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Everything posted by Col.Random

  1. Funny how after all that pep talk I decided to quit basketball. Maybe it's better if I become a football player

  2. That's what everyone says at some point, then they come back sooner or later.DON'T YOU SEE!? We are stuck here, no matter how far you think you can go you'll always end up back here huahuahuehuehua
  3. we're still waiting though xDAlso for at least half the fanbase "whiners" would be appropriate >_>
  4. Happy Birthday oh great webmaster *bows* And since everyone else is posting pictures of cake... BEHOLD
  5. Ugh why the hell is applying to a malaysian uni so hard? Their websites are making it kinda hard to apply online >.<

  6. Where have you been all this time? I've hardly seen you around D8

    1. Geralt


      Good question actually. One day I was walking down the street, and I kept going....and going....and going....and going...next thing you know I found myself in Egypt. I did eventually find my way back though.

    2. Col.Random


      damn son you need to be more careful with where your feet take you uwu

    3. Geralt


      I know. ._.

  7. We won't know at this point because half of them have either become Xehanort or are a part of him and technically haven't been defeated and the old man kicks the bucket himself uwu
  8. Ah yes, had a great time chilling out with Paranoia the other day
  9. The number of people obsessed with character deaths is too damn high.Watch Game Of Thrones if that stuff tickles your fancy
  10. and if he doesn't like it she could always just make him forget she ever made him a sammich
  11. There's a lot of great anime, but fullmetal alcehmist brotherhood easily beats most of them
  12. So apparently my friend's phone can somehow function as a universal remote. We were supposed to watch some video lecture in our physics class and when the teacher connected the tv he got sort of confused when we quietly switched it on xD

    1. Aru Akise

      Aru Akise

      WWWWWWW My uncle's can do that too. Let the fun begin!

    2. Col.Random


      I'm gonna get myself a phone like that. Imagine all the fun i could have xD


    3. Oli


      We do that a lot in our stadistics classes xD

  13. I love how a McDonald's outlet opening close to where I live has got so many people excited

    1. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek

      Those mc nuggets ayhgbvfnhfhgft

  14. I wouldn't consider it darker But I definitely think the mantas are much better in terms of story and characters It just seems to do a better job at showing everyone's reactions and habits The games try either too hard to look dark or too hard to look child friendly and that ends up firetrucking things up
  15. This really is the tallest I'll ever be, but that's not the worst that could have happened. I'm going to keep playing basketball and be a great player one day. Just watch me

    1. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      And then Lord Random grew an extra foot over night

    2. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      Now he spends more on shoes than ever before

  16. Can't believe I never heard of Manu Ginobili before. That guy's passing is on a whole other level

    1. Skhyatze



  17. why are so many good famous people dying these days?

    1. OmegaForte


      I'm asking that myself. 2015 is starting out bad. >_<

    2. Shana09


      Its like this every year. Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse, Joan Rivers, etc.

      It really really sucks :c

      This year and MJ death hit more harder to me than the rest too.

  18. something seems different about the status section

    1. Col.Random
    2. Demyx.


      I think there used to be 4...maybe

    3. Demyx.


      Or I just never paid attention

    4. Show next comments  57 more

    1. Col.Random


      No need to apologize, I'm still right 8D

    2. Weedanort



    3. Col.Random




    4. Show next comments  57 more
  20. Sometimes it's like this site is just one giant roleplay thread

    1. Forever


      *Peeks over sunglasses*


      GAH!! Too much!! It BURNS!

    2. Jilly Shears

      Jilly Shears

      I mean it's kinda true, if you wanna get technical with it. lol

    3. Hazimie


      Ain't that the truth? xP

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  21. What we need is a Slam Dunk sequel

  22. wanting to whine/cry about something that upsets me and then npt wanting to because i get annoyed when other people do that...dilemma

    1. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek

      Haha the true test of an adult

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