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About CirqueDuKat

  • Birthday 06/20/1998

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  1. How can I love someone and have a crush on another? .-.

    1. Rob


      The rule of only 1 woman doesnt apply to you?

    2. CirqueDuKat


      Well they're not both women Rob..

  2. How can I love someone and have a crush on another? .-.

  3. I'm in love or something like that.. ugh I guess it's just meant to be.

  4. "Happy Birthday CirqueDuKat" said no one on KH13 ever.

    1. baylaust


      Happy birthday, CirqueDuKat.

    2. I♥KH
    3. Weiss


      You stand corrected lol

      Happy Birthday

  5. I miss my stupid sort of ex "best" friend.

  6. I need moar kh13 friends. MOAR!

    1. AnsemTheWise


      MOAR!? You want moar!?

    2. Weiss


      there you go

  7. I miss you.. :l

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Shana09
    3. Shana09


      Wolf said hi and he would be happy to talk to you. xD


      But he said later, he is a bit busy

    4. CirqueDuKat


      mmkay. well tell him he can skype me but i'm off kh13 for now


  8. Sooo.. now i'm dead? o.o

    1. Weiss
    2. Larushu


      I kinda have a feeling this is because of me :|

    3. CirqueDuKat


      Feel away, Lars.

  9. Sooo.. now i'm dead? o.o

  10. Good luck on the next chapter of your life! (no sarcasm, I swear) :D

  11. I want a byfriend.. who i can love.. who loves me and doesn't lie or cheat and is just a nice guy. I'm tired of being single.. No. I take that back. i want to be with who i thought "he" was.. :l

    1. Kirie


      I know is hard but sometimes relationships is about honesty

      so yeah i guess you hard a rough relationship


      I have a bf and he told me all of his secrets and he trust me so much he told me I can check his PM's and everything

    2. CirqueDuKat


      my ex didn't trust me that much.

  12. YES!! He finally texted meee (:

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