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Snow last won the day on September 6 2023

Snow had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Snow

  • Birthday 08/31/1998

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    Ace Attorney
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  1. why does kh13 look like buzzfeed now

    who did this

    rip the classic layout

  2. Sora dies in Infinity War.

  3. Hey guys, I've been meaning to make this thread for a while, and I figured maybe Thanksgiving is a good time for this. My account's been around for like six years now and I used to be really active back in the day. I'm not exactly proud of who I was and what I did then, but this site and the friends I've made in it during those years have helped me grow and mature to what I am now. So to everyone I was friends with and you're still around to see this thread, thank you for being there for me and helping me grow, even if we didn't talk as much. And to anybody I'm not familiar with, I'm glad you're here, and I hope that this site (or rather, the friends you make here) helps you grow as a person as well. A lot of good things happened here for a lot of people, not just me. I've met some lifelong internet friends that I still talk to on a daily basis even though we've had some bumps in the road. I've met some other good friends that I don't talk to as much but are still pretty important to me, and there's people that I sadly can't talk to anymore, but regardless I hope they're doing well. Some people from this site have met up in real life, got married, and had a kid. I won't drop their names because I don't know if they'd want that, but if you're a veteran you probably have a good idea who I'm talking about. I've heard other stories too about people from this site who've met up in real life or committed to long distance relationships as well. KH13 isn't exactly meetme or tinder, but that hasn't stopped a lot of people from making good friends and worthwhile relationships. Other than people, a lot of things that happened on this site have stuck with me as well, like that time I wrote a zany story about all the members meeting up and doing crazy things (twice, actually, the link to which I'd embed here with the other one but I can't find that one) and had a good buddy help me with it. I've also taken part in some drama and shitstorms here and there, but I can't remember these as well, and I've seen some stuff go down too. I don't know if crazy drama and shitflinging happens these days, but it's certainly fun to take part in or witness them (as long as nobody's getting hurt or bullied, of course). I remember having some tinychat sessions with other members where we'd voice and video chat (and everybody thinking I was some really buff cool guy because of my voice but I'm really just a scrawny nerd) and we'd all pretend to be Jim's dad or Jim's mom, or have karaoke sessions, or play some weird flash games like boardgame online, and it's a shame that those things don't happen anymore because they were some of my favorite times on KH13. KH13 used to have some awards ceremonies too, and I think at one point I won like two or three awards. (Best Troll, best writer, and best overall funny man probably, I don't remember.) To wrap it up before I keep rambling about all my memories, this isn't a goodbye thread or one of the infamous "I'm leaving the site" threads (spoiler alert: they never actually left), this is just to let you guys know that you're all really cool for being here and I hope this site impacts you like it did me, if it hasn't already. ( I'll still be popping on here and there to see what's up.) For a lot of people, this isn't just a Kingdom Hearts news and forum site, it's where a lot of people met and found friends in each other. When you think about it, it's pretty fitting that this happens on a Kingdom Hearts fansite. Above it all though, I wanted to give a big thank you to the webmaster, DChiuch, for making this possible by creating KH13 way back when. If it weren't for this site, everything I mentioned would never have happened. Here's hoping that the Kingdom Hearts series keeps going after 3 and this site keeps going strong with it, and that our benevolent site master DChiuch stays safe in his mortal combat with the dangers of the Australian wastelands. tl;dr I love all of you guys, whether you're an old or new member, and I'm thankful for this site. A lot of this thread is just my awkward rambling but I've gone on typing for too long to delete it and I feel it needs to be said anyway. Have a good Thanksgiving and holidays, guys.
  4. Hey Lexi! I'm sure you're already long gone by now since it's been three days since the thread was made, and I just want to tell you that even if you were that way, I still considered you a good friend and nothing will change that. (Maybe the reason everybody's so accepting and kind is because it's a KH fansite? :huh: :huh: :huh: ) I hope everything works out for you and you meet all your goals, both career-wise and personal, and I'm happy you're taking the steps to realize them. If you ever need friends or anybody to talk to, KH13 will always be here for you if you ever want to come back, we'd welcome you with open arms.
  5. THE TRASH MAN from It's Always Sunny would give Goku a run for his money
  6. Iris

    Hey! I just want to say thank you for the friend add.

    1. Snow


      No problem, you seemed cool so I added you :)

      thank you for accepting it

    2. Iris
    3. Iris


      I see that you play Catherine. That game is really interesting xD

  7. I miss you guys, it's been too long

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Lalalablah


      Is it gravity?

    3. Snow


      I guess you could say I'm gravitated to you, Lalalablah.

    4. Lalalablah


      You touch my heart.

  8. why does almost everybody have a name with Lea in it? the firetruck did i miss?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -Justin-


      If your username was Lea'd, it would be Lea!


    3. Shimmy


      Is this the Lea life? Is this just fantasy?

    4. Javelin434


      Caught in a Leaslide

      No escape from reaLeatyyyy

  9. Looking back at all my old posts, I remember the huge asshole I used to be. Still kind of am an asshole, but not the way 2011 me was.

  10. Ayy that soundtrack

  11. we gotta have another boardgame online sometime guys

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