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Everything posted by roxas-rei

  1. I really do try to. For example, I fully completed all the missions in 358/2 days and unlocked Sora, which was pretty great. I was a bit lazy with KH1 and 2, but I shall replay them soon and collect and complete everything.
  2. Oh no, not the Trickmaster!! Maybe that's why my 6 year old sister beat him on expert when I stepped out of the room...
  3. 1. Riku/Ansem (It is I... Ansem!!! The Seeker of Darkness!!) 2. Hallow Bastion 3. Whoever gives me a potion first.
  4. These are the only ones I remember: KH: Cerberus (first time), Ursula KH2: Xaldin 358/2: Leechgrave, Ruler of the Sky, the 7th heartless on the "defeat 6 giant heartless" mission.
  5. Mostly we don't celebrate halloween here, but there are a few of us who are having a party the day before halloween just for fun
  6. Going to another cosplay event today :) So excited!!

    1. Imoore4


      Whats it like...

    2. Kingdom Sora

      Kingdom Sora

      lucky! I'm gonna try to cosplay at a convention I'm gonna try to go to. I'm gonna cosplay as Light Yagami from Death note!

    3. roxas-rei


      Cosplay events are amazing :D Only 6 hours left!! haha

      Cosplaying is amazing. Really?! I cosplayed as L once :D That was amazing. I will be Riku today :)

  7. In a book, definiately. Once I had about 20 volumes of manga borrowed from the library. I returned it all way before the due date
  8. I'm so sick of that nyan cat........ O_O
  9. No. They are dirty and covered in germs...
  10. Heal Roxas, Hurt Mickey DiZ:12 Donald:6 Goofy:5 King Mickey:7 Namine:6 Master Eraqus:3 Riku:6 Roxas: 11 Sora:9 Terra:6 Terranort:9 Vanitas:3 Ventus:13
  11. Should I save up for a new PSP, or just buy a preplayed one for cheaper?

    1. MarluXia777


      As long as the preowned one has nothing wrong with it, you may as well buy that.

  12. I watch it when House and Big Bang Theory are on That is about it for me.
  13. Oh my gosh, Germany HAHAHA lol, France too This is an amazing picture!
  14. This is my Female Sora Halloween Town cosplay I must say, if it is not obvious, I love photoshop so much >
  15. Went to school, studied, came back home and played some Re:CoM.
  16. I'm going to sound like such a nOOb, but I haven't heard of this before!! *rushes to game shop to purchase*
  17. Cosplaying as Riku this Friday! I am quite excited.

    1. roxas-rei


      haha, I shall!!

      Impact Comics down in Canberra :) It's the Otaku Fest. I went last year :D So amazing, but it was cold.


    2. Roxasfan0210


      ahhh i want to go no fair xP


    3. xxClouDxxmoon
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  18. I love the story of it, it's so easy to get into!! Also, the characters are well developed.
  19. Not having friends D: That scarier than anything else. They can chase the spiders and insects away for you
  20. I love my Orgy Trenchcoat :D

    1. Snow


      lol, I scared a few cosplayers with mnie.


    2. Snow
    3. roxas-rei


      haha xD I love it so much! I went to a con in it once, but the area was so hot!! D: I'm wearing it next week for a small convention cosplaying as Riku, so I hope it's not too hot and humid!!

      I love scaring other cosplayers! xD

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  21. Last day of holidays today...Blaaaarrgh D:<

  22. Cosplay.com - roxas-rei's Profile www.cosplay.com/member/280063 Cosplay.com member profile for roxas-rei. ... roxas-rei. Australia. Profile · Costumes (4) · Photos (0) · Galleries (0) · Journal (0) · Forum Posts (39) ... Cosplay.com - roxas-rei's Profile www.cosplay.com/member/280063/qa/ Cosplay.com member profile for roxas-rei. ... roxas-rei. What got you into ... Cosplay.com - roxas-rei - all photos www.cosplay.com/gallery/a280063/ roxas-rei. Australia. Profile · Costumes (4) · Photos (0) · All Photos ... Show more results from cosplay.com KH13.com - Kingdom Hearts - roxas-rei - Viewing Profile - KH13.com ... kh13.com/forum/user/34789-roxas-rei/ 22 Sep 2011 – Forum; → Viewing Profile: roxas-rei. roxas-rei's Photo ... roxas-rei. Member Since 23 Sep 2011. Offline Last active Yesterday, 10:41 PM ... KH13.com - Kingdom Hearts - Anyone else dislike the Card System ...‎ Status Updates - KH13.com - Kingdom Hearts - Status Updates‎ KH13.com - Kingdom Hearts - Julia Gilard V Tony Abbot V Kevin Rudd ...‎ KH13.com - Kingdom Hearts - Anti Sora?!‎ More results from kh13.com » Roxas Rei (Roxas) on Myspace www.myspace.com/483380912 Roxas Rei (Roxas)'s profile on Myspace, the leading social entertainment destination powered by the passion of our fans. Miah Rei Roxas Calma | Facebook www.facebook.com/miahrei.calma14 Join Facebook to connect with Miah Rei Roxas Calma and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and ... Rei Javier Roxas | Facebook www.facebook.com/rei.roxas Join Facebook to connect with Rei Javier Roxas and others you may know ... Show more results from facebook.com LOWCAL performing Plaza Del Rei by Butch Roxas - YouTube  www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9Psw8RgI9I29 Jan 2011 - 8 min - Uploaded by Haraldhuyssen Performance during the 2011 Philippine International Guitar Festival at Cultural Center of the Philippines 1/29/11. The piece ... More videos for roxas-rei » Tug-of-Roxas (ft. Roxas, Rei, Rika, Roxine) by smartanimegirl www.theotaku.com/.../tug-of-roxas_%2528ft._roxas%252C_rei%252... 12 Oct 2008 – Tug-of-Roxas (ft. Roxas, Rei, Rika, Roxine) by smartanimegirl. Xion = Rei Ayanami. *spoilers* - Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Message ... www.gamefaqs.com › DS › Role-Playing › Action RPG 10 posts - 5 authors - Last post: 16 Jun 2009 Right after Ven died, they replaced him with a clone, and it went on until Roxas. So this makes Roxas = Rei Ayanami. And Larxene = Asuka. ... Ahahaha, check the second last one. Tug of Roxas??
  23. I can't stand really bad grammar. It just annoys me... All throughout school I grew up with intense grammar lessons. They seemed horrible then, but it's good for life. Chatspeak is the the worst though... omg like s0 awfil bro
  24. I have a mixed response... I love going there because I have so many friends, most of them are into KH and other anime. But I truly hate the workload that they keep laying onto us. Seriously, its a holiday and I have 6+ assignments!! D:<
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