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About Shiion

  • Birthday 10/25/1993

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  • Member Title
    Dream Walker
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  1. I don't know if it's me, but in battle, it seems to be more speedy than in the original game.
  2. Need that HD REMIX >< I'll become crazy...

  3. Oh cool, thank you ! But, there is no pictures of every Keyblade in the game ? Or a video.
  4. Aren't they brownish on the painting of Xehanort at Radiant Garden ? http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100613124039/kingdomhearts/images/thumb/b/be/Xehanort_Painting.png/508px-Xehanort_Painting.png
  5. Yes, I know, it was just my imagination. ^^ Its strange because his body grew up in his sleep between KH:COM and KH2, but not his hair. However, Nomura seems to attach importance to Riku's hair length, but not with Sora, that's very strange...
  6. KH3D for tomorrow... can't wait ! ><

  7. I can not imagine Sora's hair more longer than that while keeping the same hairstyle. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png
  8. Yeah but, the japanese version didn't have a Critical mode, and FM is just for Japan.
  9. I think there will not have a Final Mix version of this game, because, there is already a critical mode, no ? Anyway, it doesn't matter, I'll be happy if there will be one.
  10. I love your story, in addition, you write really well. Keep going !
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