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Everything posted by wayfinder823

  1. You were on that weird part of youtube again, weren't you....?
  2. NaNoWriMo anyone?

    1. Ruran
    2. Oishii


      I wish they didn't do it during the busiest month of school x.x

    3. wayfinder823


      I know right! But NaJunWriMo or NaJulWriMo doesn't sound that cool...

  3. When older kids don't say 'thank-you' after giving them a handful of candy, or "Trick-Or-Treat" when I answer the door. Ungrateful children...

    1. Noobles


      Can't agree more. Sad that they lost their manner. All they care about is "Free" candy.

    2. Koko


      really? i found that most of the older kids said trick or treat and thank you while the little kids were too shy

  4. I didn't say "little" girl. I said "girl." And a teenager is still a "girl."
  5. Well, that's not exactly fair, since Aqua is a woman and Kairi is still kind of a girl.
  6. That's quite the crack pairing you got there....
  7. I'm getting stick of people wanting to add non-Disney crap into KH....>__>

    1. Kirux


      >_> no more SE content for you then.

    2. wayfinder823
    3. Kirux


      Non disney stuff to KH


      So no more SE stuff :P


      Since SE makes KH.

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  8. I'm buying Ink online for my printer, and they want me to print my recipe.... why else am I buying ink????

  9. Played Kh1 today with my BFF! :) Good times... good times...

  10. I consider myself a Conservative. But I am all for compromise, as long as both sides lose something to gain something.
  11. Oh yes! 2012 has been great to me. Thank you! Nothing special necessarily happened to me, I've just been overall pretty happy this year, compared to all my other years I was quite moody.
  12. I can't set my hopes too high because every hello leads with a goodbye...

    1. AROD666


      i you wanted to talk to me you could of just say hi don't need to draw attention like this nice to meet you tough

    2. coolwings


      I don't want to talk to you lol


      Does it sound like I want to speak to you?

    3. AROD666


      you're talking to me right now :)

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  13. Enya; Trains and Winter Rains ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Take a bow, play the part of a lonely, lonely heart. Say good bye you thought you lived in. To the world you thought you lived in.
  14. I just want to say, that even though I will never vote for Obama, those "NObama" posters/stickers really irritate me. I just find them to be rude and disrespectful more than anything. Same goes for those that say, "I will vote for anyone who's not Romney/Obama." Those aren't valid excuses to not vote/like the guy.

    1. wayfinder823


      I meant "reasons" not "excuses." darn...

  15. WAIT! Who's to say that's a women? Looks a little manly to me...
  16. I used to play a few games with my dad, mainly the party games (i.e. Mario-anything, racing, and puzzle games). My brother tried playing Halo with him one time, but the whole process really overwhelmed him. It was funny to see the smile on his face when he managed to get more than five kills in a single round!
  17. Windows Media Player! You suck!

    1. King Riku

      King Riku

      Found that out the hard way.

    2. Kirux


      Winamp ftw

    3. Lady Aleister

      Lady Aleister



  18. Good job Bob. You're the best moderator we've had this year.

    1. Amon


      I'd have to agree. He kept the two on topic and made sure the debate flowed nicely.

    2. wayfinder823


      He definitely let these two candidates have a actual conversation with each other--which I loved! However, I'll differ a little on the 'kept the two on topic' since they kept diverting the topic to domestic policy any way possible.

    3. wayfinder823


      actually--if Bob would have interrupted the candidates to make them back on topic, i think i would be a little annoyed, so maybe it's a good thing he didn't do that. And sometimes they made good connections between the two forms of policies.

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  19. The definition of foreign policy according to both candidates: Domestic policy.

  20. Yourself. play the drums or play the piano?
  21. Would this list help you? It's ALLL the members KH13 has and in order of their singup. You can cross off the members that don't ever visit anymore http://kh13.com/forum/members/page__sort_key__posts__sort_order__desc__max_results__20__sort_key__joined
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