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About Vorian_Rob

  • Birthday 11/18/1988

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    The True Rob!
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  1. I don't think we will see the return of Flowmotion in KH3. The Flowmotion controls were a gimmick justified by them being in the Dream World. This gave them the ability to somewhat alter the rules of reality. However the events of KH3D did happen and the experience gained by their journey through the Dream World is sure to have had a profound effect on our protagonists. So we will likely see elements derived from the Flowmotion system but more down to earth, like wall jumps. I liked the Flowmotion system, it was a lot of fun. However as a gameplay mechanic it was very broken and abusable. There was literally no problem in that game that couldn't be solved by FM jumping off a wall and AOE smashing the entire group. Because of this mechanic you literally didn't need to equip a single skill to beat most enemies in the game. Additionally there was no limitation placed on the use of flow motion which really detracted from the platforming. Areas of Traverse Town that previously require skill and effort to reach became easily accessible by simply hopping near a wall or lamp post.
  2. Disney hates kingdom hearts. the only reason they haven't pulled the plug is because of the fanbase and the money it makes them
  3. Its a stretch because the character already served his purpose. He doesn't have a movie of his own and they will never give Square rights to the world of Epic Mickey.
  4. I said he is best left as is. Oswald is a great character, but his purpose now is to rule over the forgotten characters. We have already a Mickey Mouse flashback level. Another would just be repetitive.
  5. Please never use KH3 and Call of Duty in the same sentence again.As for multiplayer. I would like to see some co-operative gameplay, like 358/2 Days or Mass Effect 3.
  6. Donald is going to kill Xehanort. All of us who ever hated him will just be like ._.
  7. Max I think would be a cool Cameo. Oswald, the purpose of the character is that he is a forgotten character, leave him as such. Lightning should die in a fire. Please please please don't add her. I Know Tetsuya Nomura has a weird hardon for Lightning, so she is pretty much guaranteed, but please no.
  8. Kingdom Hearts should remain Square Enix and Disney proper. If you are worried about them running out of Disney movies, don't be. There are still plenty left. On the other hand they still have to save the Square worlds.
  9. Seriously, who cares. Which platform the game is on doesn't matter. They are simply trying to make their product available to as many fans a possible. Besides I am sure that my house isn't the only one with a parent who is a Microsoft fanboy. Having KH3 available to my little brother and sister is far better than the alternative.
  10. Riku's long hair in KH2 was only to signify the passage of time. He cut it after the confrontation with Xemnas because he had finally returned to civilization after wandering in the darkness for so long.
  11. She never died though. She can't revive. Riku and Mickey will have to return to the realm of Darkness to retrieve her, if Xehanort hasn't already.
  12. 4. Its a teaser trailer to pique your interest. The game is barely started and they thought it would be cool.
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