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  1. Well I'm assuming what we've seen is the MoM exam, and I read somewhere that Yen Sid puts them to sleep (I'm not actually sure about this.) However, assuming it's right I would say what we've seen is actually just a dream. I do know that Nomura said the MoM exam is only half the game, leaving plenty of time for a costume change.
  2. I would like to see more of what Riku can do as well. So far we haven't really seen what the new him can do, since you really only fight through SOME of The World That Never Was with him. As for Sora, forms would be a cool return. If what Razorwind says is true though, then that's even better.
  3. To be honest, I miss the Heartless. I liked the nobodies, and the Unversed were essentially Heartless, but I want them back! I think it would be cool to fight Heartless and Nobodies at the same time. So unless there's some type of lore driven reason we shouldn't encounter both, we should(if there is please let me know O.o.)
  4. I don't know a lot of recent Disney movies that aren't with Pixar, but people have been saying no Princess and the frog, and I agree. Aside from that I can't think of anything off of the top of my head that would bother me too much, since old worlds won't be returning.
  5. A long trailer would be nice. If Riku and Sora are getting new cloths, seeing that would be cool too. Game play mechanics even at a slightly basic level, and an explanation about the exam. Not a long complete one mind you, but maybe a one or two liner. Something to get everyone even more pumped kind of.
  6. Wait...I understand what you're saying about the dual wield, but where did the first key come from then? Sora was never marked by Terra, or Aqua to wield one himself. After playing BBS I assumed Sora had a key blade because of Ven's heart. Am I wrong? O.o
  7. I like this theory. I'm pretty sure in the fight with MF, he uses the darkness. This could explain why Xehanort is a Master, yet so far involved in Darkness. Now that being said, it doesn't mean that MF is bad, just that he uses Darkness.
  8. I feel like they will probably both pass. It's been brought up multiple times that just because Riku has darkness in him doesn't mean he'll fail. Look at Xehanort, he has tons of darkness and is a master. I think everyone needs to not look at "Darkness" and "Light" as good and evil, but as two different types of power, for lack of a better word, it's just how you use them! . So now back on topic, it would be weird if they made this huge deal out of taking this exam, and becoming Masters, just to have one fail. I just can't see it.
  9. Well, just because it says "Darkness falls" doesn't mean something is being defeated, or being gotten rid of. It could imply the coming of stronger darkness(Darkness falls upon us, etc.) Perhaps it's something to do with Xehanort?
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