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Everything posted by Col.Random

  1. It's probably gonna be something like this: Everyone gives their power to Sora and Sora gets yet another fancy set of clothes and maybe a different, more powerful keyblade (possibly just the same Kingdom Key with a different colour) and then Sora goes off to fight Xehanort or the Sixth Apprentice alone(though he technically won't be alone)
  2. Well I've officially lost my interest in Kuroko No Basket now

  3. After the endings of BBS and Days I felt pretty depressed and laid in my bed a few hours thinking about how tragic it was, but no I've never cried. I rarely cry over stuff like this and the only thing that legitimately made me shed tears was the scene in Avatar: The Last Airbender where General Iroh was singing "leaves from the vine".
  4. It's like Sora's hands get bigger with each major game .-.
  5. That gorgeous chess set like DAYUM I must have it
  6. Is there a good football (soccer) related anime out there where the characters don't have silly super powers?

  7. But what if he didn't actually "know" it wouldn't work. What if it was mostly just suspicion and he was arrogant enough to assume it would work just because, according to the prophecy, his victory had already been foretold.(The likely scenario is that this is just a massive plothole, but it's kinda fun trying to make sense of it) he's willing to ruin lives just to reach a goal. That alone seems pretty evil
  8. Orange eyes might be slowly transitioning into golden. And I think Xehanort's darkness or whatever in him can make him a fighter

    1. Sakuraba Neku
    2. Oli



    3. MickeyTheMick


      Since the beginning of time

  10. So am I the only one who thinks it's possible for Ansem The Wise to be one of the darknesses? I mean Xehanort was awfully close to that guy and in Blank Points I noticed his eyes were golden
  11. Love the fancy new graphics in KH3, but young Eraqus' face looks too young. Aside form that the rest is great. I can't remember the last time I felt so hyped about kingdom hearts

    1. Robbie the Wise

      Robbie the Wise

      Makes sense considering Eraqus seems to be younger then Xehanort.

    2. Isamu Kuno

      Isamu Kuno

      Well, he is supposed to be younger than Xehanort

    3. Col.Random


      It just felt kinda weird to look at

  12. come to think of it I did notice there's a large number of people who support these groups mostly out of hatred for the west
  13. But the number of muslims that seem to support such parties is not so tiny.Look I'm a muslim myself (though I think it's better to say I'm agnostic), but we should stop trying to make the muslim community look like amazing people. We really aren't that great. Islam teaches peace, but there's plenty of muslims who completely ignore all of that.
  14. Well that Dark Souls 3 trailer felt a bit disappointing, but even then I still feel hyped

    1. Xer


      Ye a bit meh.

  15. Dark Souls 3 is confirmed for early 2016 SQUEEEEEEEEE

  16. Ugh I'm terrible at writing happy birthday messages

  17. "You better Czechoslovakia before you Wreckoslovakia"

  18. Sometimes I wonder what it must be like to be someone who cares a lot about Sean Bean and then gets to watch him die horrifically in literally every tv show/movie he stars in

    1. Col.Random


      none that I know of. He could be a guest on Barney The Dinosaur and would probably get shot by the end of the episode

    2. AlixtheMagi13


      He survived Percy Jackson.


    3. Col.Random


      that's what they want us to think

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  19. I'm thinking of trying the Gundam series, but I can't even figure out where I should begin

  20. let's just hope he knows how to at least heal himself on time
  21. Downloaded Clash of Clans. Time to see what all the fuss is about

  22. News of KH3 and possibly Dark Souls 3. I'm really looking forward to this year's E3

    1. Col.Random


      naw son, Ricard's rapier is where it's at

    2. Dave


      I like using things like the broadsword or zweihander for the catacombs, just because it helps to swipe through multiple skeletons at once.

    3. Soul Eater Evans

      Soul Eater Evans

      I ended up using that scythe hammer weapon you get around the second sorcerer to fight them. I killed pinwheel and it turns out I was supposed to ring the bells first.

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  23. Doing things to improve myself and my life kinda does make me feel really good. I always feel really happy throughout the day when i take a simple, small step to building a better future life for myself

    1. Dracozombie


      Even small steps count as progress when they're tangible.

    2. Col.Random


      Indeed they do

      and thankyou Ansem :3

    3. Forever


      Anytime, anytime! :3

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