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About nic2134

  • Birthday 08/02/1985

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  1. Yes Sora, as Roxas is one of the people he wants to save...
  2. She is one of the hearts connected to him who he needs to save, I believe, he wants to find a way even though they were all apart of him to bring them and let them have there own lives
  3. They were dreams Sora was having as an effect of them putting him into a deeper sleep, they said something about your memories coming out in the deepest of dreams, and Xigbar told him they were dreams cause they can't put thoughts in his head, so yes they were deep deep memories
  4. I pretty much loved all the games they came out with inbetween, but I wished is that they had been working on KHIII right after two so we didn't have so long to wait still
  5. I think Ventus is different his heart shattered when he fought with Vanitas and his shell went to sleep. I think what Xemnas ment is that as a nobody goes through experiences and creates connections and relationships it can recreate a heart. As Ventus' body is still asleep, he isn't activly making those connections or relationships. So I dont think a heart can bloosom when its not experiencing things.
  6. It's nice when the straight people put this up makes me feel like we're not alone in our battle for equality An yes the republican candidate for the presidency would like to constitutionally ban gay marriage, as well as raise taxes on the poor while giving the rich more tax breaks, and outlaw abortion even in the cases of rape, which that last one for me is a womans choice I am a man and have no right what to tell her to do with her body. How can we alter the document which stood for freedom and equality for everyone take away the rights of others? Especially from a religious standpoint when we are supposed to have a separation of church and state? And how hypocritical is it to follow one supposed rule (although with multiple transslations it's hard go determine if this was the case) but not follow the rest of the rules in the bible? If we followed those rules more than half the women in this country would be dead wanna know why? In the bible if you married and your wife was not a virgin, you killed her, then you could marry her sisters...not just sister sisters!!! WTF! How messed up is that? Just examples of the hypocrisy of this nation.... Ok I'm off my soap box now
  7. I think with the Roxas and Ven voices they coached him to sound different to give the characters a sense of self, to show that they are indeed two different people even though they look the same! And Xion was voice by Hayden, who voices Kairi, maybe the actress who did Xion was busy, but she only had one line so I think the change wasn't really a big deal
  8. I think it may also be possible he is reffering to DiZ here, as in why did he pick you instead of me?
  9. That was the charm that took Kairi to Destiny Islands. Kairi touched Aqua's Keyblade, which did the rite of passage ceremony by accident. it made her a wielder
  10. Terra was taken over the same way that Xehanort was attempting to take over Sora. And with Terra it was instant. The hair turned white and the eyes went yellow. I think he transmited his heart to Braig differently, cause while his eyes turned yellow, his hair remained black with the white stripes. But I think with the urgency to take over Sora, Xehanort attempted the same take over he did with Terra and if Lea was possessed I think it would have been apparent.
  11. While this is a valid question, I think this is one of the things Nomura wanted but didn't really have time to explain how this happened. But he did in an interview state that Kairi is a wielder because of her touching Aqua's Keyblade in Radient Garden in BBS. Maybe its a power Riku has...to help you locate or summon your Keyblade? I mean think about it, Sora was in Riku's presence when it first appeared, he found Kairi's, and Lea wasn't able to summon one untill Riku was awake an in the same room I know its far fetched but was just a fun little thought
  12. Everyone that Xehanort has managed to take over eyes have always turned yellow, and after Lea's eyes were still the greenish blue try always have been. So I don't think Lea has been taken over, I think that look was just Xehanort keeping his cool.
  13. This trailer was way back in like 2005 when FFVXIII was just being announced and a lot has changed in Noctis' character since then. If you see the new trailers hes not even wearing the same outfit anymore. Who knows what has changed in the seven years this game has been in production, and as nothing has really been announced or shown since last year, we have no idea what has changed in that time period either....
  14. Ok thank you for showing me that I had missed that interview sad panda. OH well back to the drawing board. Actually I am still sticking with my theories because even though the basis changes I still think some thing crazy is going to happen to Sora after Ven wakes up, and we also need something to basically set him back to 0 for KH III otherwise he will just be a god in a world of bugs... Right
  15. This is just a theory of mine some imaginative thinking obviously I am not a psychic and no one knows anything about KHIII yet. I have read the interviews and as the newer games have come out some of the things that are cannon have changed. The reason Roxas could dual wield was because of him fuzing with Xion and using her Keyblade, hence he couldn't till after he combined with her. At least that is my understanding. Who knows what's gonna happen when Ven wakes up? I don't but I'm making some fun theories. And Sora is not wielding his own keyblade, it's the one that was ment to go to Riku but chose him instead because of Riku falling to darkness. Hence why Riku was able to steal it briefly in KH1. But there is something special about Sora I won't deny that. Again, I am just coming up with some fun theory's. Come up with your own the fun part is coming up with stuff and getting excited about the game!
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