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  1. So now, let me get this streight, though, there are going to be more sagas though with Sora and everyone? I wonder what's going to happen, and why does Ventus look like Roxas? I have always wondered if maybe they were somewhat connected... So many questions, lol
  2. Lol, btw, that Fire truck cover over is hilarious.
  3. They haven't even started the game's developement yet? Wow. I was kinda hoping the game was going to come out like next year or something. I'm just sooooo tired of waiting, I just have to see what this will all be like on the PS3.
  4. Lets see now, we have a Story (Kingdom Hearts), we have a story that further deepen's into the first story, basicly what both Sora and Riku were doing at different times in the first game (Chain Of Memories) Then we have a story that further's that story for the PS2 (Re: Chain Of Memories) Then we have, finally, our second game of the series that talks about what happens after all the three other games, perferably two, seeing as one of them was a remake with better graphics and gameplay (Kingdom Hearts 2), Then we have the back story behind the nobodies, which talks about how Roxas betrayed the organization which is a prequal to the 2nd game, which, in other words means it isn'teven important, even though it was fun to play, but still (365/2 Days) Then there were like two other games that I don't even remember. This was all followed up by... OH NO, IT GETS BETTER, ANOTHER GAME THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE FIRST GAME!!! I can't even believe this, they made the first game, and it wasn't even THE FIRST GAME!!! Oh, and can anyone please tell me WHY THE firetruckLES VENTUS LOOKS SOOOOO MUCH LIKE firetruckLING ROXAS?!?!?!?!???!!!!! IDGI (I don't get it)..... And now.... after all that, now that we've finally gotten the entire story down... we have yet another game that EVEN FURTHERS THE STORY LINE!!!...... 3D's............... Why?... Why can't we just get the 3rd game already and be done with this saga...... OMG THIS IS STARTING TO SOUND LIKE DRAGON BALL Z!!!....... NYAAAH F***!!!
  5. Actually guys, I have a question... When is Square Enix gonna stop beating around the bush and finally make the last title in the series? We have been waiting and waiting now, all of us KH fans, and if I have to wait one more year for this game I'm going to go nuts. What platform is it even going to be for? The 3DS? All the other games have been for platforms exept the PS2, which is where it all started, WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PLAYSTATION THAT MADE IT SO OUT DATED?!
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