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Everything posted by animemylove

  1. well we know they're working on it somewhere at least
  2. this topic has been done so many times i don't think it matters anymore lol regardless my favorite is oathkeeper just because of the meaning behind it when he receives the charm from kairi.
  3. that's bullshit, i hate playing that course because all you ever see are these jackasses jumping off the side and getting like a 30 sec lead. it really ruined a great track.
  4. well i know there is definitely a 3d zelda game in the works, but as far as the name and what not that's new to me, sounds kinda interesting though.
  5. Now it's fairly obvious wonderland will not be in DDD since it is suppose to be new worlds and all but i was thinking for a while that if they had saved Alice in Wonderland for this whole dream world concept, Alice's acid trip of a story would have been perfect for DDD.
  6. their is also suppose to be some information on kh3 in khDDD once it is released. I believe that was in one of the interviews i read the middle of last year.
  7. lion king or tarzan, they're both excellent movies.
  8. better than the recent rumble blast shit that came out
  9. What appears to be a turn based pokemon strategy has appeared on ign for japanese release .. looks interesting http://ds.ign.com/articles/121/1216523p1.html
  10. Oii! don't give her ideas lol
  11. i open the thread and there's this disturbing man just staring at me with the most confused rape face i've ever seen .. it's freaky. I refuse to watch this!
  12. meh, chuck norris is overrated .. he even resorted to WoW ads.
  13. fantasia was the one world i really wanted to see in this game so i'm exited to see how they put the story together ;}
  14. yea .. what this assface said!
  15. changed the pic .. her head was weird. i love holo
  16. http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=258321j&s=5 drawing entry!
  17. lol .. Now bow down to Zukutatakimime Tekatokikuta!
  18. lol psv is behind the wii yet, that sucks
  19. looking to study abroad is a pain in the ass .. scholarships, financial aid, god i might as well just become a male prostitute to get the friggen money!

    1. PersianRose13


      Do not become a male prostitute!

    2. animemylove


      yea .. the world is too overpopulated already lol

  20. bah, still waiting for that limited edition package *crosses fingers*
  21. sitting in a class i know everything about .. ughh

    1. Grimmjow


      The japanese word for Flash Step is Shunpo.... I used the English word because I thought you Americans use it more xP

      Hey did you noticed that Kensei Mugurama the Vizard who is the new captain of the 9th division looks like Ichigo's father but with white hair and no beard?! xD

    2. animemylove


      oh no, not at all, i prefer to keep techniques to their original name .. i thought flash step was the fullbring version. and i can't image in, ichigo's dad always has such a stupid face on lol

    3. Grimmjow


      No it is the Hoho technique for fast movement. The Shinigami equivalent to Sonido. Wait I'll send you the images in the chat.

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