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Everything posted by Xenidal

  1. That's "black" as in black-coloured pigment (made by mixing high amounts of red, blue, and yellow paints or cyan, magenta, and yellow inks together). Black is just something that can reflect no light, and something really dark reflects very little light. But real black does exist... it's everywhere that there is no light (although there are no objects that are "black"). That's how the red / green / blue computer screen works... light up the red 0%, light up the green 0%, light up the blue 0%, and the result is black (although it's not truly black because the screen itself has a colour to begin with).
  2. There certainly are colours that we cannot see... infrared and ultraviolet, as CGEire said. Other animals can see in infrared / ultraviolet... also cameras can "see" in infrared. That's how night vision works. But you can try for yourself, take a TV remote and aim it into your cell phone's camera and start pressing buttons on the remote and you'll see flashes of light appear on the phone's screen.
  3. If he lets you watch movies involving guns and read books involving guns then maybe you could use that to convice him, since video games are just another entertainment medium. That, or he'll stop letting you see the movies as well, lol
  4. I have an old account... nothing to do with fan fiction, but it's on the MMORPG Kingdom of Loathing. I stopped playing, then a few years later signed on again. Which is odd because normally they delete your account after a month or so of not using it...
  5. Less than 1... but I was not busy with any other things. The only video game I "played" was the Threatre Mode on 358 Days / 2.
  6. ੮пɪᶴ ɪᶴ८'੮ ༧८oƐ⋿ow~ ~༧८ᘎυ༧ᘎ⋿, ⊥υ੮ ɪ੮'ᶴ ༧ ԏɪ⨍⋿~⋿८੮ ༧~⩍п༧⊥⋿੮. ɪ ⊻༧~ ɪ੮ "~o⨍ɪ༧८". wo~ԏᶴ п༧⨍⋿ ᶴ~ɪᘎп੮~ʏ ԏɪ⨍⋿~⋿८੮ ᶴ⩍⋿~ɪ८ᘎᶴ. oп, ༧~ᶴo Ɛ⋿ow wo~ԏᶴ "Ɛ⋿ow" ༧८ԏ "੮п⋿" ༧~⋿ ᶴw༧⩍⋿ԏ.
  7. I rode one of them like the one in the bottom picture (with the inflatable stuff all around it). I fell off after just a few seconds... probably because it was made of plastic and extremely slippery. And it didn't have anything to hold onto, from what I remember.
  8. Last part is completely untrue. I have never smelled a beer that smelled even remotely good or a strong liquor that did not smell like rubbing alcohol.And I can think of very few examples of foods that people think taste good but think smell bad... perhaps beer is one of these exceptions. Either way, I have no desire to find out. That's personal opinion... obviously some people like it or there'd be no market for it. I would expect that it tastes similar enough to the alcoholic versions of the same drinks for them to willingly label it as such. That's an excuse for not purchasing any unnecessary item. If you can't afford something or simply don't want to pay for it then why waste the money? Because it tastes good? So does lemonade and it is much cheaper than alcohol.As for the possibility of the price dropping below the others... I highly doubt it. Alcohol has always been more expensive than a drink such as soda. It's simply more expensive and more difficult to produce. Even if it was cheaper, you are still missing my point. I have no interest in drinking beer or liquor or any sort of alcoholic beverage. Even if it tastes great and was incredibly cheap and had absolutely no harmful effects at all then there's no need to try it. You can say that about practically anything. Like, Mountain Dew. Someone has had soda before (or any drink for that matter) and then chooses to never try Mountain Dew. Yes, it tastes different than other drinks... maybe even better. That doesn't mean that everyone needs to try Mountain Dew or will eventually try Mountain Dew at some point before they die.
  9. I don't know of any off the top of my head, but I know that http://www.jisho.org is a good dictionary (for if you need to lookup the meaning of a kanji)If you are trying to learn kanji then here's a piece of advice -- learn what the characters mean (and how to pronounce them) in context rather than memorizing the symbols themselves. Most kanji has at least 2 readings (the on reading (based on old Chinese) and the kun reading (based on old Japanese)... and many characters have multiple ways it can be pronounced for each reading). An example of this is the kanji "日", which can be read as either "ka", "hi", "bi", "jitsu", "nichi", or something else, all depending on context. But even without knowing how to "read" the kanji you can still take a good guess at what it means. For example, seeing "日" somewhere then I can take a good guess that the word has something to do with the sun or day, even if I have no idea if it should be pronounced as "ka" or "hi" or "bi" or "nichi" or whatever.
  10. Next half of the sentence: but I can take a good guess based on the smell . . .As I said, liquor smells horrible. Beer smells horrible. Usually (but not always) smell is a good indication of taste. And I have tasted non-alcoholic versions of some of the drinks (specifically wine and champagne), and (assuming that they did a good job mimicking the flavour) there was nothing all that great about them. And you missed my last point altogether... more than 9 times out of 10 I drink just plain water. If I'm not already drinking other drinks such as sodas all that often then what reason do I have to even start drinking any sort of alcoholic beverage, which costs nearly twice as much as soda / lemonade / Kool-aid / whatever? That's like going up to a person who has no interest in watching any TV or movies and saying "you should start watching documentaries".
  11. Oh, the most annoying game that I've played (and I completely forgot about this) has got to be Epic Mickey. The game itself looked decent to say the least. But when I actually got to playing it I simply had to stop. It was the worst camera that I had ever seen in a game... it was so bad that I chose to stop playing the game right at the very beginning.
  12. What I don't get is how these people were poisoned by the alcohol rather than the other toxins in the hand sanitzer... Alcohol that people are not supposed to drink is denatured, as in, the companies purposely make it lethal so that people don't drink it (this is done so that stuff like hand sanitizer and rubbing alcohol do not have to be taxed as alcoholic beverages) Not true. You can't generalize all people. I'm old enough to drink and have never drunken alcohol and never plan on ever drinking alcohol. For several reasons, some being:- there's always the risk of ending up drunk or addicted - the beverages simply don't taste good (I don't know how they taste since I've never had them, but I can take a good guess based on the smell of liquor (which is disgusting and smells like rubbing alcohol) and the smell of beer (which also stinks but has a different scent)... and I've had non-alcoholic wine / champagne before and they really don't taste any better than juice or Kool-aid...) - the fact that it's a waste of money... it's even more expensive than sodas which are already expensive if you buy them a lot. And I don't even drink that much soda so why should I drink any alcohol?
  13. I had a similar attitude (and I really liked the gown, lol)And now, looking back on it, that is the perfect attitude to have. Because graduation really isn't all that important so long as you graduate. Yeah, twelve years are finally over... but now another twelve are just beginning (well, usually not another twelve, lol). Just be glad it's finally over... until next fall... The best part of the entire graduation ceremony is the cap toss. If you don't get a cap toss then throw your hat anyway!
  14. If you don't care for Dragon Ball Z then you might not like YuYu Hakusho. It's the same sort of thing, being fighting-based, referencing the afterlife (and a similar concept of the afterlife with King Yama and all that), somewhat muscular super-humans, and the main characters / main enemies all use ki / energy blasts and stuff. The main characters both die and come back to life in the beginning of the series... and there's even a highly skilled black-pointy-haired villain who the main character fights and defeats at the beginning of the series who later ends up teaming up with him in both serieses.Although it is different in other aspects so maybe you would like it...
  15. That is true, but I doubt it was beyond their skills (or the system's technical limitations) to do. Also it doesn't take up any more space than an animation with just 2 moving legs... if anything then it would take up slightly more processing but even that I doubt. What is so obvious about the Mushu thing? There was a Mulan world in Kingdom Hearts Ⅱ...
  16. Why did Xion turn on Roxas and attempt to merge with him (causing the final boss fight)? From what I remember, earlier in the game, Xion went with Riku to Naminé and DiZ where they were going to destroy her and put her memories back into Sora. But that was interrupted when Axel showed up to bring her back to the Organisation. So she went out and fought him, then lost. Next thing you know she has tracked down Roxas and is attempting to merge with him. Why didn't she just go back to Riku / Naminé / DiZ and be put back into Sora like she had originally planned? Did she change her mind or something?
  17. Oh, something that I liked (although not one of my favourites) was American McGee's Alice. Probably because I love Alice in Wonderland. The game itself has a poorly designed difficulty curve... once you end up on a certain level then the game becomes incredibly difficult, and the point I'm at (which isn't even at the end of the game) is so difficult that I am unable to get past it. And then they made a sequel, although my computer is unable to run it Too bad... it looked pretty cool.
  18. YuYu Hakusho (through the Dark Tournament anyway) is my favourite. And Soul Eater was pretty good too. Those are both "action" / fighting anime with fantasy elements. And if you liked Laputa and Nausicaä then check out all the other Miyazaki films. I've seen most of them and all that I've seen are good. Also Tales from Earthsea... not Miyazaki but it was Studio Ghibli and it's pretty good (although parts seem a little confusing... I think this is due to the fact that it was based on a combination of three separate books and certain things just don't fit together all that well... never read the books myself though)
  19. Hmmm, yeah, for some reason I got the number wrong (it's been a while since I played them...) Okay, so the "sad ending" I was talking about was actually the fourth game.
  20. Can PS2 games not be played on the PS3? Why are so many people playing PS2 games on the PS2?
  21. I am surprised that no one has said Professor Layton. They are absolutely amazing. All three of them. The puzzles are very well done, the game itself has the perfect combination of being challenging enough to keep it fun but not being so challenging that you ever get stuck for too long or have to restart, and the stories are amazing as well. Especially the sad ending in the third game. And I have other favourites as well, but those 3 are on the top of my list. (Other favourites include DK64, some of the Zelda games, the Banjo-Kazooie series, Pokémon (Generations Ⅰ, Ⅴ, and the Ⅱ re-makes, as well as Snap and the Stadium games), the Kingdom Hearts series, and the Final Fantasy series)
  22. I agree, DDR. But only an official / licensed product... not some fan-made bootleg.And not StepMania either... it's got that bootleg quality and in addition I really don't like the whole thing with using your hands and a keyboard rather than dancing on a dancepad. I don't like Guitar Hero either... it has the "use your hands thing" going on... and it drew popularity away from DDR towards a less cool alternative. It completely destroyed the DDR Club at my school! I did like Donkey Konga though.
  23. I played the remake for the GBA and it was not at all hard or annoying. Let's see... hard (although not annoying): - PacMan World 2 - Me and my cousin spent hours trying to get through certain levels. Slightly annoying on levels with no checkpoint or a difficult to reach checkpoint, but otherwise very fun. - Super Monkey Ball, the final stage on Expert difficulty. You need to get the timing down... I have never beaten it. Although I had a friend who beat it on like his second or third attempt... This level was borderline annoying... it's fun to play like once or twice but not fun to constantly lose. Luckily it's not the sort of game that you really need to beat for anything. This game was hard and annoying: - American McGee's Alice (the original, not the newer sequel) - stuck on the Tweedledum and Tweedledee boss... the level itself is hard to get through without losing a substantial amount of health (unless you spend a lot of time sneeking up on the enemies)... when I do manage to make it to the end of the level then I am always easily defeated by the boss. Either I'm not doing it right or it is an extremely difficut fight (nearly impossible considering my health is not always at max health when starting). This level's difficulty was annoying to the point that I stopped playing and never even attempted to beat the game And then there is time-consuming games which aren't all that difficult or annoying but they take so long to complete that I've spent years on them (some of which I still haven't beaten). Examples - Pokémon (completing the Pokédex), Banjo-Kazooie series, Donkey Kong 64 Oh, and I'm stuck on the final boss in Final Fantasy Ⅲ (DS remake)... although that's due to the fact that I'm not using the correct strategy (I do absolutely no damage). Trying to figure out the strategy for myself rather than look it up somewhere...
  24. Pokémon Theme. Not that the others aren't any good... just that the Pokémon Theme is so memorable. Actually, in my opinion it is better than all the others but the fact that it's memorable is probably a major contributing factor. Actually, I love Mezase Pokémon Master (the original Japanese theme song) but in America it was only ever used (as far as I know) in Pokémon Pinball. Unfortunate considering I probably like it even more than the Pokémon Theme.
  25. This was a very poor design. When I beat the game and it seemed to "freeze" on that screen then I though my controller had broken. I left the game running and went out to the store to buy a new controller, came back, used the new controller... and nothing changed. Then I assumed that the game actually had frozen and I was glad that I beat it before that happened. Later I found out that the game is "supposed" to do tat. They really should have made it so that pressing a button takes you back to the title screen or that t goes back to the title screen on its own after like 10 or 30 seconds... it's really frustrating thinking that the game has something wrong with it.
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