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Everything posted by Col.Random

  1. Why is it that the things we want the most are as far from our reach as possible?

    1. WakingDawn96


      And the things that actually are closest to our reach that we really want are things that we know we can never ever have?

    2. KingdomHearts3


      Lealixx said it best.

    3. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      cuz dats the way of the Xam and ur all Xams

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  2. i'm expecting one of those fancy armours from BBS
  3. Kinda wish 0.2 was a bit longer. The worlds in it are so beautiful

    1. Kingdomhe


      well think of it this way, that will be the length of all the worlds in 3.

  4. I managed to talk to this really cute girl and she seemed interested-ish ( i can never really tell). Why did i chicken out and stop talking after saying like 5 or 6 things damnit? xD

    1. Felixx


      Can't you talk to her again? Either way well done! For starting talking xD

    2. Col.Random


      Thanks guys.

      And i probably might get to see her again since she's staying in the same area as me which means we could end up on the same bus again later ^^

      but until then i need to figure out what i'll actually talk about

  5. Remember when we thought this would finally be the year for Kingdom Hearts 3? Ha ha

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AaySquare


      RIP 2017 release hope for the game. If anything, it's gonna be releasing end of 2018 or 2019.

    3. Zimomo


      I've read the interview... God, seriously Nomura... I'll wait for the translation here in KH13 but... If they really still have to start creating some of the worlds then... I don't know what to say :P

    4. Joker


      I remember those days. I was sure after 3D we'd get 3.

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  6. Someone has apparently managed to get into my Youtube and has been watching some really weird stuff. I have a feeling it's my sister, but how the hell did she get into my Youtube? xD

    1. KairiKeybasH


      when i had my account on my mom´s phone Youtube started to recommend me some dumb stuff.

  7. 2 seems appropriate. People often forget that there's plenty of people out there who struggle to make the money and the time needed to play something they really wanted to play and it must really suck to have it all spoiled for them
  8. The last thing that 2016 shall kill is itself

  9. You can read a bit about and donate here. I wanted to send some cash myself, but i neither have a credit card nor a paypal. But you guys can, even if it's just 5 dollars. https://herofund.whitehelmets.org/donate/crowdfund?source=fbwbty#
  10. I expected this https://www.facebook.com/SteveKardynalFans/videos/1292841947428290/?pnref=story
  11. Started my first semester deciding i should finally get a girlfriend. Ended the semester with people telling me i have two boyfriends. Just...what even

    1. Skai


      Your rank needs to increase, sir.

    2. MythrilMagician
    3. Oli


      Two boyfriends at the same time? Nice

  12. I really hope when KH3 comes out we get to see a little bit of kh3

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. KingdomHeartsSora


      This sounds alot like my post.... HMMMMMMMMMM

    3. KingdomHearts3


      We get to see a bit of KH3 in KH3?

    4. Joker


      No you wont be in the game.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  13. *facepalms* I can't believe i'm only now finding this oh my god T_T Thank you so much guys
  14. holy shit i can't believe i'm 20 now. Holy shit i can't believe i've been on this site for 5 years

  15. My favourite would have to be my very first souls game, the first Dark Souls. It was an experience unlike any other game i had played- the characters, the lore, the beauty of the environment-especially the contrast between places like New Londo and Anor Londo- and finally the gameplay and music. I genuinely took several months to beat this game but i fell in love with the series. Most people complain about DS2 but i personally enjoyed it. I still feel like Vendrick deserves more love from the fans, since his story is pretty sad and he clearly made some huge, important discoveries. Just a shame Dark Souls 3 practically pretends the events of DS2 never happened.
  16. Aqua has the most adorable smile during the scene where she's giving wayfinders to Ven and Terra in the opening

    1. Moochieh32


      Why is nobody else saying this? That smile was one of the best parts in the opening xD

    2. Iris


      I love that part

    3. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Xehanort thought it was cringe-worthy tho

  17. The BBS trio holding hands. They look so happy in that scene and it's just so heartwarming seeing them together again. Plus it's in stark contrast to a scene a little before that where they were still together, but Ven and Terra were still possessed so this switch from a darker moment to a happier one is beautiful
  18. Let the WoFF Soras take over this site

  19. I feel like mondays in college would be a lot easier if my classes didn't end at 730

  20. This year had some rough moments for me, but i'm really happy with how the past two months have been at times. Of course, all good times must pass eventually, but I'm glad I'll have these memories c:

    1. Joker


      Like shaving chest hair and regretting it

    2. Col.Random
  21. Why am I so bad at talking to women I like? :/

    1. MythrilMagician
    2. Arya Stark

      Arya Stark

      try telling them their pies are great

    3. Col.Random


      i do practice sometimes, but when i talk to a girl i like my brain is just like"bah bah bleh"

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  22. finally had the guts to speak to a girl i like and get her number. Yay

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Col.Random


      Joker, damnit mon you shouldn't keep people waiting

    3. Col.Random


      update: turns out i had a feeling that she has a boyfriend and i was right

    4. Col.Random


      any advice guys? T_T

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  23. I'm beginning to think trimming my chest hair was a mistake

    1. Col.Random



      just turned on a trimmer and went brrrrtttt

      also i didn't completely get rid of it, just made it a bit shorter

    2. Joker


      That explains the itching. For me at least when I shave my bread I have to use cream or else it will itch like a bitch growing back

    3. Oli


      it depends on how many hair do you have. If you have a lot it will itch no matter what you use after shaving, though the chest is way less sensible than the face

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  24. To some extent i can definitely fight. I've been taking muay thai and silat lately to improve my ability and i managed to get upto a yellow belt in MMA, but kinda disappointed i didn't go further ^^
  25. with the amount of time it took for us to get to kh3, i don't think we have to worry about kh13 in our lifetime. Maybe our grandkids' time, but not our's
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