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About Roxasfan0210

  • Birthday 02/10/1998

Other Information

  • Member Title
    Roxaslover :)
  • Gender
  1. I have an XBox 360 that my best guy friend gave me....i feel so guilty!!!! >_<

  2. when your at peace you find everything shines a little brighter than usal :P

  3. anyone else bored out of thier minds this summer??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OthersiderME


      i ran a 10K today

      i am not bored because i have found activities to do and because there's a million family members at my house right now

    3. TheApprenticeofKingMickey


      i want to go on a trip or do some volunteering but i can't do neither this year )':

    4. Koko


      i have a job and cosplays and running a lolita community to keep me busy

  4. anyone else excited for khIII?? xD cuz i am!!!!!

  5. anyone else excited for khIII?? xD cuz i am!!!!!

  6. anyone else excited for khIII?? xD cuz i am!!!!!

  7. if life could be a little simpler i would much more open to people. :P

    1. Koko


      slice your chest and youll be a lot more open

    2. Roxasfan0210


      thank you....i guess?? 0_-

  8. im sooo sleepy!!! XI

  9. you know what sucks?...thinking you have really good friends and then finding out your really alone....

  10. Valentine's day........i feel like shoot for JROTC tommorow :P

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