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Everything posted by Gardevoir101

  1. I am 99% sure that the Leaf Green 3DS is fake because Nintendo of Japan already announced Misty White and I think Ice Pink (not sure that's their names, I did make a topic already about this) via their website. http://www.nintendo....011/111006.html As for the release date all they gave was Spring of 2012 so nothing new there.
  2. Didn't I read somewhere that he owed you $500?
  3. Nintendo of Japan have announced Misty Pink and Ice White colours for the 3DS to be released next year.
  4. Or they will try to locate Aqua or Ven.
  5. Gotta go with Harry Potter, best performance by Alan Rickman.
  6. It's one of the best shows I've ever watched. My friend is in love with Death Note, "I'll take a potato chip... AND EAT IT", never gets old.
  7. For the most part, he has served as the one who trained Mickey and is far more knowledgeable than many of the other characters. He has the ability to transport and is a Keyblade Master. Because Master Xehanort is back, Yen Sid the one cofirming that, and I presume he knows how dangerous Yen Sid could be to his plans because he is the one who is putting Sora and Riku through the Mark of Mastery test. I'm wondering, do you think we'll ever see Yen Sid in combat with his own Keyblade or some sort of magic in any future titles? Or do you think it's unlikely?
  8. Yep, Dan Schneider created both and Drake and Josh.
  9. Welcome! I also "stalked" this site a while before I decided to join.
  10. Probably because Drake wanted to focus on his music career and Miranda Cosgrove got the starring role in iCarly.
  11. Of course! I don't really play the games anymore because I've unlocked everything, the only reason I would play them now is for the cutscenes.
  12. I was there, you couldn't really make out the words and he didn't even sing Two out of Three Ain't Bad.
  13. Hmm, seems the video didn't appear. :huh: Here's the link:
  14. Hey guys, one aspect of Kingdom Hearts I love is the music and although this isn't from the game, I think it is a brilliant interpretation of Hikari by Kyle Landry. He's also done a version of Passion and several versions of Dearly Beloved. Enjoy!
  15. Thanks everyone. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  16. Unfortuneately, I stop relying on TV for new Pokemon episodes, I just wait till the DVDs and in Australia they're up to Season 13.
  17. I was really lucky, I was in EB Games and Kingdom Hearts was on sale and above all people my Dad offered to buy it. If he never offered, I would have never played it.
  18. Hai everyone, I'm Chris, long time visitor and finally thought I should join the forums.
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