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Everything posted by animemylove

  1. yay another spice and wolf fan!

    1. 4Everbee


      Lol. I kinda did. Lol did you?

    2. animemylove


      yup, only had to watch it 7 times lol, i refused to move on till i knew exactly what was going on ... that part with the worthless armor was a doosey

    3. 4Everbee
    4. Show next comments  84 more
  2. dude i would vote for him, he's brilliant! ... ....... I-is he wearing a boot?
  3. i like how you introduced yourself in the title, and we seem to be close to the same age group, chat me up some time
  4. i only plan to wach raw walkthrough so i won't understand what's going on and the spoilers won't make any sense lol .. that way when i play i can piece the plot together myself.
  5. haha that was a pretty amusing story, nice post!
  6. why is this bad? youtube does this all the time ..
  7. i think it'd be an improvement, it'd definitely would make things faster when browsing around the forums.
  8. ugh, i'm a horrible puss when it comes to zombies ... but i want to play this TT-TT
  9. anime should never have english music in it .. it's just .. no, thank god they've learned better

    1. dusk


      You people are lucky , because you haven't heard finish version of pokemon theme or digimon theme. Those are so horrible that you could even torture devil with them.

    2. Sora!


      lol i but it would


    3. animemylove


      lol, glad to see you all agree ^_^

    4. Show next comments  84 more
  10. this is going to be some confusing shit but i couldn't be more excited for it!
  11. thank you grimmjow for making me actually read what this was about
  12. what's this have to do with wiki ... i mean i already knew they shut down for 24 hours but why this?
  13. is it sad kh13 is where i get info on world issues and politics?
  14. Sounds like a bunch of whiners not getting what they want, he turns one thing down and they try to make him look like a liar .. instead of looking for more oil we should put more money toward finding alternative sources.
  15. is anything lamer than dying by internet memes .. what does this even mean!?
  16. that would take forever though
  17. my guess is like $25 .. maybe $30 if you have a premiem membership
  18. i think i'll have to wait a while, i tried but i'm pretty sure i rendered myself awesome at the moment
  19. i think something went wrong because now .. wait what, UGHHHHH I GIVE UP! if only i had those damn glasses
  20. *tries to cross eyes repeatedly* .. ugh it hurts after a while
  21. every now and then ill change my avy to show a new anime i enjoyed be sure to check them out! the title will be in my title lol

    1. Grimmjow


      Free anime guide subscription. Sweet.

    2. animemylove


      i'll even leave reviews on my page


  22. i actually already made a topic about this a while ago lol http://kh13.com/forum/topic/25709-in-case-of-limited-edition-bundle/page__fromsearch__1
  23. yessss, can't wait try out RE:Revelations!
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