent reason, Don't just sit there with your nose thumbing, Use the line again with a hint of some please'n If she don't take flattery... It's not meant to be, Just hope she don't resort to battery, If she does don't blame me...
  22. Felix heard a commotion, so he busted in, pointed his gun, and fired three rounds at Reilly. "I'm back bitches," he said casually. He walked in slowly still aiming the gun, he slowly put himself between Rebekah and Reilly. Dalton shrugged. "We were doing fine without you..." ,he said flipping his hair. Felix frowned at him and then jerked his head towards Reilly. So Dalton nodded and rushed him. (Like goofy when he does that sweet sheild bash attack.)
  23. Workout was so hard...

    1. Kirie


      No wonder lol

    2. Damion Strife

      Damion Strife

      Yeah...they had us run three miles, do a relay, and then run six miles back. Then I did crunches, plank pushups, and leg lifts. Afterwards I did pullups, and then went home to babysit. xD

  24. Really really tired...they worked me like a dog last night. By the end of my shift I was saying 'Thanks for shopping the parking lot!' and 'Excuse me can I take that baby?' Instead of 'Thanks for shopping at Walmart' and 'Excuse me can I take that cart?' So messed up. xP

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. StarStruck


      I guess that happens when your tired.... At least you didn't run into a wall like I did at home....

    3. xion---424


      i work at walmart too...the fabric and craft sections not that bad xD but thanks for makeing my day xD funny how true this is!

    4. Damion Strife

      Damion Strife

      Yeah...I'm a cart pusher...lolz. It gets hectic at night for some reason...

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