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Everything posted by xXRikuXx

  1. its freaking awesome it is my favorite one so far!!!
  2. im 15 and im glad that almost everyones age here is around 13-17
  3. ive already learned greek ancient greek english and german now i want to learn spanish and japanese
  4. i try not to lie but when i do i feel kinda sad!!
  5. yeah but i im talking anly for greek i havent searched about others yet
  6. im from greece mythlogy doesnt mention something about some eye except from the myth with medusa who stoned everyone that looked her in the eyes
  7. I've noticed that everyone who has some kind of relationship with relationship with xehanort has an eye on his keyblade for example xehanort's keyblade has an eye on the top of it vanitas's keyblade had two eyes one on top and one above the handle. Also both riku's keyblades ,soul eater and way to dawn, have an eye above the handle just like vanitas's keyblade. Does this may mean something?
  8. I've noticed that everyone who has some kind of relationship with relationship with xehanort has an eye on his keyblade for example xehanort's keyblade has an eye on the top of it vanitas's keyblade had two eyes one on top and one above the handle. Also both riku's keyblades ,soul eater and way to dawn, have an eye above the handle just like vanitas's keyblade. Does this may mean something?
  9. thn for the responses guys i just wanted to know if there was any chance for it to be available on the regular ds thats all
  10. ive played coded and 358/2 days but at least if it comes out for the regular ds system id be satisfied
  11. Do you now if kingdom hearts DDD will be available only for 3ds because i wanna play this game really bad when it comes out and i dont wanna buy a console that ill never use again cause i dont like much playing games on the ds!!
  12. name : Rin kaylades: ultima weapon and fenrir bio: a young man whose girl has been killed by the heartless because he wasnt there to protect her and now he is full of anger and hate!!!
  13. when i saw the game for the first time when one of m friend's was playing it i saw its cover and i loved it then i asked him o borrow it to me!!!
  14. can you see my signature because i see just numbers and letters lol!!!
  15. i like a lot thundaga curaga!!! 1. (X) Thundaga 2. (Square) Reflega 3. (Triangle) Blizzaga 4. (Circle) Curaga
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