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Everything posted by animemylove

  1. its probably just a little easter egg since it's by the same creator
  2. got your attention didn't it lol .. that's the point of an ad
  3. nothing because it wasn't even brought over to the states ... selfish bastards TT-TT
  4. I love the meaning this blade has behind it, plus it's shiny
  5. and you will have quite a bit of people on here for support if it gets to stressful, things will work out with time.
  6. it's got a nice simple design, i like it .. only problem is i think if you swung it the right way you'd probably stab yourself on its hand guard ..
  7. the fact she can even play a violin without it sounding like someone is scratching a chalkboard is beyond me.
  8. write it in pencil on the desk then when the teacher comes over cover it with the paper .. my teacher was surprised how quickly i improved in french
  9. ahh you quoted and liked the blank post that i accidentally posted lol .. i wish you could delete your own posts. yea .. if the whole article thing was her idea then that can be considered really offensive, but it depends on how accepting the school is, plus depending on how far you wanna go with it you'd have to come out of the closet too.
  10. i wasnt sure if it was like some hardcore religious school or something like that was your teacher against the article or was he/she just an ass? some teachers like to show how awesome the rest of the world is, especially the people who make the articles like that.
  11. like i said, i think the heartless might have somehow injected terra-norts image into rikus mind, and when he awakened the darkness in his heart he subconsciously transforms into that form .. so his heartless would be like a parasite in my theory that controls riku in kh1 till sora was able to dive in and destroy it.
  12. it looks pretty good, hope we get some kind of rapier keyblade!
  13. so your school made you read this because they know your gay or they had the class read it?
  14. can't say it any better than that, but why do you have to read shit on gay christians?
  15. sasuke .. finally get to see you again in the manga WOO!

  16. well we needed the handheld titles to build up the story and new kh games have been coming out pretty often in the last few years so i think it's worth it, like Aqua7KH said .. can't rush perfection my friend
  17. if that's the case, It's too bad donald didn't acquire his traits ...
  18. do you have any clue what just happened to rukia in this weeks bleach ..

    1. Grimmjow


      I never sympathized with Aizen. Well he understood Grimmjow and Ginjou and didn't wanted to kill them but none of them have become allies :3. If anyone should befriend the Bleach-Team it should've been Grimmjow :P

    2. animemylove


      i hated when they just left him out .. like did he die or what .. and wtf happened to nel!? this is stuff i want to know damnit!

    3. Grimmjow


      I recall Tite Kubo stating that Grimmjow is dead... T_T

    4. Show next comments  102 more
  19. 10 bucks says naruto transforms into the kyuubi next time we see them fight! any takers?

    1. Grimmjow


      I bet 10 bucks against it.

  20. can't wait to pass out the gifts and eat me some h'orderves!
  21. its better to layout the body before you start drawing too, if you start at the torso it's much easier
  22. i laughed out loud .. oh god we're horrible
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