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About axal

  • Birthday 03/18/1994

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  1. im sorry just forget i said anything its stupid
  2. the bullyings stoped now it stoped a couple of weeks ago havent even seen the since
  3. plese sombody help all i whant to do i die
  4. i get thet somtimes you have somthing in mind you cant wait to do it you finnaly get the chance and you dont know why you just dont know why
  5. but i dont whant to get them in trouble and they just do it to me it will just make things worse
  6. like i said i dont reely see them any more i just keep on thinking about it
  7. i dont whant to waste police time just on me
  8. ive never met my dad and my mum just gose on about how i cant do anything right and what a disapointment i am they dont care
  9. i dont what advise to make it stop just what to do with my life to make me feel beter or somthing i dont know
  10. i dont think any body is bad just me
  11. i tried to tell them but they wernt lisaning and they herd me telling on them so they beat me up its not as bad now i only see them on friday at collige and they agnor me most of the time its just mostly the memerese now
  12. but i tried to tell someone and it made it worse
  13. but thet just makes things worst and its not there falt they have anger problums and i deseve it im just a stupid twat
  14. i get bulled reely badley ive been burnt with there lithers beten up and punched and there always reely rascest to me going niger and pinning me down and putting white make up on me and saying this is how you should look and they whip me and forsme to carrey the bags avery were and when we lernt about the slave trade the pulled me and choked me with my tie i tried to tell somone but then they grabbed me and forsed orenge peel doen my throut and kept on kiking me in the balls and they take the mikkey out of me becouse i have asperges and the mantal age of a 13 year old and atisum and a d h d and thers just so many stupid things wrong with me and some times they would touch me in my spacil place thets all they did but i feel so messed up actully sort of whant to just kill my self somtimes i cant i am just too much of a stupid cowerd to do thet the only things i look forwad to is waching doctor who playing on kingdom hearts and waching avatar the legend of anng whats the point if thets all i look forard to like i said im to much of a coward to kill myself but now i find out thet i got some other thing wrong with me my chest nere my heart it hert so much thet i colepsed started shaking uncontolably and massive difficalty brething becose my body was shutting itself down im fine now but the doctor said thet it will happen more and last a year nothing they can do about it nothing they can give me why are the just so many things wrong with me i ve never had a girlfrend becouse im to much of an ugley twat who no one could love i now have no more frends who i can see whats the point whats so wrong with me
  15. ive never met my dad and my mum always critersizes averything i do averythings always wrong and i am a massive disapointment and falier i am to her but my mums boyfrend who i have known since i was about 3 is brillent and we always have a grat time and hes like a dad to me so my relasenship with my parents is wierd
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