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About NEX

  • Birthday 06/15/1996

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  • Member Title
    Anime Lover
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  1. (Im gonna run this to Mr. Pokemon's place.) Alexis continued to follow the the form. "Maybe I should catch it..." She muttered to herself. "Hahari use Razor Leaf!" The pokemon responded and from the leaf on its head it let loose many razors which missed the figure.
  2. As they leave the house Alexis spots something run off out of the corner of her eye. "W-what was that?" She muttered to herself before deciding to run after it seeing as it could be a pokemon she hadnt seen before.
  3. Alexis followed Strike in. She was obviously uncomfortable about entering a strangers house.
  4. Alexis nodded. "Yeah.... Ive heard that they are used to make pokeballs. It might be worth our while to pick a few. Maybe we should go ask the owner."
  5. "Right..." Alexis said. "And ive got a pokedex to fill out." She muttered to herself having gained data from most of thr pokemon she saw on route 29 by Logging them in her pokedex. "Lets go...." She said as she helped Hahari off the table.
  6. "I suppose that makes sense... I guess it would help that your parents were so involved." Alexis says as she finishes eating.
  7. "So your parents started having you do things right out of the gate huh......" Alexis seemed slightly unhappy. Hahari jumped up onto the table and began to eat them.
  8. "Thanks." said Alexis as she took some food and put it on a separate plate, proceeding to eat. She looked up at Strike. "Its not bad."
  9. "Um... I-I see..." Alexis appeared unprepared for the arrival of Strike's third pokemon. "Good for you... now if you'll excuse me. I need to get ready for the day." Alexis then marched up the stairs and into her room where she selected her clothing and then proceeded towards bathroom. She began to shower. She showered for a decent amount of time. She finished, worked on her hair, got dressed and the headed downstairs once more after picking up her bag and the grass type pokemon from her room. When she reached the bottom of the steps, Alexis walked into the dining room and sat down at the table. "He already has three pokemon...Clearly far more ahead of the game than me.... I need to step it up" she thought to herself.
  10. "Your new friend? Who are you referring to?" Alexis put her hands on her hips and looked at him grumpily.
  11. A beam of light shined into the room through a crack in the blinds, hitting Alexis in the eyes. The girl groaned not wanting to get up however Hahari, saw the sun beam and was drawn towards it the grass type pokemon. The pokemon used its vines to open the blinds more causing the sunlight to flood in. Alexis unhappily woke up and squinted at the sunlight. "Morning... Oh great...." she crawled out of the bed and walked down the stairs, still in her pajamas. As she climbed down the stairs she caught the scent of food. "What is he doing!" she growled as she bolted down the stairs and into the kitchen. Her hair was a mess and she truly looked like she had woke up on the wrong side of the bed. The Chikorita remained upstairs basking in the morning sunlight.
  12. Alexis sighed upon reaching her room. She changed into some pajamas and crawled into her bed with Hahari resting at the foot of it. "Its going to be a rough journey ahead of us...." She said before falling alseep.
  13. "Huh?!" Alexis turned around and looked down the hall. "Ever heard of knocking!" She growled, folding her arms as she looked at him."Either way your set up in the living room. If you need me Im upstairs. My room is the second one on the left." She explained before going upstairs. "Oh and dont destroy the house. Shoes are to be taken off at the door, The refridgerator is empty, and well... Just dont break anything." She explained
  14. Alexis sighed as she finished picked up the house and making a place for Strike to sleep in the Living room. "There! That should do it." She smiled as Hahari came down the stairs, having Finished exploring the house. "So what do you think?" Asked Alexis. The pokemon's response sounded rather indifferent. "Well, I suppose it could use some flowers, but I wont be around and Mom is always away so nobody could take care of them....so I apologize if its a bit bland."
  15. Alexis proceeded to walk to her house. Hahari following close behind. When she arrived she put her hands on her hips as she stared at the building. It was just a small cozy home. "Well this is our home Hahari." The girl said to the pokemon as she opened the door. The pokemon entered and then Alexis. "Feel free to explore... Ive got to find a place for Strike to sleep for the night... Probably the living room..."
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