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Everything posted by razuthor72

  1. you know what would make my day? if they announce Final Fantasy Type-0 for NA release. unless they already have and im behind? the optimistic KH fan would want it to be a new KH game announced, but i doubt very highly that that will happen guess only time will tell, now i have a reason to be excited for tmrw, besides the usual things.
  2. Yet another reason to love G4 great screens, makes it feel like it's just around the riverbend.
  3. For me personally the physical copy is extremely important. The fan boy in me can't be without the actual card. I'm sure there are some people that agree with me.
  4. all i got to say is hopefully everything gets cleared up in KH3, which is supposed to end the Xehanort Saga. if so then that game will be amazing. ive had multiple friends who have abandoned the KH series because of the story, and its sad. complicated story is the reason there are so many threads on here with the word "Theory" in them. which is awesome. whats a great game without some speculation about what happens next? the surprises are the reason so many people come back for more. if there were more people that thought the game was too complicated, they would have stopped with BBS.
  5. school will take up most of the time, but i graduate in June so thats almost 2 months of waiting without school on the weekdays T-T but i just recently got an Xbox 360 so i have the Mass Effect trilogy to play through, Assassin's Creed, FFXIII, and Dragon Age: Origins. and im going to try to borrow Skyrim from someone so that will eat up my life for a good amount of time. shouldnt be too bad of a wait! glad i already have it preordered so i dont have to worry about the money
  6. ehh its cool if done correctly. but usually i dont notice it too much.
  7. hopefully, i already preordered as well. when i got it the guy was like "oh ultimate edition, get the AR cards and everything" so maybe there is something cool...
  8. time, y u no go faster?? 96 days?! talk about a good time to get a 360. got me some Dragon Age to pass the time :D

    1. SoraKH


      Muahahah I'm lucky!!!


      Mine is in 85 days!!! :P

    2. replika13


      dont push YMX. Or else he will jinx 3D to be released in 97 days

    3. KeyBladeMaster01


      What's sleep? Is what happen when you switch between Sore and Riku during the game. That's the only definition I could find.

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  9. i havent got to MF or Armor of the Master or No Heart yet so i wouldnt know how hard they are. so for right now id have to go with Vanitas Sentiment D:
  10. i really enjoyed it, and if you liked the BBS command system (which this loosely follows) and the kh1 gameplay, then this game is worth picking up. spent about 40 hours getting the secret ending, even though i watched it on Youtube before it was still an awesome experience, im actually replaying it now to pass the time for 3D. along with BBSFM.
  11. id say its either blade charge or wing blade. dark impulse is pretty cool too!
  12. you mean 358/2 Days? http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.pngi honestly hate this whole thread. if you were an actual KH fan then you wouldnt be wasting your time trying to prove which game is the worst. no, just no. be an optimist prime not a negatron! i enjoyed all the handheld games, especially CoM (but of course BBS is the best over everything). the card system was fun and added a little bit more strategy than just spamming the X button. Days was amazing because of the story, gameplay wasnt amazing i'll admit. Re: Coded was great because of the gameplay and the story couldve had some work. both have their pros and cons, but they are still KH games, and still awesome.
  13. yeah all these complaints about Sora's voice is annoying, but understandable. i went through like 3/4 of Re: Coded thinking it was somebody else voicing him. hey he gets older, his voice is going to change slightly. maybe he's been smoking
  14. Really?? 11 days?? This is some bull. I call shenanigans get out the brooms. I never would have expected us to get it last. May Razuthor help me.
  15. Sora's mom. Best disembodied voice evar! Lol just kidding, I chose the many forms of Xehanort. Specifically Old Master Xehanort, he is just so awesome and evil. Plus his Keyblade is badass looking and you can't forget Leonard Nemoy, who I will now and forever see as MX even if the voice does change with future titles.
  16. haha i look at how many posts ive had thinking its a decent number, then i see people with thousands O.o

  17. yeah Vanitas is awesome, and if he is the physical form of the darkness in Ventus's heart.... Ventus is one dark SOB. well, was and at the start of BBS when Ventus is on DI and talking "heart to heart" with Sora, we see the chunk that Vanitas took out of his heart. that really didnt seem like that big of a chunk if you look at the whole thing. that means that much darkness was stored in that little piece of his heart O.O
  18. id say KH1 just cuz its the first one i heard, with the BBS one really close behind. i love how there are different versions though. actually makes me wanna sit on the main menu screen just so i can listen to the song. i did that with KH1 for like 20 minutes, my brother and sister were getting annoyed cuz they wanted to play the ps2
  19. video games are pretty important in my life, i probably wouldnt have half of the friends i do now without video games. KH is my life!!! for real, it has been a super obsession since i was 10, and im 18 now. so 8 years of KH devotion! my family couldnt make me stop singing Simple and Clean but my level of importance goes like this: family-girlfriend-other friends-video games-reading-school
  20. if you are going by hard life then Aqua had it the worst. she lost both of her best friends, and then had to wander the RoD for like 10 years. thats pretty dang horrible. Roxas has nothing on her.
  21. KH1 made me fall in love with the series, but BBS was pure awesome. Just the amount of key story points in it, and something I call Negative nostalgia. Nostalgia for something that hasn't happened yet. Like the creation of Castle Oblivion.
  22. KH2 being difficult? Lolwut? Even Sephiroth was a pushover. But like it was said, some people just have difficulties. Sucks for them I'm going for story mostly when i play KH, so if I don't die as much that's a plus. So I usually run Standard first time through, then see what Proud has to offer. Maybe I'll just go right into proud for DDD, we shall see...
  23. Technically 104 days since it's already past midnight where I am Preordered and paid in full my copy of DDD! SO EXCITED!
  24. ill have it on the whole time most likely, ive gotten so used to playing LoZ: OoT with the 3D on that i have a hard time playing the game without it. its never given me a headache or strained my eyes so i guess im lucky? lol i was born to game in 3D!!
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