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Everything posted by razuthor72

  1. I'm a little worried as well. I didn't like the spells in Days at all, fire is way better than firaga because fire was homing. The panel system in Coded was alright, could have been better. I think we won't have to worry TOO much though. It seems like they are taking some good lengths to make DDD into a great game. We shall have to see when it comes out.
  2. Same here. I remember seeing them unveil the 3DS at E3 and I was like O.o I want new Nintendo. Then I saw there was going to be a KH and I was just mind= blown. I must have this system. Now I do and it is so awesome!
  3. i am super excited! next week is going to drag by in terms of waiting for this game though. got spring break next week and school wont fill my time T-T im going to spoil like this game isnt even coming to NA
  4. I agree! Like in FFVII! I think there should be a game where the male protagonist dies and you have to play the rest of the game as a revenge filled female! There might already be a game like this, correct me of any ignorance.
  5. definitely Aeris's and Zack's death. i knew Aeris was going to die, but it still was sad as hell. then there are the sacrifices of the Twin mages in Final Fantasy 4. that was the first FF i played and their sacrifice just got to me. but Zack's was definitely more so. i was really close to crying during the last moments of that game.
  6. desktops for real. much easier to find/create your own gaming PC, and ive had bad experiences with laptops.
  7. Commandment 33: One who knows nothing can understand nothing
  8. Commandment 24: letters in bottles ALWAYS get to the right person.
  9. Agreed. KH1 was pretty dramatic, and I enjoyed the end to CoM. But BBS just trumps them all.
  10. Most epic battles: Ansem SoD, All the stages of final battle in KH2, Marluxia in GBA version of CoM, Twilight Thorn, battle with Axel (dual wield Roxas FTW) Most frustrating: Demyx (stupid dancing water!), Xaldin, a lot of bosses in Days, Data Roxas in Re:Coded, Lingering Spirit Vanitas (still haven't beaten him yet), Terranort Emotional: Xion WHY SHE HAVE TO GO T-T and Riku Replica (final time)
  11. I agree. It seems BBS did the best in this aspect IMO. It felt meaningful to go to each world to try to find out about Terra and such. But overall I dont see Disney worlds being super important in the future.
  12. O.O there are 358 topics in Forum Games, coincidence? i think not!

    1. Setting Sun<3

      Setting Sun<3

      Whoaaa O.O really? I'll go check ^^

    2. Wolf on the Run

      Wolf on the Run

      now stop people making new forum games before someone ruins it xD

  13. I think my favourite boss fight would have to be either Terranort or Vanitas. both were fun, and just plain awesome
  14. im on here every day on my ipod and at home, and then 2nd period here at school i have access to a computer so this is what i do with my time. but ive been playing a lot of Crisis Core FFVII lately, its like my 3rd playthrough, and a bunch of Persona 3 Portable. i still check for the polls and stuff, and check the KH3D threads and such. KH13 ALL DAY ERYDAY!!
  15. For me it's the thought that I'm supporting something I truly care about. Physical copies of things are always awesome!
  16. Yeah I'm excited cuz that means we are that much closer to the NA release! And I always tell myself I won't spoil myself, but that is a promise I always break it's like asking me to go a whole 4 months without using the Internet.
  17. I always pay for the games I actually want to support like KH and FF and Zelda
  18. Oh really? Thanks for clearing this up! Then I see no reason why a BBSV2 couldn't be made. I'd go for the 3DS still
  19. I dont think this game will be made... IF it does I'd like to see it on the 3DS seeing as I already own that i suppose I would buy a Vita if they made a KH for it,but I'd prefer not to even if they decide to make this game a reality, it will be another 3-5 years before it comes out because they NEED to make KH3.
  20. Definitely Ansem SoD! Can't beat the first KH! But I really like how th pic of Young Xehanort has him in his signature pose with his hand behind his back and the other one in the air. I like it because in the younger version his extended hand seems normal, but Master Xehanort (Old Nort) has the extended hand looking more like a claw. And that he is hunched over from age and from a difficult life. Yet he still has the strength to have a demented sociopathic world ending goal. Kudos ya crazy!! Right there with ya
  21. I agree with the Cecil idea! Other good ones would be MORE ZACK! Lol and maybe some Bartz, Zidane, Terra. The idea of Terra being mind controlled in KH3 would be nice, Sora/Riku could save her and they have to face off against Kefka! OOH FFXII characters!! I would love to see Basch or Ashe or Balthier being involved with KH!!!
  22. Same here! BBS was the biggest reason I bought my PSP. Plus I bought it from a friend and it's hacked so I can get other PSP games fo free! And I bought my 3DS 90% for KH3D. Other 10% is other stuff like Zelda and Mario and other such Nintendo franchises. The only reason I see myself getting a Vita is for a KH.Where Kingdom Hearts goes I shall follow! And I agree with the YouTube watching as well. It's definitely not the same. IMO you can't call yourself a fan unless you've actually played the game.
  23. Agreed. I'm looking forward to the Free Flow system, but it also scares me at the same time. I mean, I'm just hoping it doesn't make the game too frantic. Then again you could just not press the "Y" button
  24. Wow, I must be a lot luckier than I thought O.oWell then... Sorry if it sounded like I was bragging.
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