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Everything posted by Col.Random

  1. That red eyed heartless aqua fought was pretty freaky
  2. God dayum that Riku Halloween costume needs to be an actual thing. Amazing job, Revolution23.

    1. Revolart


      Wow thanks . Glad you liked it.

  3. I'm gonna take a wild guess and suggest time travel I wonder if part of the reason Nomura decided to delay the tru form of kingdom hearts was because he wanted it to be show in fancy graphics on the PS4/Xbone
  4. Malfoy and Snape were complete douchebags- stop feeling sorry for them

    1. Col.Random



    2. Penny



    3. Col.Random



    4. Show next comments  33 more
  6. So apparently taking two cups of tea in a row on the nigh before an exam might not be one of my better ideas. You learn something new everyday

  7. https://www.facebook.com/TehLurdOfTehReingsOfficial/videos/vb.311961478945810/642284962580125/?type=2&theater
  8. Gah I need to punch a wall to feel manly*smack*...well that did't workSQUUUUUUUEEEEEEE SFNDSFIDSMQDDFF ITS SOO CUUUTEEEE
  9. Seems like I'll be joining you in giving up anime soon. But there's still a few shows i'm going to try first
  10. Humour in nearly all the modern anime I've watched is just plain awful. It's legitimately just people overreacting to things, an occasional "accidental" or surprise boob grab and saying weird things while making weird faces.When I watch some of the older anime like Slam Dunk or Steins; Gate there are jokes which legitimately sound funny, but with modern anime the humour just feels kinda forced.How come I rarely see jokes that are legitimately hilarious? And if there are some anime that have that, can anybody direct me to them?And while we're on the topic of modern anime, I think the quality is dying. It's like they focus more on cheap gimmicks like big breasted female characters, guys that are supposedly straight, but are depicted in a way that makes you wonder if that's really the case, forced romance, etc, and focus less on making the plot and characters memorable
  11. The Heroic Legend of Arslan seems like an interesting anime, remind me to give it a try when my exams end

  12. I want that damn bow and arrow in the game nomura make this a thing damnit
  13. can we just admire the fact that Tifa's voice actress in kh2 is like way hotter than the character?

    1. Col.Random


      i know beauty comes from within, but good looks are great too c:

    2. Gwynbleidd


      Well, Hayden says hello.

    3. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      I want to like your status, this is enoying!!

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  14. When is chi coming out in english?

    1. Robbie the Wise

      Robbie the Wise

      Ikr thanks for including the rest of the world Trollmura.

  15. Nobodies are formed when a person becomes a Heartless.Nobodies do not exist and do not have hearts of their own, except that they do exist- not Xion though, not until KH3 anyways- they can also grow hearts and probably did too.In short there is no proper definition of a Nobody at this point since everything before KHDDD and everything after it completely contradict one another
  16. If those pictures were real there would have been a huge outcry by now and police would be all over it, everyone here would have heard of it. So rest easy, those pictures are fake, just with realistic imagery which we see in movies all the time.Like others said try to focus on other things that can help take your mind of this.If your fears and stuff continue despite all your attempts I would highly recommend visiting a psychiatrist because from what you've described this is something that is extremely traumatic for a person and might not be so easy to forget.
  17. Maybe there could be like a giant underground structure made by the insects similar to what an anthill looks like from he inside :0
  18. My bet is that we're most likely to find bacteria, maybe insects or really small fish, but I'm kinda skeptical that we might find anything more advanced than that. But still that too would be cool. I hope we find fish and it tastes good
  19. http://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-confirms-evidence-that-liquid-water-flows-on-today-s-mars
  20. I've been meaning to ask someone, how many chapters does berserk have up till this point?And does it stay interesting, because I've heard from some people it loses some of its charm after the golden age arc
  21. I finished the anime recently. Kinda hated the ending (can you blame me?), but it's definitely made me take an interest in reading the manga. However, I heard that the manga is far from complete so I've decided to put that on hold until later
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