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About XxPeanutxX

  • Birthday 08/22/1996

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  • Member Title
    Researcher For The HitchHikers Guide To the Galaxy.
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  1. I'm play as Sora, this is after Twilight Town where he says Sora's memories are a 'Train Wreck'. And its Re:Com.
  2. Yes, I have both versions of the game, and Im having trouble on Re:Come.
  3. Its the second time I've gotten stuck on Riku after Twilight Town. The first time was on the GBA version, now its the PS2 version. I need help guys, any certain cards? Moves? Way to dodge attacks advice you give?
  4. This is a lot like Facebook...Buts that just my opinion...

    1. Rob


      That was the purpose of this sites look.

    2. Rob


      That was the purpose of this sites look.

  5. Has anyone read the series?I've bought The Hitchhikers Ultimate Guide To The Galaxy with all five Originate books(No Eion Colfer installment) And Young Zaphod Plays it Safe. I haven't read much becuase I've been busy, but I wanna know if you guys have read it. What do you think?
  6. *Allows* :33 I'm not shocked your a Homestucker as well, we are always out there somewhere! Though I'm kinda behind, I barely started this week and only gotten to chapter 2, I'm currently the VW....Being Mayor of Can city..... I and my friend plan to Cosplay, She being Karkat and I being Dave...Or perhaps Jade.....I'm not sure yet, I have dirty blond,long hair so I'm going to have to buy a wig. But I thank you for the warm welcome
  7. I'm Peanut, I'm not new really. I've joined multiple sights are are just like this and use to all the functions and what not. I'm just here to chat. I'm Female, in highschool, and bored usually. I'm reading Homestuck, Ao No Exorcist/Blue Exorcist,Hitman Reborn,Naruto and One Piece. And watching Digimon Xros Wars,Angel Beats(Stuck on Episode Eight, keep getting side tracked),Durara(Barely finished episode one)....And thats kinda it for now. I'm going to be cosplaying, not all Kingdomhearts characters, but alot when I get the money for them. I think I'll be pretty okay.
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