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Everything posted by Xenidal

  1. I liked Liam Neeson as Raz al Ghul... But I'm not really into comic books so I don't even know who any of the others are. Except Dr. Doom but I know nothing about him other than the name...
  2. Yeah... lots of ways to do it. In Photoshop a very easy way is just to do "Posterize". Also in Illustrator there's a nice feature called "Live Trace" which not only converts it to black and white line art... in generates a vector image of it in the process.
  3. Only a 3DS. Which I don't like nearly as much as the original DS and my DSi (although the 3D camera and the 3D in general is cool... but I don't like how they've basically turned it into a computer... like a mini-Wii) And then I have the original DS (which is broken and not playable) and a DSi (which I just found out has a somewhat broken L button). I'm probably going to buy a DS Lite sometime soon because I want a working system to play my DS games (without using the 3DS which has bad resolution) and I also want the GBA slot. Also, I plan on buying a PSP in the next few days for the sole purpose of playing Birth by Sleep.
  4. These are nice... they're like... colouring-book style. I'm not liking the background on the first picture though. Looks like the scanner captured the paper (don't know if that's what happened or you purposely added that gray stuff but I don't like it)
  5. Yes it would. If the game is good (i.e. the best game ever) then an improved version would be even better than the best game ever (assuming that they actually improve it and don't mess things up)Also if the FFVII game says "this is the best game evr" then obviously it's biased. It's all a matter of opinion... there's lots of people who don't think it's the best game ever... some people don't even think it's the best Final Fantasy game ever. However, there are lots of people who do believe that it's the best RPG of all time... which means that the re-make is in high demand. Square has no reason not to re-make it (other than maybe not wanting to spread their teams out over too many projects at once)
  6. I can't recall ever seeing a sequel to something when I didn't like the original (I don't know why I would have... if the original was bad then most likely I'd have no interesting watching a sequel...) There are some movies that I like the sequel more than the original though... for example, I like POTC3 a lot more than POTC2 (although I like the original POTC much more than either of those 2... and POTC4 is probably somewhere between 2 and 3) And then there was X-Men 2 which I saw without ever seeing the first one...
  7. I'd just get it from Amazon. They have it in stock so you don't even have to go through a seller that you don't know that could be scamming you. As for the credit card problem... a debit card number works. If you have a bank account (assuming that it's a checking account) then I assume you have a debit card (or if not you can just go to the bank and get one...) I also think (but I'm not sure about this) that they accept the number off those pre-paid cards that you can buy at like... the drug store / grocery store or something. And I believe that a lot of places sell Amazon gift cards that you can use and you won't even need any sort of credit / debit card.
  8. I got some Kingdom Hearts manga a few years ago but I was searching Amazon for more and for some reason it's not there. It stops at Kingdom Hearts II volume 2 (the last one I purchased) and it seems there's nothing else after that. What happened? Was the series cancelled? Or is it just that Amazon does not carry it for some bizarre reason?
  9. Take it to a blacksmith? (no idea where you'd find a blacksmith though, lol) Really, I think that heating it up and hammering it is the only way. If you couldn't do it yourself then you should try finding someone to do it for you (of course, I know nothing about that sort of thing but I do know that metal in general cannot be straightened by simply bending it)
  10. Oh, yeah. Forgot about that. Then... I don't know. Guess it was the castle then. Unless someone has an offical source stating against the castle having that property.
  11. The thread has been brought back from the dead! Anyway, that picture is symbolic. It shows that the Organization (represented by the cloak) is being removed from Roxas and thrown away... and underneath Roxas is wearing his new clothes representing his new life outside the Organization. As for Riku and Mickey... no idea. I can say... I highly doubt that any of them wear full outfits underneath. Pants, yes. Shirts... probably not since we can see the lower necks / part of the chests of most characters and they appear to have no shirt (if they do then it's a very low-cut shirt... definitely not the kind that Roxas wears in his Twilight Town clothes). And have you ever worn one of those cloaks before? They're extremely hot!
  12. Was Xion an afterthought... like, after KH2 was made then they were coming up with ideas for 358 Days / 2 and decided to create the Xion character? Or was she planned from the get-go (or at leat planned out before Chain of Memories)? Has this ever been answered through any interviews or anything? If not, what are your thoughts on this? To me, I always got the feeling that she was invented later. She seemed like an unnecessary addition to the overall story of Kingdom Hearts... and the fact that she turned out to be the final boss (as a way to eliminate her so it would make sense that she was never mentioned in KH2) just felt awkward.
  13. It was love in the sense of strong friendship or "as a sister" or something... there is no indication that he was ever "in love" with her. But Roxas represents Sora and Xion represents Sora's conception of Kairi, so I think it was meant to sort of mirror the relationship between those two. But still, no indication that Roxas was in love (unlike Sora, who was in love and this was indicated). As for Nobodies not having feelings or emotions... DiZ was wrong about that. He was blinded by his own anger at the Organization and so he was generalizing all Nobodies as emotionless and cruel. Roxas clearly feels emotions... Naminé also feels emotions. Since the Riku replica felt emotions then I can assume that replicas also feel emotions, so a replica of Roxas (who could feel emotions) should be able to feel emotions himself. And Xion was that replica. Yes, Roxas and Naminé were "special" Nobodies... but I'd even take it one step further and say that all high Nobodies (such as the Organization) can feel emotions. Axel demonstrated what looked like emotion, in the form of frustration at Xion and Roxas "doing whatever they want" and when he told Roxas that he'd miss him if he was destroyed.
  14. I see... (yeah, I forgot about that) What's the plothole? The fact that Naminé has a picture of Xion and Axel hanging up in her room? She can probably knew about Xion ever since Xion began to gain Sora's memories... and then she could see Axel through Roxas and Xion... she has control over Sora's memories and those memories are inside of those two so she can probably see the people connected to them as well (i.e. Axel). Since they never really explain how the process of altering memories is done then there's really no way to tell, but I suppose it's possible.
  15. Hmmm, I'm going to post an illustration of me because I like the picture (I didn't draw this): Actually, that's a character named Tomo... but his physical appearance is identical to that of myself.
  16. Yeah... I always thought that Castle Oblivion had an effect on them as well. But looking back on it I suppose it's possible that Naminé also removed Donald's and Goofy's memories so that they wouldn't go messing everything up (for example, telling Sora that Naminé did not exist or reminding him about Kairi, etc.)
  17. What's this "Birth by Sleep Volume 2"? I thought that the only game left was Kingdom Hearts III... don't tell me there's another one... Anyway, what exactly happened in that scene? I don't really remember it but all I see when re-watching the scene is that Naminé says, "Nice to meet you, Xion." and then the scene ends. How is that a plothole or have anything to do with Sora? My guess is that there was absolutely no significance and that it was just Naminé saying hello (because they were meeting for the first time..)
  18. Never heard of Shakugan No Shana or Shugo Chara so I can't make recommendations based on what you like... but I can say what I like. And that is: - YuYu Hakusho (my personal favourite) - Soul Eater - Ouran High School Host Club - Death Note (not one of my favourites but it is interesting... although I've only read the manga and have never seen the actual anime) - Chobits (overall I thought it was good but it did have a lot of "adult" references (i.e. porn... but not actually showing the porn) and I didn't care for that sort of stuff one bit) - Studio Ghibli films... I've seen nearly all of them and they've all been great. Typically I like shounen... I also really liked the early Yu-Gi-Oh! manga (which is way more interesting than anything in the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime unless you count the unreleased Japanese first series)
  19. Don't you mean Kairi Kairison? Typo... or are you implying that the two of them are related / married?! lol Anyway... I noticed that about a week (or less) ago. Especially the Organization... are their Nobody names anagrams of their first names... or last names? Axel is Lea, which is typically a last name (when spelled that way). So for him at least, it seems that he only has a last name (although Lea could be a first name... but it's not that common). And then there's Dilan, same sort of thing. But then there's stuff like Ansem, Braig, and Ienzo which don't seem to be real-world names at all... And Axel is a first name, although it's most likely pure coincedence storywise (as it comes from Lea) and unintended to be a first name concept-wise (as it refers to him being the guy between the "wheels", I think) My guess is that characters simply have a single name. Or if they do have a name that is never mentioned... it's impossible to tell whether these are first names or last names (since no one has a parent with a revealed name). But if I had to take a guess... I'd say that they are first names. Sora (meaning "sky"), Riku (meaning "land"), and Kairi (meaning "sea") sound much like Final Fantasy names like Cloud and Squall, which were both first names. Also the fact that Kairi and Riku refer to Sora as "Sora" implies that it's a first name... since close friends typically don't call each other by last name. Oh, and RPG cliché #7: Not saying that this applies to Kingdom Hearts... but it's a general rule of thumb.
  20. I'm still wondering what ever happened to his mom after the island was destroyed (although I'm assuming she's back after the island returned to normal)... and where did Sora's house go to? lol You can explore the island but the house is nowhere in sight... and that was before the island was destroyed.
  21. Yeah, I didn't mention them because I don't personally own either of those systems so I've never experienced it before. I have heard of some of those problems though... although I thought they were software problems? Either way... those are all current systems which makes my point even more valid.
  22. - "Seman" is not a word - "Disney Land" is not a true anagram since 4 letters were discarded (and in the same way, none of the Organization members's names are ture anagrams... Axel is not an anagram of Lea since a letter was added) - "No Earth" - never noticed that one
  23. Yensid... yeah, forgot about that. Except that's not really a Kingdom Hearts character... that guy was from Fantasia and his name in the Fantasia credits is listed as "Yensid". Edit - just looked on IMDb... looks like he wasn't in the credits. But it's in the trivia. Yeah, "Lee" is, but when it's spelled "Lea" it's usually a last name or less commonly a girl's name. However, people in Kingdom Hearts typically only have a single name so I suppose maybe it's not a "first" name at all. That, and the fact that most characters in Kingdom Hearts don't have real-world names anyway so it could just coincidentally be the same as an actual name but have no connection at all (as a matter of fact, "Axel" itself is a real name)
  24. Not the battery... I didn't elaborate on the problem but I've swapped the battery and it still doesn't charge. That, and the battery does charge when put into an external charger (although I no longer have the external charger that I was using so now I can't charge it at all...)Anyway, I'm not going to worry about it... I think I'll just buy a DS Lite eventually and in the meantime play the games on my 3DS. I just find it strange that out of all the problems that I've ever had with any video game system... all my problems are occuring to the newest systems that I own (except for thr 3DS which has't had any toruble).
  25. Numberwise... I know of 15 (the organization (including Xion) + the name "Xehanort") As for which ones I actually know the meaning of... officially I know only Roxas, Axel, and Xemnas. Unoffically I know Xion (I think it means "No. i"), Xehanort (I think it means "another" or "no heart"), and since I've never played Birth by Sleep then I don't officially know anyone else, although I do know what Xaldin and Xigbar mean. And that's it. Also, I don't like Axel's name. Lea is an actual name but it's not a male's first name. That, and his Japanese name is closer to "Leah" so that is how it should be pronounced (and that is clearly a girl's name...) Before I knew his name was Lea then I always assumed it was Alex... although it couldn't have been since there's only one 'x' in "Axel".
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