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Everything posted by Rainfell

  1. good thing I pre-ordered mine about a month ago http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  2. Proud I would always play the other games in standard, but after playing BbS in proud, I decided to play them in that mode from now on. C:
  3. I was going to pre-order it at gamestop too, but when I went I was too late, they were all gone. I did pre-order it at Amazon though.
  4. the demo looks amazing! now I can't wait for the game to come out!! too bad riku wasn't in the demo :C

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rainfell


      haha I know, I'll try to be more active... and yes!! it would have!

    3. AnsemTheWise


      They're just holding back Riku's awesomeness for the full game. Don't wanna blow your mind too soon.

    4. Rainfell


      lol but know they're making me wait for 38 days, my mind will be blown by then

  5. I would love to see Spirited Away in KH
  6. I want to get the No Name Keyblade

    1. Lu Xun

      Lu Xun

      Then try your best against MF!

    2. Rainfell


      he's too hard and fast ;3;

  7. can't wait to read more, I'm really enjoing reading it thanks for the translation! poor Vani http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cry.png
  8. this is very sad ; 3; now I want to buy BbS vol. 3 where did you order the volume?
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