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Everything posted by razuthor72

  1. i farm Sephiroth for experience and i face him for gits and shiggles. Kirt Zisa wasnt too bad, just needed to be able to dodge his attacks. and Ice/Rock Titan were the easiest things in the whole game. so i chose Phantom cuz i never used items in the game so i had to go and get a bunch of ethers and such. plus he kept dodging my attacks. i was soooo pissed when i beat him and all i got was some crappy Time magic!
  2. I could never forget this game series. i love it so much, its way too important to me to forget. twould be a tragic day indeed if the KH series were to end!
  3. I usually play a game for the story, set it down for a while, then cone back and play it again or to try to get more content done. I haven't gotten 100% on any game I own. I'm way too lazy for that lol
  4. Really? I was just expressing my opinion about FFXIII, how does that have ANYTHING to do with Nazi comments?? I know there are people that like XIII and XIII-2, and I'm not trying force these people to say it sucks. And who the heck are you to say that FFXII sucks? Can you say hypocrite? That's your OPINION. And while I'm at it, whats up with your typing? You use 10 periods for pauses but then don't use any when you should properly end a sentence.
  5. Just finished watching the subbed videos of the cutscenes on good ole YouTube! Now I can't wait till I can play the game so I don't have to read what they say
  6. Nerd/gamer culture! It's like watching a lot of good movies makes you cultured, why not video games?
  7. Ugh so much FFXIII -__- get some culture and play some good FF games for a change. I'm playing through it right now so before anyone starts ranting at me about not ever playing it or whatever, and ive got to say: meh. By good FFs i mean like IV or VI or XII, IX, V. I'd love to see almost any character from any of the aforementioned titles. Rant done
  8. Truly some awesome box art. Easily my favorite so far, what with all the symbolism in it. Even the cloud colour behind Riku and Sora. Can't wait to get this and stare at it the whole ride home from Gamestop http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  9. i want them to just work on other games, what else would there to be to add to 3D anyways? secret bosses? more Dream Eaters? all these things could potentially be given internationally anyway through DLC. i would shell out some more cash if that would happen.
  10. Ansem SoD is so badass!! And the many forms of Xehanort, cuz he is just so evil and awesome
  11. Persona 3 Portable is calling to me all the way from home. wish i brought my PSP to school :(

  12. When i saw Lea in game i was straight up flippin out so definitely him. but then there is Xehanort and Vanitas. and who doesnt like little Sora?
  13. it would be a nifty idea, but it doesnt really seem plausible. if any character from the FF universe were to get a keyblade, i would want it to be Cecil from FFIV. he has a light and darkness side to him that would fit in perfectly with the world of KH.
  14. played some Persona 3 Portable till about 11 last night, so about 10 hours ago. if i had more time in the morning i probably would get some Duodecim Dissidia in there.
  15. Yay! Would be better news if I had money, but exciting nonetheless!!
  16. theres this magical thing called money that this guy doesnt have but even if i had the money for an iPad i totally wouldnt get one. i would spend that money on other video games and such.
  17. well there you go Europe! all these people complaining about NA getting the preorder AR card bonus, well now you get an effing event with a demo. happy? better be. sorry for the rage lol im excited to see someone at least get some pics. hopefully this means that an eShop demo could be in the future. if they release the demo after the game is out, im still going to download it
  18. when i get to the point of rage quiting on puzzles and such, thats when i look at FAQs. but for a lot of other games its just to get items or weapons and such. like in BBS i frequently look at the faq to get certain abilities on commands. sometimes i'll manage to get stuck in the story and have to find out where im going
  19. 30 days till graduation! then another 60 days after that till DDD T-T

  20. yeah definiteley eryday of the week. even if its like 20 minutes of BBS or something before i go to sleep. before bed is when i get all of my handheld gaming done. lol its in this exact order: play game till i feel like im about to drop the PSP/ds/3ds, turn off lights, set up music, check KH13, proceed to sleep
  21. As much as I like the idea of him returning, did it occur to anybody that we simply haven't defeated Marluxia's Heartless? I know really simple solution but makes sense to me
  22. razuthor72

    kh success kid

    haha i love it, made my morning
  23. >I-_-I^ one does not simply calm down about Kingdom Hearts.
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