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Sora Kairi

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About Sora Kairi

  • Birthday 01/19/1998

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  • Member Title
    just a member
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  1. OMG, i love Sora, Roxas, Ven, and Vanitas. Here's my profile to prove it: http://kh13.com/forum/user/39006-kingdomhearts25/

  2. I have 391 friends but nobody want talk with me??

    1. Kinode


      Then either they're all attention whores, just like most people on Facebook who add even people they never talk to, or you're an attention whore.

    2. Koko


      who cares its the internet

    3. Sora Kairi
  3. sleep =.=zzz bye..

  4. hai guys... what's up?? ^^

  5. #NP ;p ~ Pitbull xP Krazy and Hotel room service??

  6. NP ; Super Junior ~ Mr. Simple, Bonamana, Sorry2 , and Shake it up >//w//

  7. Leon with.... cloud??

    1. Sigrun


      no. just no.

  8. from the dark to the light!!

  9. I'm never wear anything kingdom hearts cosplay because i'm never make it...
  10. from the dark to the light!!

    1. replika13



      white is black and black is white! right is wrong and wrong is right! ^^

  11. gawat !!! cirebon yang bagian sumbernya tuh mati lampu !! gawat (WOAO")W

  12. bye everyone love you all :*

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