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    Dual Blade Wielder
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  1. They're long enough. It depends on whether you just want to beat the main storyline or complete the side missions, max out all social links, complete the compendium, etc.. Can be upwards of 70+ hours. Perhaps it's best to work on completing those other games you have first. You've got an awesome selection of games there, btw!
  2. Yup! These are my feelings as well. It would be great if we got the same book style packaging as the first game. But if not, I'll still be buying day one.
  3. I just finished Persona 4. Compared to 3, I thought the characters and gameplay were a big improvement, but P3 had the better atmosphere. I'd recommend playing P3 first just for the experience.
  4. Seeing the new character designs in motion was very nice. Usagi looks quite good. I can't wait until Crystal finally starts airing!
  5. Whoa, nice!! Good luck to you if you get another chance to win something. That's awesome. I'll probably order my copy of 2.5 from GameStop.
  6. Same here. I had a blast playing through ACiT, especially. What a great game. I've already got Into the Nexus pre-ordered. Had no idea it came with a pre-order bonus. Armor looks very cool.
  7. Just once, but it was through an online trade when I was playing Diamond.
  8. I usually buy games online, preferably through Amazon. Sometimes I order from EBGames, but that's only if they're offering a pre-order bonus I'm interested in.
  9. That art book looks awesome! I love these little sneak peeks we get..it just makes me even more excited for ReMIX.
  10. I remember playing this non-stop. I think I had it for PC....it was a lot of fun, but a little frustrating at times too. I'm also a big fan of Origins. What a great game.
  11. Rainy weather can be quite refreshing, especially when after dealing with this horrible summer humidity for days on end. I like it very much.
  12. Wow, nice work. You have a lot of talent in drawing, and I really like your character's design. Good luck with your manga.
  13. Most definitely. I always enjoy looking at the evolution of a character's design.
  14. Hey Tigerruss, thanks for the tips! Don't worry, I got your message loud and clear. I'm definitely going to try this method, since it seems like an excellent strategy.
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