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Everything posted by animemylove

  1. man if they agreed to putting PSG on adultswim that'd be amazing haha but they'd censor the shit out of it .. I mean I was watching deadman wonderland at like 1 am and they censored small words like shit, damn and ass, it's f*ckin 1 in the morning, who the hell's going to care!
  2. what kind of bed do you sleep on?
  3. Finally reserved the mark of mastery edition!

    1. burnsideking24


      lucky! soon i will!

    2. animemylove


      it was $25 dollars to reserve since its limited edition, so keep that in mind

  4. i thought namine could only tamper with sora memories since she is the nobody of kairi's heart escaping sora's body, or something like that lol
  5. .. it happened to goofy and donald too when they entered
  6. I believe she was able to do it all so quickly in CoM because that was part of the issue that happens when you enter castle oblivion, you begin to forget things from your past, with that happening Namine was probably able to easily re-write his memories compared to taking them back apart and placing them back together while linking sora back to everyone (kairi, leon, yuffie etc.) Also, i think losing his memories of C.O were just a price of him wanting to leave.
  7. that second video is freaking weird, i can't stop watching!
  8. hell yea, might take a few tries to explain what he intends to do plot wise but I'd be more than willing to work with him.
  9. sometimes i need music to fall asleep.
  10. I can't really blame them, I never really like pooh either.
  11. well in the past week I've watched: Okamisan Chaos;Head Full Metal Panic! and Highschool of the dead .. lol i guess i really dont have a life >.<

    1. animemylove


      there's no such thing as too much anime!


    2. Kirie


      You have no life at all!! x-x

    3. animemylove


      BUT I LOVE IT! hence the my name lol

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  12. no, that's what the internet is for .. or the game itself for that matter
  13. I usually mess with them for a few minutes till i get pissed off, throw it .. walk a few steps then go back and retrieve it since i have nothing better to do with my life.
  14. Damn you! I just started TT-TT .. but CONGRATS!
  15. http://kh13.com/news/28624-kingdom-hearts-3d-mark-of-mastery-collectors-edition-announced/ it's on the main page
  16. you really want to fight overly obese people in floating chairs? you sick bastard lol
  17. eventually it just appeared on my page so I'm not sure you have a choice lol
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