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Everything posted by animemylove

  1. haha it was pretty derpy wasn't it, that's why I figured no one would get offended. oh well
  2. Welcome to the site be sure to post on the forums and have fun. There's a lot of cool people to talk to so I'm sure you'll enjoy the time here.
  3. it was a sexist remark implying the women were the ones that screamed because the small child was more of a threat than a bug .. it was bugging me people couldn't understand the joke.
  4. I swear there's no hope for people these days ..

  5. you're right. if anyone actually got offended from the earlier statement above I apologize.
  6. no not all women do .. and I've seen my day scream from accidentally rubbing his elbow on a watermelon so that's even more pathetic http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png .. I suppose shock gets the best of everyone.
  7. ... you've never seen a woman scream from a stink bug http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png .. come on in the article they screamed when the child woke up, so i was asking why.
  8. ... i probably would've went to get it a drink, i mean it still isn't intimidating. crying i could see but screaming http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png then again even bugs scare women.
  9. Wii U .. I don't plan on getting it but I really want to see how the system works out.
  10. i hope she wins the contest thing lol
  11. digimon .. i never really cared for pokemon after Johto
  12. He'll probably make another Neverland level and say it's new like he did with Pinocchio
  13. My big question is what happened after the heartless invaded TWTNW .. she and Pete stayed back to take the castle for themselves at the end of khII but it appears she and MX have made a sort of alliance since his return (I assume MX is just using her as a pawn, but for what?).
  14. I thought it was a pretty good showing, the wii U seems to have a lot of potential. zombiU looked cool and so did the lego city thing, I would've like to see choices for the nintendo land thing though like the Zelda area or Metroid. I was kind of disappointed though that the new zelda 3ds game wasn't mentioned out of the 3 they brought up though. oh well I look forward to tomorrow!
  15. well it took me like 4 hours to beat him if that makes you feel any better lol
  16. i think it's a pretty good song, but i love Simple and Clean
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