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Keyblade Master Xine

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Everything posted by Keyblade Master Xine

  1. I thought you were gonna show this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVO4woYcZF0&index=54&list=PLCusYFrVVsUhsISkuGj9DkazBxoaJcHCJ
  2. When KH and Pokemon collide, you get Dream Eaters.
  3. I like Frozen, and I think it would make a good world in a KH game, so I say yes. I don't think I've ever been one to dislike something just because a lot of other people like it a lot. I think that's ridiculous. I'll admit that there are movies that people seem to like more than me (Days of Future Past and Guardians of the Galaxy), but I don't like them any less because of that because I think it's great to hear people passionate about those movies talk about them. I also think it's ridiculous that people aren't saying that Frozen shouldn't be in KH because it wouldn't work in a KH game, but only because a lot of other people like the movie more than them. I really, really don't mean to come off as rude or that I don't respect other peoples opinions, but if I do, I apologize because I don't mean to be that way at all. That's just how I feel. I think a majority of Disney movies can work in KH. There are some that are good that I can't see working, but there is one that I don't like that I think can work and that's Chicken Little.
  4. That is so elaborate. How do you keep up with that? Have you done this challenge?
  5. The purpose of this game is to come up with a drinking game for any TV show, movie franchises, video game series, genre, etc. that often reuse a lot of the same traits or cliches. For my example, I'm using a Super Sentai (Japanese version of Power Rangers) called Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger. I've already watched it through, and it's a really fun show, but watching through it again, I'm noticing that this show loves reusing character traits or cliches to the point where I thought, "Wouldn't it be funny if someone made a drinking game out of this?" So I did. For some reason, I feel the need to preface this by saying even though I'm 23, I personally don't drink alcohol. This is just the idea of it. If you've seen Kyoryuger, you will definitely get these. So have fun, and if you play this game with actual alcohol, you will die. If you haven't seen Kyoryuger, the link to the episode is in the description of this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2bpswtJ1ck&list=PLvNX7fCUaau6aDhiAxYrL9wrWQ2B5Mncz&index=1 So let's get started. Take a shot: Spoilers if you haven't seen the show That's my drinking game for Kyoryuger. What drinking games have you come up with?
  6. That's not an haiku. Use seventeen syllables or else they're just words.
  7. I was gonna use that joke. Some of my favorite video games are: .hack G.U. vol 1, 2, and 3 Sly Cooper series Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2 Bayonetta Tales of the Abyss I think you'll enjoy these.
  8. "Why we'll be fine without Iron Man 4?" Because Iron Man 3 sucked. That's why. I'm fine with him just appearing in the Avengers movies.
  9. I really do come off as a humorless killjoy, don't I? I wasn't trying to say that it's a bad thing to make fun of stuff you like. Hell, I love Honest Trailers and HISHE, and most of the movies they make fun of are movies I like or love, and it's still funny. I just think it's all in how you do it, and I don't think that particular video did it well. I watched another of their videos, and I don't think they're funny. I think it's a combination of that, the fact that it's Power Rangers, and how they approached making that video came off as if they don't like the show and are making fun of it. If you're gonna make fun of Power Rangers in a way that's funny, make fun of the bad aspects of the show, not the show itself, or else it comes off less like you're poking fun at it and more like you're making fun of the people who finds the show entertaining. And be funny. At least, that's how I see it.
  10. I agree with everything you just said, and again, I apologize for getting this worked up over what was supposed to be a simple, funny little video, but I guess the point I'm trying to make is that it feels different when it's someone who likes something making fun of it as apposed to someone who doesn't like it. I make fun of Power Rangers, and I watch videos of other people who review Power Ranger things make fun of it too, but the difference is that they are fans, so it feels less cynical, but this video truly does feel like it was made by people whose only association with the show is the popularity it received in the 90's, so it felt more mean-spirited to me. I watched one of their other videos to get a sense of their sense of humor, and the other video I watched I didn't think was funny either. It was a funny idea that to me wasn't executed right, so maybe it's a taste issue. So you can get my frame of reference, here are the video's I was referring to. This is a video of an internet reviewer who only reviews Power Ranger episodes that I think is funny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6g6twYtdSS8&list=PL5SGaGcWEfnByhS-GjG-0VQKOBzNwpx8P And this is the video I watched by the same people who made the video you posted that I didn't think was funny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI6ioPSKUgQ Again, I do apologize, and I don't mean to come off as a killjoy or disrespect anyone who likes that video.
  11. "Nut up or Shut up!" Tallahassee- Zombieland "You wanna know how I got these scars?" You know where it's from. "Calm down doctor. Now's not the time for fear. That comes later." "Theatricality and deception are powerful agents to the uninitiated, but we are initiated, aren't we, Bruce?" Bane- The Dark Knight Rises "If someone stands in the way of true justice, you simply walk up behind them, and stab them in the heart." Ra's al Ghul- Batman Begins "It's milk and eggs, b*tch." Vegan policeman- Scott Pilgrim vs. The World "No, actually I'm planning to threaten you." Tony Stark- The Avengers "If your clients want to sit on my shoulders and call themselves tall, they have a right to give it a try, but there's no requirement I enjoy sitting here listening to people lie." Mark Zuckerberg- The Social Network
  12. I knew that after everything I said, I was gonna get a response like this. I understand that it shouldn't be taken that seriously, and I don't want to come off as a stick in the mud buzzkill who has no sense of humor because I'm not like that at all. It just felt like the whole joke was that it is Power Rangers that they're making fun of, and not anything specific or funny or clever. It just feels like it's people who don't know anything or care anything about the show making fun of how bad the show is, but when it's any other show or movie or video game, people make videos about how good it is. Maybe I feel this way because I grew up on the show and I'm still a fan at 23 years old and it was so cool finding out that there are other people my age and older who did also, and it feels like Power Rangers should be on that nostalgic show pedestal that Ninja Turtles is on. I feel that it shouldn't be that cool to make fun of Power Rangers anymore. I hope you understand how I feel, and I'm sorry I'm getting so worked up on a video that was uploaded to the Fun & Games and Random section, but Power Rangers is a show that is close to my heart and I've been watching it for as long as I can remember, and I feel as strongly about this as an X-Men fan felt when they saw X-Men Origins: Wolverine, or how a Spiderman fan felt when they saw Emo Peter dancing in Spiderman 3.
  13. This was not funny to me. As a Power Rangers fan, I acknowledge the the show, especially the early seasons, can be silly and corny, but that's why whenever I see a parody of it, it comes off as nothing less than mean-spirited and unfunny. I get the jokes and they probably, not likely, but probably had the best intentions, but I'm just so sick of Power Rangers being a punching bag for everyone, however easy a target it may be.
  14. Here's a list of some of my favorite shows that I think meet you criteria: Animated shows out now: The Legend of Korra Gravity Falls Adventure Time TV shows out now: Once Upon A Time Legends (I've only watched 3 episodes but it's good) Castle The Walking Dead House of Cards Mad Men Game of Thrones The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Arrow Agents of Shield Old animated shows or shows that already ended: Avatar: The Last Airbender Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes Green Lantern: The Animated Series Static Shock The Weekenders Fillmore Recess Batman: The Animated Series Superman: The Animated Series Batman Beyond Justice League (and JL: Unlimited) Kids Next Door Xiaolin Showdown Jackie Chan Adventures Disney's House of Mouse This is cheating, but pretty much every Cartoon Network Cartoon Cartoon Old TV shows that ended: Leverage Bones Breaking Bad How I Met Your Mother Community My Wife and Kids Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide House M.D. I could have went on, and not every show I listed met every criteria, but I wanted to get a good mix of animated, sitcom, comedy, drama, and action. I just wanted to get a good well-rounded list of my favorites and the best. I hope this helped, and I hope you enjoy. I was thinking about adding anime on my list, but I already listed so many shows. I'm glad someone else had it covered.
  15. I don't think it's as simple as "Because what one avatar did was right, the other has to be wrong." I think both Wan and Korra did the right thing for their time. Wan closed the portals to keep the spirits safe, but I don't think the world was ready for the portals to be open again until Korra opened them. I don't even think Aang should have opened them. He had a lot on his plate with the Fire Nation.
  16. This is a tall order, so just because I put only 1 or 2 songs from a movie doesn't mean I don't like or love the others song from that movie. I was just simply trying to keep from putting my entire Disney song Youtube playlist on here. This is Disney we're talking about here, so just so you know, this is me cutting back. Looks like I got a lot of embedding to do. Be Prepared is my favorite Disney song and favorite villain song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkU23m6yX04&index=15&list=PLCusYFrVVsUhWNjQKzfK7gSV3pj3buOBs Best song and scene in Princess and the Frog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZAY-78zhmw&index=20&list=PLCusYFrVVsUhWNjQKzfK7gSV3pj3buOBs This post took me about 2-2.5 hours because not only is putting all these songs on here time consuming, I couldn't help but listen to every song as I was putting them here.
  17. I've seen the first 2, but it was only one time, and that was years ago. I barely remember anything about them. They weren't bad movies, but I just haven't felt the need to go back and watch them.
  18. The ones I watch on TGWTG are Nostalgia Critic, NChick, Todd in the Shadows, Film Brain, Rap Critic, The Blockbuster Buster, Angry Joe, Mike J, and (since he's been added I can include him now) Chris Stuckmann. Some that are not on TGWTG that I like are AVGN, The Completionist, JonTron, Caddicarus, Brutalmoose, SomecallmeJohnny, Black Nerd Comedy, Jeremy Jahns, The Flick Pick, Schmoes Know, Screen Junkies, Cinema Sins, HISHE, Richard Roeper, and AMC Theatres. Here are the ones that are not on TGWTG that I think deserve some recognition. Captain Logan from Geekvolution: does reviews of superhero movies Fanboy Filcks: does reviews of bad movies Database Ranger's Power Reviews: does reviews of Power Rangers episodes The Onyx Tavern: does analyses of different Power Ranger-based topics
  19. The ones I like are Kingdom Hearts (obviously), POTC (since that song is in KH2), Star Wars (even though I haven't seen the prequels), and RWBY (I love every song from RWBY, but This Will Be The Day is my favorite). The other ones on your list aren't bad, but I don't have any attachment to them either because I haven't seen the movies or I haven't played the games.
  20. I think KH3 will outsell every other KH game for no other reason than we've all been waiting freaking forever for it.
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3ZNtOcY_1A&list=PLCusYFrVVsUjr4r3F1KmW-CwyWBw-QeUw&index=1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bULBnef6w6k&list=PLCusYFrVVsUjr4r3F1KmW-CwyWBw-QeUw&index=6
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5riyajbsq0&list=PLCusYFrVVsUjXpmYhRLOna5CFDrOU6t4d&index=1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frqYK1EZ3O0&index=3&list=PLCusYFrVVsUjXpmYhRLOna5CFDrOU6t4d
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