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Shard the Gentleman

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  1. Like
    Shard the Gentleman got a reaction from 2 quid is good for a status update, It has been awhile   
    It has been awhile
  2. Like
    Shard the Gentleman got a reaction from Heather Chandler for a status update, It has been awhile   
    It has been awhile
  3. Haha
    Shard the Gentleman got a reaction from Heather Chandler for a status update, Howdy y'all   
    Howdy y'all
  4. Like
    Shard the Gentleman got a reaction from Heather Chandler for a status update, Heck'n howdy yall. Long time no see. I see there is an app now.   
    Heck'n howdy yall. Long time no see. I see there is an app now.
  5. Sad
    Shard the Gentleman reacted to 2 quid is good for a status update, Just 100 more likes until I finally evolve from being a flower   
    Just 100 more likes until I finally evolve from being a flower
  6. Haha
    Shard the Gentleman reacted to Heather Chandler for a status update, Why is your profile header staring into my soul? I demand answers   
    Why is your profile header staring into my soul? I demand answers
  7. Like
    Shard the Gentleman reacted to Yessie Maltese for a status update, Happy Thanksgiving, KH13!   
    Happy Thanksgiving, KH13!

  8. Like
    Shard the Gentleman got a reaction from 2 quid is good for a status update, "You're glued to the screen" says the parent, pretending they don't make kids watch T   
    "You're glued to the screen" says the parent, pretending they don't make kids watch T.V. to make this quiet down.
  9. Like
    Shard the Gentleman reacted to 2 quid is good for a status update, Christmas hat avis are the strongest   
    Christmas hat avis are the strongest
  10. Like
    Shard the Gentleman reacted to Yessie Maltese for a status update, ~WIP~ ?   
    ~WIP~ ?

  11. Like
    Shard the Gentleman reacted to Heather Chandler for a status update, You roleplay?   
    You roleplay?
  12. Like
    Shard the Gentleman got a reaction from 2 quid is good for a status update, So yes, hello. If anyone here calls me the F slur, die. I know my name is a joke base   
    So yes, hello. If anyone here calls me the F slur, die. I know my name is a joke based on the word, but there's a difference between me joking to myself that other people are allowed to enjoy, and being a hecking bigot.
  13. Like
    Shard the Gentleman got a reaction from Heather Chandler for a status update, So yes, hello. If anyone here calls me the F slur, die. I know my name is a joke base   
    So yes, hello. If anyone here calls me the F slur, die. I know my name is a joke based on the word, but there's a difference between me joking to myself that other people are allowed to enjoy, and being a hecking bigot.
  14. Like
    Shard the Gentleman got a reaction from 2 quid is good for a status update, Good to be back to be honest   
    Good to be back to be honest
  15. Like
    Shard the Gentleman reacted to Yessie Maltese for a status update,   
  16. Like
    Shard the Gentleman got a reaction from 2 quid is good for a status update, EVERY SINGLE DAY I WALK DOWN THE STREET I HEAR PEOPLE SAY ABBBYB SO WEET   
  17. Like
    Shard the Gentleman got a reaction from -Justin- for a status update, Hello everyone. Tis I, tis I, upon my regal steed.   
    Hello everyone. Tis I, tis I, upon my regal steed.
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