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Keyblade Master Xine

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Everything posted by Keyblade Master Xine

  2. Why do people keep remixing that stupid song? But to be fair, this was the funniest one, better than Nerdy and I know it and the Glee version. And is Mr. Noodle playing with his noodle at 3:07?
  3. No matter who sings this song, I still hate it, but at least he wasn't wearing a thong and shaking his nuts.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vv-3E7tQXIM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpwQ31xYBKA&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuyHMdGCKpY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMDEwOA8bBM&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBhqvAfFpiU
  5. I definitely meant that in a positive way. That song is perfect for the field theme of Prankster's Paradise. Also, thank you for the link because I wanted to try to watch every movie that's a world in KH. I still have to watch Peter Pan, both Trons, The Little Mermaid, and THOND. Also, do you watch the Nostalgia Critic? If you don't, he's a movie reviewer on thatguywiththeglasses.com and he reviewed every animated Disney movie. You aught to watch his reviews. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUh8R8nGMNM
  6. I feel that video game companies should make the character look the way they want it to look and that they should tell the story they are trying to tell. When video games does this, it just makes the games seem pointless, so I don't even play MMOs.
  7. I definitely like consoles more. I only play handhelds for KH games, though I'll probably get Super Mario 3D Land and Ocarina of Time when I get a 3DS.
  8. That was awesome, but how did they forget KH13, but remembered that abomination of a song "Friday"?
  9. 1. I can't imagine anything else being the field theme for Prankster's Paradise. 2. We got He's a pirate, This is Halloween, and freaking Bibbity Bobbity Boo, so Sorcerers Apprentice shouldn't be too much too much of a stretch. Plus, the music has its quiet and its intense moments, so it could and should be both the field and battle music. I feel like i should make a Nicolas Cage joke, and here it is: "Please, don't put him in Kingdom Hearts!". 3. I still haven't seen this movie, but that was superawesomemegaepiceargasmness! God, I need to watch this movie.
  10. Alright, touche. I'll just take your word for it because I really, REALLY, don't want proof.
  11. Then for your sake, you better hope magic is real. If not, you're gonna disappoint every woman you meet.
  12. If you pause at 4:32, it says Sarah Palin, Voldemort, and Satan.
  13. The story was kinda boring and pointless. I wish this game was made before KH2 and Xion was more important because she's more of a plot device than a character. She was just someone for Roxas to feel sad for, to have a boss battle against, and a girl to make it a trio like SRK or TVA. This isn't Naruto. Why couldn't Roxas and Axel be enough? Then they forgot about her, making her more pointless. Also, the choice of worlds were stupid. TWTNW being the hub world was alright, but you can only go to one area! It's smaller than Atlantica in KH2 and Olympus Coliseum in BBS. Going to Beast's Castle made sense since you go there in KH2, but what was the point of Wonderland and Neverland? Since Peter Pan never ages, this seems to be the trump card world for when they can't think of anything else (like using it in BBS), which makes no sense because 1. there are plenty of Disney worlds they can use and 2. They were planning to do Pinocchio but took it out at the last second! Plus, counting the days just made the story seem to take forever. The fact that it was on the DS was just lazy of them. The fact that you couldn't go to certain areas on certain missions, and the mission system itself, was ridiculous. I thought the final boss was Sora because of the battle in KH2, so imagine my disappointment when I saw the final boss turned out to be Riku. I don't know if anyone noticed, but after you fight Saix in KH2, Riku said he fought Roxas and lost, then came back as Ansem for a rematch, but in Days, he turned into Ansem right after the battle. What a lazy plothole. But I'm willing to forgive everything I just said if they bring back Xion and make her a character and not a plot device or a throwaway character and make everyone remember her.
  14. I don't see any reason why there wouldn't be.
  15. That's probably how he escaped the destruction of his world, but didn't end up at Traverse Town.
  16. I wish Mirage Arena had characters in it because it doesn't even seem canon to the KH universe, even if it was fun from a gameplay standpoint. I hate that they took away the stairs from Mysterious Tower. That world was already small when it was connected to Twilight Town then they made it smaller. It was also annoying to not get to go to Destiny Islands, especially since they teased us by putting it on the world map. I also thought it was annoying that Olympus Coliseum was too small. I think Keyblade Graveyard was too small, too. How do you make a final level with only 3 areas?! Plus, it had no battle music. The only other world w/o battle music is Disney Castle, but at least it had a reason: because Heartless doesn't appear in the castle. BBS may be the best side game so far, but i wish they tried harder for a game I was waiting forever for.
  17. So... you just called a bunch of kids sexy? There's a word for people like you, and that word starts with a "P".
  18. Yes, I know I'm going crazy with the embedding, but that's just because i just learned how to embed videos. Here's mine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zY5pjcrdXYA Especially from 1:44-3:05 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k_Z3_BVFzQ Does this remind anyone of a certain battle?
  19. I wouldn't say any world was pointless; they just weren't executed perfectly enough. I personally like the maze-like worlds, although Hollow Bastion was unnecessarily extra tedious. I liked fighting in Atlantica and Neverland, and to be honest, there's not much difference so why do people complain about fighting in Atlantica, but not Neverland? I never watched the Pooh shows or movies, so I have no personal connection to him, but I would hate to say "100 Acre Wood shouldn't be in a KH game because the minigames suck".Any Disney movie that can work in a KH game should be in one. They just should have executed it better, made better minigames, not have some contrived excuse to look for torn pages.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuwCXo9qcpw&feature=related This is hilarious, although ironically, I hate Sexy and I know it.
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