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Everything posted by Kelvy

  1. Never knew so many people disliked Kairi o_O I don't see any reason why she should get injured... Unless it contributes to the plot in some major way . The only thing I like about Kairi are her themes and her KH2 outfit.
  2. Snow Villiers. And it was a lovely sight!
  3. The only nonlinear part is when you're on Pulse, and all that is is one giant map used to complete missions and train up a bit before the final boss battles. In fact, you can basically skip the missions and walk straight on through the map and proceed toward the game's finale. 90% of the rest of the game is essentially walking in a straight line. There's absolutely NO exploring worlds/towns (and I mean real exploring, not walking in a straight line-- while in a town.)Don't get me wrong, I love the game. But you saying the game is "so nonlinear it hurts" is lie. Especially when compared to other Final Fantasy games where you are constantly wandering around many different towns (one of my favorite things about FF games is walking into random peoples' houses and socializing with them ) on a giant world map. But hey! I still loved the game. And I'm sure XIII-2 will have a lot more exploration.
  4. Yeah, the graphics and story were amazing to me. Though I should warn you, the game is very (and I mean VERY) linear.
  5. Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Silent Hill, and Resident Evil. Pretty much the only games I play/like to watch LP's of on youtube.
  6. Are the bug and the rival the same gender? Ooh what a plot twist!
  7. The fact that it's a DS game is enough to stop me from wanting to play it any time soon, sadly. I'm sure it's a great game though.
  8. Top 3 for me would be KH3D, FF Versus XIII, and FF XIII-2 in any order.
  9. Any of the Final Fantasy games that you haven't played yet.
  10. Zidane Tribal, Lightning Farron, and Hope Estheim. A grownup version of Tidus wouldve been a lot better than his current form...
  11. -gives you way too much "busy work" that doesn't even help you in the class
  12. ...and that's why I like KH2 Kairi a lot more . Psst, the video is awesome because of the Riku moan.
  13. I'd like to see actual people living/doing something in the worlds like The World That Never Was/Land of Departure. I like how Twilight Town actually had civilians walking around .
  14. I only like pre-ordering games when the bonuses are physical items . Like books, figures, posters, and other collectible items. If the bonus is some downloadable in-game content, then I won't even bother pre-ordering it .
  15. It's gonna have to end eventually . Plus, like most shows (Family Guy, Spongebob, and Pokemon would be great examples), the newer episodes usually tend to disappoint fans compared to the older ones. I can't even remember the last time I looked forward to watching something on TV, LOL.
  16. Not really, I never found him to be that cocky anyway .
  17. I'm confused o.o So there's a live stream tonight/today? http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png
  18. What the original Org. XIII's somebodies did to DiZ was more of a jerk move, IMO.
  19. Wow. Working with games and studying them? Sounds like a dream come true . Good luck and have fun (which I'm sure you will ).
  20. BBS: 10 KH1: 9 CoM:5 ReCoM: 9 358/2 Days: 4 (LOL) KH2: 9.5
  21. Doesn't someone have to become a heartless in order for their nobody to be created? Original Xehanort and Eraqus never become heartless, I think.
  22. Kinda depressing that I was listening to Hope's theme (link for anyone who cares: ) while reading the news on yahoo . RIP!
  23. I'd have to say Final Fantasy XIII (bet you didn't see that one coming!), I've played 8, 9, 10, and 13.
  24. I hope it'll just be on the PS3 x_x. If it's on the PS4 (or whatever the heck they end up releasing), it'll be another system I'll have to save up $$$ for D:.
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