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Damion Strife

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About Damion Strife

  • Birthday 07/13/1993

Other Information

  • Member Title
    Sephiroth's Bane
  • Gender

About Me

Thanks for dropping by my page, ok yeah I've been fixing it up here and there, but I have been going through some changes lately and I want my page to reflect a general sense of just who I am. Well for starters, I'm 19 years old, I live in North Little Rock Arkansas, and I'm in the Delayed Entry Program with the United States Marine Corps. I'm a reborn Christian, when I say that I don't even mess around with it, and what I mean is that for months now I've been struggling and trying to fight God's will to serve myself.


I tried going to college when it was clearly not God's plan for me, so that didn't work out, and that put me in a situation that called for some help. So I prayed, and as soon as I finished my prayer a commercial on the TV came on. It was the Marines, and I felt like God was putting me on a path. Now, the Marines isn't for everyone, and they'll tell you that themselves. So I busted my butt just to enlist, and now I'm busting my butt to be able to ship. God has put me on a great path, and I'm going to forge ahead as hard as I can. I've also grown a lot in the past few days, my mind has become a whole lot clearer, and I can almost see what I'm supposed to do. I'm not the scared little boy who just quit college anymore, and I'm never going to be that guy again. I'm a lot stronger now, and I love for people to notice that.





How did I find this site? Well my friend Not-with-a-whimper introduced me, I guess he kinda figured I liked RPing....anyway. He started this RP called 'Kingdom Hearts Coming Together' I decided to make a profile so I could make a character, and then I needed a name. My character was all planned out, he'd be the son of Cloud Strife and Tifa Lockhart, and so Damion Strife was born. Since I've been on, I've created a few failed RP's that didn't stick, joined a random game, and RP'd in one of the greatest RP's I think I've ever seen. The Incarcerated Series created by Number XV. We started out in Final Fantasy: Incarcerated, and then we were in Kingdom Hearts: Incarcerated. I've gotta say that I've had most of my fun in them. Just great stories, and plenty of fun characters. I'm also an HUGE Kingdom Hearts fan. I played the first about a two days after it came out, and then Chain of Memories on my friend's Gameboy Advanced SP. I freaking went crazy after KH2 came out, and played it nonstop for about two days straight. I can say that I've beat it on every difficulty, played as a level 99 final form Sora, and I crushed Sephiroth hardcore on every difficulty. (Yeah...that's right! xD )





Alright, now down to my favorites of all time. xD


My top 10 favorite movies are as followed from greatest to least:

1.) The Godfather Saga

2.) The Dark Knight Rises

3.) Star Wars (The entire Saga)

4.) The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

5.) The Shawshank Redemption

6.) Stand By Me

7.) Full Metal Jacket

8.) Courageous

9.) 500 Days of Summer

10.) Citizen Kane


My top 10 favorite video games are as followed from greatest to least:

1.) Call of Duty (All of it)

2.) Kingdom Hearts (All of it-except coded...didn't really need to be fooled into the whole cyber space thing...)

3.) Final Fantasy (All of it-except 11 and 14...no thank you.)

4.) Skyrim (Duh.)

5.) Halo (All the way to 3. After 3...why? Why is it there??)

6.) Star Wars Battlefront 1+2

7.) Dragon Ball Z games (Yes.)

8.) Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm (All of them.)

9.) Star Wars The Force Unleashed 1+2

10.) Zelda (All of it.)


My Top 10 Favorite Bands/Musicians are as follows...same as before:

1.) The Beatles

2.) Maroon 5

3.) Metallica

4.) Green Day

5.) Toby Keith

6.) Brad Paisley

7.) The Gorillaz

8.) Brandon Heath

9.) Tim McGraw

10.) Snow Patrol


Thanks for taking the time to look at my profile! Have a great day!





                                                                                                                        Fear the Order of the X-Blade!!!!








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